Meet The Latest Member Of The Peloton #CenturyClub!

Hi! My name is Dani and I am a Peloton Addict!

For those that have been following my blog for some time know that I was a true Flywheel convert while living in Boston. So when we decided to take the job offer and move to Amsterdam I was really worried about what I would do to fill my Spinning need. :)

I had tried Rocycle - the spin studio here in Amsterdam - but I wasn't a huge fan. Too much choreography on the bike and not enough numbers! :P I need my Torq board or numbers to be able to really drive my workouts. Don't get me wrong there are times where I hide the numbers and focus on the journey, but I like the option to have the numbers,

Plus after being at Flywheel for so long, I couldn't handle the 3/4 of a turn or be a 7 out of 10 -- too subjective. ;) 

Before the move, Flywheel had JUST released their at home Spin bike. During this same time I started seriously looking into the Peloton. My colleague Kaitlin had been trying to convert me to Peloton for about three years and then my former boss bought one he was trying to get me on to Team Peloton. But I resisted. That was until Flywheel wasn't going to be an option.

Well I was most worried about relocating the bike abroad. I joined the Peloton Facebook group and ended up meeting people that had moved their bikes from the US to South Africa, Dublin and beyond. I was instantly sold.

So in November 2017, I bit the bullet and hit PURCHASE! Since it was Black Friday there was a deal and I got all of the accessories for free ($250 saving). The bike cost just under $2000 and the monthly subscription for unlimited classes & Beyond The Ride features is $40. Now I was paying about $25-28 a class for Flywheel so I knew I would make my money back quickly as long as I used the bike as often as I expected.

The bike arrived within a week and the 2 folks that delivered the bike set it up for me to make sure it was working properly.

Now the belt slit only a couple of rides in and the Peloton Customer Service acted quickly. Within 48 hours, 2 people were out to check on the bike. They found out it was a manufacturing issue so they took a brand new bike out of their truck and replaced my bike on the spot. Talk about GOOD customer service.

When it was time to ship our stuff to Amsterdam, I stressed to the moving company how important this bike was!! As a result, they gave it special packaging AND built it it's own case. :) 

It arrived to us on February 12 and I was reunited with it on February 17! I was so excited I rode for 54-consecutive days until we went out of town. :) We've had no issues with connectivity or streaming of classes.

I love the variety of classes Peloton offers: from 5 minutes to 120 minutes, HIIT workouts to Low Impact Rides and 60s to Today's Hits. The possibilities are endless. PLUS they have Live DJ rides which are AH-freakin-MAZING! There is a Live DJ in the room rocking the music.

You can also take live classes or ones On Demand. Live classes are a little more difficult for me being 6 hours ahead of NYC where they are filmed, but when I get the chance I take it. 

I took a live Live DJ Ride for my 50th ride and Jess King (instructor) gave me a shoutout for hitting 50 rides!! 

Additionally they offer Beyond The Ride classes which are core, arms, toning, yoga and stretching. They even have foam rolling videos you can watch. Seriously I have never spent this much time focusing on stretching.

My latest goal is to add 1 core video each day.

On Sunday, May 27, I had the honor of joining the #CenturyClub, which means I rocked my 100th cycling class.

While I didn't get a shoutout, the class was exactly what I needed. Ally leads a weekly #FeelGoodRide and each one leaves me feeling 1,000 times better. The purpose of this ride was to Let It Go... and yes that was the last song she played too. :) 

How awesome is our little Peloton corner?

Big thanks to the wife for helping me put this together.

My TreatYoSelf moment was to purchase these sweet leggings from the Peloton Boutique:

I know I sound like I am being paid by Peloton to promote the bike, but I'm not. I am just seriously indebted to this bike and the community that comes with it. I am happy I invested in myself back in November and made the purchase. We have easily gotten our money back and then some. :) 

Consistently working out on the Peloton has helped keep my anxiety in check and is reducing my stress levels. I'd be in much worse shape psychically, mentally and emotionally without the Peloton.

So if you are thinking of investing in the bike, I would totally recommend it! Any additional questions about the bike, let me know!