*Announcement* I Am A Momentum Jewelry Ambassador!

Ahhh I am WICKED excited to announce that I have been named a Momentum Jewelry Ambassador!!



Okay can you tell I'm pumped? ;)


Momentum Jewelry is a small women-owned business which produces all of their products in the USA. Momentum offers foot notes, wrap bracelets, suede cuffs, necklaces, headbands and earrings. These ladies are blending the fitness and fashion worlds seamlessly.

With endless possibilities of sayings for the wrap bracelets I felt overwhelmed when I picked out my first bracelet last year, but knew I wanted to go with a custom saying. But what custom saying would push me though a workout or pick me up during a tough emotional moment.


Yeah I’m kind of obvious. :P But this blog – this little slice of the internet – has changed my life in more ways than you can imagine. Thinking about sharing my life, workouts and adventures with all of you gives me a huge pick-me-up when feeling own and out. So I knew it was the perfect choice.

The above wrap is the oval motivational wrap with custom saying and teal wrap – value $25. A Motivational wrap without custom saying is $20. But with my newfound arm candy my feet were feeling pretty lonely. ;) Momentum Jewelry offers a single foot note ($10) or a pair ($17).


Sweet, right? In addition to great products filled with passion and love, Momentum believes in the importance of instilling a healthy lifestyle at an early age. So:

5% of our profits are donated to the national effort, Action for Healthy Kids. Founded in 2002, Action for Healthy Kids works with schools to fight the national epidemic of childhood obesity by teaching kids to live healthy, active lives. Learn more at www.actionforhealthykids.org

Pretty awesome!!

But wait... there's more!

As an ambassador I am able to offer all of you amazing folks a 10% discount when you use THIS LINK! heck yeah!

So what are you waiting for??? Go get yours now! :)

Looking for a Triathlon welcoming all levels? Look no further than Max Out Race Series! *Discount Codes*

I dipped my toe into the world of triathlons in August 2013. I remember feeling 100% out of place at the first Sprint tri I did. There were some other newbies there, but for the most part it was Elite athletes... like actual US Olympic team members. Then there was me. The girl hoping to just survive and not fall off during the bike portion.

It wasn't really the welcome I wanted into the triathlon world. Since then I've been more careful when choosing which triathlons I take part in.

It was in 2014 that I found the Max Out Race Series and I felt at home.


I competed in the Buzzards Bay Sprint Tri in September 2014. It was an awesome experience. Not only was the race flat and fast, but it was super welcoming to participants of all levels. It was actually the week after my first Half Ironman and it was cool to see so many folks from that race at the Buzzards Bay tri as well.


What sets Max Out Race Series apart from other race series?

^ Excellent Goodie Bags - with comfy sublimated tech shirts (that you can actually train in :), logo race belts, transition towels and water bottles waiting for you at the finish line!

^ Chip Timing - Live Results posted on site & online so your family can track you while at home.  Results posted to your social media outlets.  Plus, we have searchable Results online so you can keep tabs on your competitors.

^ Post-race Food Festival - complimentary feast for all triathletes; hey, you’’ve earned it (delicious offerings such as pulled pork, veggie burgers, salad, grilled chicken rice/beans, coleslaw,  oven fired pizza and more!)

^ Commemorative Water Bottles - waiting for you at the finish line, emblazoned with the race logo – you’’ll want to hang onto to this one – it’s made by the experts at Specialized.

^ Certified Bike Mechanic (on site) - support for pre-race, on-course and post-race needs, courtesy of Spark Bike Run Sports in East Taunton, MA.

^ Inspiration Station - all supplies are provided for a family member or friend to create a fun sign to help you notice them and get inspired at the same time!

^ Charity Benefits - Max partnered with some great organizations, including the Alzheimer’’s Association, Water.org and other local charities.

^ Sponsor Giveaways - e.g. Xterra wetsuits, bike trainers, sunglasses, oh….did you hear about our Bike Giveaway?!


So it's my pleasure to announce that I am partnering up with Max Out Race Series for the 2015 season and YOU win. How? By being able to save $12 on registration for the two triathlons that I will be participating in!!

Escape the Cape Triathlon on June 13


Distance: 1/3 Mile Swim, 10 Mile Bike, 3.1 Mile Run

Use code: WOMSESCAPE15 (expires May 2)


Title IX Women Only Sprint Triathlon on September 13


Distance: 1/4 Mile Swim, 10 Mile Bike, 3.1 Mile Run

Use code: WOMST915 (expires June 1)
So who will be joining me at either the Escape the Cape and/or Title IX Women Only Triathlon?

Face It Friday: Shocking Weigh-In, Being Sick & Staying Mindful

I'd been feeling pretty rough - coughy, fatigued, etc - for about four days or so before I finally took the advice of my loved ones and headed to the Minute Clinic on Tuesday. It was there I received my diagnosis: bronchitis. Oof! With a diagnosis came meds. There really isn't any way to track my cough drops or meds in eTools so I just took what was needed and trusted the process.

Another side effect of being sick: limited activity. Now I was still moving since the doctor said it was helpful to breaking up the mucus, but not like I usually do. So far in 2015, I've averaged about 90-105 Activity Points per week.

This week? 63.

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So I had no idea what to expect on the scale. I assumed I'd gain since that is what normally happens when I am sick.

I made the call that I would once again step on the scale no matter what.



Say wha???

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I was speechless! This is the lowest weight I have been since 6th grade. Yes junior high. My previous low with WW was 153.4, which happened twice.

Now I know there could be many factors into the weigh-in this week. But for now I am going to thank the Scale Gods and move right along.

Do I know if the scale will balance back out next week? Who knows. But worrying about future weigh-ins has never helped me in the past... so why start now?

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I am going to bask in my ability to stay mindful with my food choices this week. Normally when sick I use it as an excuse to eat whatever I want because my "body needs it."

How did I check in to make sure my food cravings/desires were real or not?

I took a line from one of my WW members and asked myself:

Am I feeding my brain or my stomach?

This gave me the 10-15 seconds to realize that I really only wanted X because it sounded good NOT because it would help me get better. Thank you awareness!! :)

I also give a big ups to tracking, which also held me accountable during the week when I had more downtime than usual. Man when I am not working out I really have a lot of time to mindlessly eat! :P

So this upcoming week I will stay the course and keep doing what I'm doing!


Do you track while you are sick?

Which cities will I be Rockin' & Rollin' through in 2015?

Recently I was asked: "What goes into your decision to choose a particular race to participate in?"


Well, I would say my Top Five criteria would be:

1) Bling ... race swag in general can be considered!

2) Location ... especially if I'm considering a destination race (aka racecation)!

3) Post-race celebration ... aka beer selection (from race itself or the city)!

4) Friends ... who can I potentially run with or hang out with at the run! Oh and who will let me crash on their couch to save $$$! ;)

5) Race Atmosphere ... including race organizers, entertainment during the race, etc!


So which race series fills each of my criteria?

The Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Series, which is why I am honored to be an official ambassador for the race for the second-straight year. Heeyy-oo to my fellow #RockNBlog members.


I've been participating in RnR races since I rekindled the love of running after back surgery in 2011.

You're probably wondering which cities I've Rocked and Rolled through. Well I'm happy to share. ;) If you click on the year below, you will be taken directly to the recap for that race.


*Brooklyn (10k) - 2013 - a one time race

*Chicago (Half) - 2011 and 2012

*Los Angeles (Half) - 2013

*Nashville (Full) - 2014

*New Orleans (Half) - 2014

*Philadelphia (Half) - 2013 - where I set my current Half PR (1:44:12)

*Providence (Half) - 2012 and 2013 - no longer in existence :(

*Savannah (Full) - 2012 - where I set my current Full PR (3:58:49)


Wow! I have really taken advantage of the RnR Series to see some of the best cities in the US.


So where will 2015 take me?

*San Diego - May 30-31 - for the 5k and the Full


*Philadelphia - October 31 - possibly. This is still a wild card. I would love to return to the city of my PR if $$ can work out!

*Brooklyn - October 10 - for the all-new half marathon!!!

*Savannah - November 7-8 - for the Full and the 5k. Excited to try and go for a new marathon PR! The city was absolutely a BLAST when we went in 2012 and I can't wait to go back.


If you are thinking about signing up for a Rock 'n' Roll race, be sure to use my discount code to help save some $$ for the post-race beer! ;)


And now the big question... which city will I see you in during the 2015 season?



Keepin' Focused: Cutting A Run Short, Rockin' & Rollin' with Meb & Being Sick

Getting sick was inevitable. The wife has been sick with something for over a week and it was only time that I would catch it!


It just happened to take place when I was having a deload week for marathon training.

What is a "deload" week? Well it's when someone wiser and smarter tells you to take the training down a peg to help your body recover. Thank goodness I have John, the Tedy's Team coach, to be that person in my life. After posting 44.6 miles the previous week - in part because of the Glass Slipper Challenge plus 5k in Disney - it was time to dial the training back.

So this past week I took a step back, reduced the miles and added in some additional swimming and biking.

And you know what? The body felt amazing!! I did all of my runs on the treadmill to make sure I didn't push the pace. Something that inevitably happens when I run outside. I just get so excited to run. :P

Sunday, March 1: 90 min bike trainer session and 5k run Monday, March 2: 5k run and 50-minute Spin class Tuesday, March 3: 2 mile run and 1.1 mile swim Wednesday, March 4: 2 mile run Thursday, March 5: 1.8 mile run Friday, March 6: 30 min bike trainer session and 3 mile run Saturday, March 7: 5 mile run

I was aiming for 10 miles today, but the body felt otherwise. I saw John at the first water stop and he nicely told me to cut the run, turn around and get home to bed.


I knew he was right, but it was still hard to do. The sun was shining and since I had pulled back the training this week the legs were ready to get out and face Heartbreak Hill. Breathing however was wicked difficult and it was time to play it safe. Especially with an 18-miler on the schedule for next Saturday.

But the run couldn't end without a nice mid-run bathroom photo. Thanks for the mirror Holiday Inn in Brookline. :P


I begrudgingly texted the wife to come pick me up and we headed to CVS to pick up some more meds and tissues.

So now I am tucked into bed and trying to figure out how to do this whole "resting" thing. Anyone have ideas?

I'm thinking some Disney movies are a must... but which one to start with?

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And doing some more research on the Rock 'n' Roll San Diego Marathon I'll be doing in May.

I'm psyched to pick up a special Finisher's Jacket after the run...


... and possibly hanging out with fellow Boston Marathon Finisher Meb.


Oh I know you all know I'm honored to be running my 3rd Boston with Tedy's Team this year, but you may not have heard of this guy Meb. He finishes just a tad before me. ;) Okay okay! He finishes and has enough time to grab a shower, eat lunch and run another marathon before I finish. But we both cross the same Finish Line!

Can't wait to get a great high-five from him in the MEB Zone in San Diego.



Alright alright I will go rest. But first a few sweet/funny moments from this past week!

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Woo! Pretty excited to be recognized for my selfie skills...


Hahahaha!!! Anyone relate?




How do you handle being sick?

And My Fall 2015 Marathon Will Be...

... drum roll please? C'mon folks! Someone give me a little National Lampoon Christmas Vacation drum roll action!


Ahhh I crack myself up.


I will be proudly representing Team Chocolate Milk while tackling my ninth full marathon in...

Are you getting excited?

On the edge of your seat?

Wondering what I will say next?

Well without further adieu the location is...



That's right! I am happily returning to the scene of my second full marathon (November 2012) and location where I set my current PR and recorded my (so far) only sub-4 marathon.


At this point, I will be shooting to PR once again in Savannah as I feel like I am a stronger runner three years later.


However I will say I was pretty proud of my decently even splits back in 2012. I know the end I lost steam, the weather turned hot (uncharacteristically warm that weekend) and I was in my own head.




NOW I am currently still in the lottery for NYC Marathon (November 1) so if I get in to that it may refocus my goals for Savannah, but for now I would like to focus on another sub-4 there.

The course is nice and flat!!


PLUS Savannah was an amazing city to explore.


My marathons update:

1. September 24, 2006 – Clarence De Mar – 5:59:27

2. November 3, 2012 – Rock ‘n’ Roll Savannah – 3:58:49

3. April 15, 2013 – 117th Boston Marathon – 4:04:08

4. January 12, 2014 – Walt Disney World Marathon – 4:45:57

5. April 21, 2014 – 118th Boston Marathon – 5:31:18

6. April 26, 2014 – Rock ‘n’ Roll Nashville – 4:42:12

7. April 20, 2015 – 119th Boston Marathon – TBD

8. May 31, 2015 – Rock 'n' Roll San Diego – TBD

9. November 7, 2015 – Rock 'n' Roll Savannah – TBD


Have you rocked and rolled your way through Savannah?


My First Run Disney Princess Weekend: #PrincessTweetup, Course Maps & Costume Sneak Peek

I am loving and hating that Princess weekend is mere days away.


How could I be hating this amazing news as Boston is up to 85 inches of snow in the past three weeks?

Well it means my vacations and Run Disney races will already be over for 2015. :P

The wife and I traveled to Disneyland for the first time in January for the inaugural Star Wars race weekend. It was a BLAST!


This would be stop 1 on our first Coast 2 Coast adventure.

Now we head to Disney on Thursday (!!!!!) for the Princess weekend.


I will be completing all three races (shocking I know) - 5k, 10k and Half - while the wife will be going for the #GlassSlipperChallenge (10k and Half).

So on Sunday I will be able to take a pic with all 9 of my Run Disney medals from 2015! Hollah! Boy I cannot wait for that Castle pic. :)

But I am getting ahead of myself.

For those that don't know the Princess race weekend will be our 4th Run Disney weekend. I know - many folks feel like I have done dozens of them, but I guess that means I just talk about them a lot? ;)

I did Disney Half 2013, Dopey Challenge 2014, Star Wars 2015 and now Princess 2015. I think we have our eyes set on Star Wars and Wine and Dine for 2016. Again getting ahead of myself.

We will be heading to Disney from February 19-24. It was actually cheaper for us to stay at Disney an extra night than try and take a flight home after the half (Sunday) or on Monday. Cheaper meaning hotel + park ticket + dogs in the Pooch hotel additional night < Flying home Sunday or Monday. Crazy! So yes spending the extra time in the warmth at Disney was a no-brainer. :)

Am I right?

We have our hotel (Saratoga Springs), magic bands, park hopper passes, dining reservations and Fastpasses locked and loaded!


Dining Reservations (for dinner unless noted otherwise):

Thursday - Raglan Road Irish Pub (Downtown Disney) Friday - Hollywood Brown Derby (Hollywood Studios) Saturday - Sci-Fi Dine-In Theatre (Hollywood Studios) Sunday - Mama Melrose's Ristorante Italiano (Hollywood Studios) Monday - 'Ohana (character breakfast - Polynesian Resort) & Coral Reef (Epcot)



Pending flights we plan on hitting up the Expo on Thursday! I don't have any "must-haves" this time around besides a Glass Slipper Challenge magnet for my fridge. I would love the jacket, but if Star Wars Expo was any indiction - it will be long gone by the time I get there.



Now in addition to checking out the parks and running 22.4 magical miles, I will also be co-hosting a meetup/tweetup. Complete with prizes.


My good friend Kat from KatrinaElle.com lives in the area and while she isn't running she was more than happy to team up and share some hugs, high-fives and laughs with me anyway! Oh and everyone that attends as well. ;)

So be sure to join us Saturday, Feb 21 from 1-3 at the carousel at Downtown Disney.

Make sure you are there... or you won't be there and you won't be having as much fun! :P

Oh oh oh and you don't HAVE to have twitter or be running the races to attend. This is an opportunity for all social media friends to meet in person.


Course Maps

While I am not one to normally look at course maps ahead of time (why take the surprise out of it ;)) I do like to check out what parks the races will go through.




princes half

I am looking forward to seeing which characters they bring out for Princess. I know during Marathon weekend there was a whole variety of Disney characters, while Star Wars was solely Star Wars characters.

I've searched the web and stalked friends' photos and it looks like they have princesses and villians, as well as staple Disney characters (Mickey, Minnie, etc) dressed up to match the theme.

Ahhhh yay!! Character stops are one of my favorite pars of the Disney races.

I am very excited to once again be in Corral A for all 3 races so I am once again charging myself with stopping at every character stop no matter the line. :)


Costume Sneak Peak

I think this is the portion everyone has been waiting for. We know my wife brings it when it comes to costume making. Now we are a tad behind on construction due to those pesky blizzards, but I have some sneak peeks for you all.

You know I love you guys.

Now I won't say what the costumes are, but will let you leave comments with your guesses. :)







Anyone have any guesses???? :)


Ahh okay typing this all up has made me even MORE excited! I am thrilled to check out another Run Disney weekend.

Will you be at Run Disney Princess Weekend? Have you done it before? What can you share with this newbie Princess?

The Refresh, Revive, Remix Celebration at Athleta Newbury Street

Running clothes... Snacks... Champagne... Massages... You had me at - well - all of that!!

I had the honor of attending the Refresh, Revive, Remix Celebration Party at Athleta Newbury Street with my friend Susan from Lifestyle of a Fashionista.


Susan and I arrived at Athleta ready to get our shop on. Now I am not one to normally enjoy shopping - okay I rarely enjoy shopping - but with the entire Athleta store at my disposal... my attitude changed. It's like Athleta After Dark.


In addition to the amenities, Athleta would be giving us a sneak peek at their new arrivals.


Before we started trying on clothes, we took a lap around to meet some of the great companies in attendance.

First up was a stop for some snacks from b.good and a little champagne.



Cocobeet is Boston's original organic juice bar (online delivery available, store coming soon).

Bringing fresh cold-pressed juices, superfood smoothies, raw vegan fare, and detox juice cleanses to the Boston community. Our ingredients reflect our healthy values: organic, raw, vegan, gluten-free, non-GMO, non-HPP, and locally sourced.

Since I was already drinking my water, I opted to bring a couple of hint water bottles home with me. The watermelon water was tasty!


Since I had to postpone my massage earlier in the week, I was happy to take advantage of the free chair massage from the Joint Venture physical therapists. Oh boy it was a treat. Yes 10 minutes was all my upper body needed. Okay it could've taken an hour if available, but I appreciated 10 minutes. :)

Finally we chatted with Cassie from Beautycounter.


Beautycounter is an up-and-coming skincare line. Thankfully Susan is the fashion blogger so I let her take the lead with this convo. ;) I know nothing about makeup.

After making the rounds, it was time to try on some of the amazing clothes available.


I wanted this entire ensemble... including the abs! Apparently abs sold separately? #Rude :P

While I wanted to try everything on, I tried to be realistic in what I brought into the dressing room.


Up First? Floral Fade Sonar Capri ($74, size medium)



The super-sleek, wicking capri with compression fabric to give you a flattering fit for every run and training session.

Oh boy did I immediately fall in love with these. I knew as soon as I put them on that they would be coming home with me. The wide waistband on the capris limit slipping or riding down while running - which I really appreciate.

Rear pocket to stash my key/ID. Machine washable AND dry!

I tried on the green tank as well, but wasn't a fan. Style: Mesh Chi Tank ($44, size large)

Second Up? Gel Chaturanga™ Capri ($64, size medium)


A spliced-in gel print adds flash to your workouts in our favorite Chat style.

I really wanted to like these pants, but I didn't feel "it" when I slipped them on. They felt fine, but not enough for me to bring them home.

I thought the design would make me feel wide or self-conscious, but that wasn't it.

They had the wide waistband, hidden key pocket and are rated UPF 50+ - all amazing.

NOW if these were to randomly show up at my house, I would not send them away. ;)

Third Up? Sting Be Free Tight (on sale $59.99, size medium)



Now these pants are WAAAYYY out of my comfort zone! I'm not one to normally pick up such a bold-color pant.

But they had me at pockets!! Yes these pants offer pockets on the side that can hold my phone and fuel.

They are mid-rise, which is something I like in my running tights since they don't tend to ride down like other pants. They are lightweight, sleek and stretchy - all pluses.

I also love that most Athleta pants also have the mesh inserts for ventilation.

Now when I first put these on I thought they were super baggy and was really confused why they were bunching at the end. Yeah I had put on a Large. Once I went down a size to the medium they fit like a glove and the bunching was gone.

Thanks to some convincing from Susan these also made it into my cart.


The last time I attended an Athleta After Hours event I walked away with three pairs of pants. Sooo going home with two was an improvement for my wallet. :P

I highly recommend that everyone check out their closest Athleta or Athleta.com. (They do have plus sizes available on their website) I really like the durability of their clothing AND their dedication to empowering women through their Power to the She movement.

Yes it is still a little pricey, but you get your money's worth.

PLUS, if you feel good while running or working out, you perform better and are more apt to keep the movement going. So splurge! ;)


Have you tapped in to the #PowerToTheShe at Athleta?