In a rare (and much needed ) turn of events, I had two rest days this week. I think my body was appreciative of the extra downtime. There are many people that say you can overtrain and I am really trying to avoid that. So I think this week happens to be a lower mileage week in the #DopeyChallenge training and it is coming at the right time.
I am really hoping that after this week, I can start adding the variety back in to my workouts that I had earlier in the summer. But between work, blogging and life I haven't had time to add the variety recently.
Hi Excuses! My name is Dani.
But as my schedule changes at work, I need to get creative to add in the runs I need plus some other fun stuff.
I will make it work!!
Plus, I think I am going to get a bike trainer for the fall/winter since we all know the bike is my weakest part of the triathlon so I need to work extra hard at it this offseason.
Thursday, September 5: REST DAY
Friday, September 6: 8-Mile Run

Saturday, September 7: 6.3-Mile Run

Sunday, September 8: Women's Sprint Triathlon (1/2 Mile Swim, 12 Mile Bike, 5k Run)

Monday, September 9: 4-Mile Run and 50-Min Spin

Tuesday, September 10: REST DAY
Wednesday, September 11: 4-Mile Run

Bring on the Rock 'n' Roll Philly Half on Sunday! :)