We are just 3 months into my 30s and I already have a Top Ten list of moments that have happened!
Am I serious?
Hell yeah.
Since my 30th Birthday weekend in September, I have had some freakin' awesome experiences.
So I decided to share the Top 10 so here goes:
10) Climbing 2,000 stairs in honor of this blog's Facebook page hitting 2,000 likes
[embedplusvideo height="281" width="450" standard="http://www.youtube.com/v/vu2XJX5kk6A?fs=1" vars="ytid=vu2XJX5kk6A&width=450&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=" id="ep3115" /]
I still can't believe that happened and I am still so thankful for each Facebook like my little blog has!

9) Completing my first Warrior Dash the day before my 30th Birthday
(Yes, I am including anything that happened in my 30th birthday weekend as fair game ... my poetic license! ;))

On that day, I faced many fears, but the biggest one my fear of heights - by climbing up the Big Wall on a rope and climbing down the Big Wall via a ladder. At first I didn't trust my arm strength - or lack thereof - to get over the wall, but then as soon as I got to the top - it happened. The cape on my Batman socks got stuck and for a moment, I panicked and thought I would have to live atop the wall for the rest of my life.
8) Earning enough votes to join Got Chocolate's Milk Team REFUEL
I filmed a video at Fitbloggin' in September 2012 and begged, pleaded and went to social media to try and earn enough votes to make the team and on October 26 it was announced that I was in! YAY!
I couldn't thank everyone that voted for me enough.
I am honored to make the team and can't wait to see what comes next...
7) Being selected to run The 2013 Boston Marathon with Tedy's Team in honor of the American Stroke Association
I am running in honor of my Stroke Heroes - my grandparents - and am so thankful to be able to spread the risks/warning signs/tips about Strokes to the masses. As well as, raising $5,000 for the American Stroke Association.
So far I have raised just over $1,500... if you are interested in donating, you can do so here.
6) Attending Fitbloggin' and meeting some of my Social Media Icons in person
When I got home from Fitbloggin' I really didn't think I had deserved to be at a conference with such amazing bloggers, but since climbing out of my pit o' insecurity I realized I really did belong there. I was meant to go there, get out of my comfort zone, meet some of the most incredible people I know IN REAL LIFE and have my world changed forever.
Plus, it didn't hurt that I got to have one amazing road trip with Tara and Meegan, get amazing hugs from Alan and room with the phenomenal Sue, Steve & Kia (my bedmate)!
To pick a favorite moment from that weekend isn't possible - there are too many to list and just thinking about that time puts a big ass smile on my face!
Now is it time for Fitbloggin' 2013 yet? ;)
5) Appearing on Fox 25 News with Dr. Sherry Pagoto To Talk Weight Loss & Twitter
If you missed the segment, here's the video.
I never thought I would be in front of the camera. While working in PR, I was great at putting other people in front of the camera so it was a tad shock to be on the other side of the situation. But, boy was it fun!
I couldn't believe how quickly the 4-minutes segment went. It was over before I knew it.
I owe a huge thank you to Dr. Pagoto for suggesting me to be a part of the segment in the first place.

4) Something I NEVER EVER EVER thought would happen ... I tried on a bikini and shared the picture with the world
This definitely happened before my birthday, but it was tied in to the milestone of hitting 30 that I conquered the fear and finally walked in to Sports Authority and tried on a bikini.
The whole experience is documented here.

I still don't know if the bikini will see the light of day. But at Spin the other night my friend Linds said something that gave me a moment that maybe it may some day.
Linds: "I'm going to keep Spinning for every Pina Colada I will have in Aruba."
Dani: "Well I don't have a vacation coming up. So what am I pushing for?"
Linds: "To make sure you wear that bikini next summer."
Dani: "Hmmm..."
Anything's possible, right? ;)
3) On December 12, I hit the lowest weight since probably Junior High

I weighed in 0.4 lbs lower than the day I hit Goal (which was my previous low) on January 10, 2012 (153.8). Wow, I was so excited I started crying - not to the point of an ugly cry - but pretty close!
Hard work + Believing in yourself + Weight Watchers = Impossibilities become Possibilities
2) Savannah Marathon
2 feats: for beating my previous marathon time by more than 2 hours and for finishing in under 4 hours

Again - things I never thought possible actually happened. With each mile that passed in the race, every time I saw my dad cheering me on along the course, I got a little push that I could do it. That it just might happen.
And it did.
And after catching my breath (that took a lot longer than usual), I wept and wept - big happy tears. I had done it.
It comes down to this! The number one event since turning the Big 3-0 is...
Drum Roll Please

1) Hosting my own charity 5k for my 30th Birthday
Is anyone really shocked at this choice?
I didn't think so!

That day was one of the best of my life. I still can't get over that it really happened.
Feel free to relive it now - here.

And the great news is????
I'll be doing it AGAIN in 2013!
Wow, just reading this list again makes me so excited for what is still in store. I mean this was just the first 90 or so days of being 30 ... I have a lot more to go!
Are you 30? Have you had a decade or age you feared turning, but then it happened to be amazing?