Three new products I've tried out recently and am digging:
1) Arctic Ease (Value $15.95 per wrap)
What is it?
I first heard about these wraps from Colleen at in April 2012 at her virtual run.

I LOVED being able to ice my knee without being tied down to a bed or couch. I wrapped it up and continued about my day as normal. It was awesome! PLUS, it is reusable (4-8 times per wrap). Say wha? I know!! :)
You just return the wrap to the pouch or plastic container, add 2 tbsps of water, reseal keep at room temperature and it will be good to use multiple times! It makes the $15.95 per wrap price tag a little easier to swallow when you know you can reuse it.
A couple of months back I reached out to Arctic Ease to see if I could score a sample so I could try them again and tell you all about them.

They were nice enough to send me 2 wraps - blue and red. At first I thought they were different types of wraps, but I think one was old packaging and one was new because everything else on the bottles read exactly the same.

The nice things about these wraps is that they can be used on ankles, knees, elbows, shoulders, wrists, feet and lower backs. Additionally, their website gives you step by step instructions on how to apply the wrap depending on the area of the body and the pain.
As the package states:
ARCTIC EASE administers therapeutic cold compression while conforming to the affected site. It'll stay in one place, even if you don't. It's suitable for sprains, arthritis, minor burns, bruises and muscle craps.
And besides being functional, it comes in six colors so you can coordinate with your outfit. ;)
(Note: I am wearing the red one on my right knee as I type this!)
2) Shower Pill (Value - $10 for a 10 pack)
What is it?
ShowerPill™ is the hygiene supplement designed to keep you fresh and clean while on-the-go. This large premium antibacterial body wipe is individually packaged to be discrete, yet versatile and big on performance.
So I had no idea what a hygiene supplement is so thankfully they explained it further on their website:
Just touched that doorknob? You should run to the sink, but grab hand sanitizer instead. Finished that tuna sandwich and forgot your toothbrush? Better pop a breath mint. Worked up a sweat during your midday workout? The ShowerPill™ Athletic Body Wipe™ will keep you fresh so that you can stay at your best all day long.
I was scrolling through Twitter the other night and all of a sudden the twitter handle - @ShowerPill - and was instantly intrigued. Many of you know I usually work out in between Weight Watchers meetings and I am always rushing to squeeze a rinse off before interacting with people. :P So I thought I had to give this a shot.

Shower Pill sent me a couple wipes to try and we IMMEDIATELY put them to good use. Why? Well, my wife couldn't shower for at least 48 hours after knee surgery last week and it was about 100 degrees out so we needed to help her sweaty self out. We used a Shower Pill wipe and it worked like a charm. Since she gave it a positive review, it was my turn.
On Tuesday, I had to fit in a run between meetings and was running late (shocker!) so it was Shower Pill to the rescue. I was pleasantly surprised. I didn't smell at all like I had just been covered in sweat a mere five minutes earlier.
Would I use them after every single workout, probably not. But, I will be keeping them on hand in my house and gym bag for emergencies. I'd rather use one of these than show up smelly. You never want to be the smelly kid. :P
Also, read how Shower Pill was invented - I found it entertaining! :)
3) ROAD ID App (Value - free)
To all my readers here that exercise outside (walking, jogging, prancercising, cycling, etc): I highly recommend you download the FREE Road ID iPhone app! It is still in BETA, but I downloaded it last weekend (find it here).
We all know I never leave home without my ROAD ID bracelet, which has contact information on it as well. BUT, the app will contact people FOR you.

Stock Photo From ROAD ID
You input up to 5 phone numbers into the app and the app will contact those people when you head out on a workout AND if you stop in one place for too long.
So on Saturday when I headed out for a run, I had to try it out. So the main screen allows you to note how long you will be going out for, which type of activity you are doing, etc.

Stock Photo From ROAD ID
I inputted just my wife's information and as I hit "start" on the app she received the following text:

So on Sunday, we wanted to text the "alert" feature so I went out for a run and told my wife that at the end I would keep my phone in one place for 5 minutes while I stretched - just so she didn't get worried something really happened. (Especially since she is laid up with a bum knee :P)
And here is what happened:

Once I was in one spot for 4 minutes, this timer started going off saying I had 1 minute left. It was LOUD. I could hear the alarm going off even with my headphones on, but I had to let it countdown. Once the timer hit zero, my wife received the text on the right.
I think this can be one amazing app and something I will definitely use in the future. Someone online mentioned theirs stopped running when they took a picture, but I took 3 pictures during the run and ROAD ID kept counting away. :)
Unfortunately it is just available for the iPhone, but I'm sure it will expand once it is out of BETA.
Have a Happy Thursday!! :)