Weekly Workout Wind Up (9/12-18/13)

Well with a race and weekend away this was pretty much an all running week, which I expected. I didn't expect to be so wiped when I got back from Philly that I would REALLY take advantage of the rest day on Tuesday. But I made up for it on Wednesday. I am really hoping that with a lower key weekend coming up I can plan a more well rounded week of workouts for next week. I miss running stairs. I miss my Jillian Michaels DVDs. I miss swimming. I miss Spinning. I miss all those after 1 week. ;)

Thursday, September 12: 5k Run


Friday, September 13: TRAVEL DAY to RnR race in Philly


Saturday, September 14: 3-Mile Run


Sunday, September 15: RnR Philly Half Marathon (PR 1:44:12)


Monday, September 16: Virtual Birthday 5k


Tuesday, September 17: REST DAY


Wednesday, September 18: 4-Mile Run, 35-Min Stairmaster, 30-Min Elliptical & 2.6-Mile Run




5-mile Trail Race on Saturday - let's hope I come out of it injury free! :)

Want to run Rock 'n' Roll Providence?

Annddddd the winner IS:

a Rafflecopter giveaway CONGRATS!!!! Thank you to everyone that participated and big thanks to our Sponsor!!!


I think we can all agree I enjoy the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon series races.

Thanks to Team Refuel I had the opportunity last week to give away a free entry to RnR Philly (Half), which I will be running on September 15.

But, now the lovely folks at the RnR Marathon Group have given me a free entry to RnR Providence (Half) to give away!



I love being able to give people free entries to races that I love ... and will be running as well. :)

The RnR Providence race will take place on Sunday, September 29 at 7am ET.

Now, I was lucky enough to do this race last year after prodding from my friends. Yup they got me with "well it is $13 off if you sign up today!"



Here's my full recap from last year.

I'll wait while you check it out.

All done?


You can see that I had been going for a PR, but did NOT expect so many darn hills. Apparently I forgot that Providence was a hilly city especially by Brown University (aka the Mile 4 region).

But despite lots of hills and some bands missing from the course it was a fun race last year.

My friend Colleen was trying to pace me to a PR, but it was nice to have someone to run with. I so often race/train by myself that I forget how fun it is to have someone with you every step of the way.


I may not have PRed but had a great time overall. Plus the finish (is on a hill), but you run towards the Capital building, which is definitely a scene.

Afterwards they even have a booth set up where you can pay $20 to have your medal engraved on the spot...


... which I do at every RnR race where it is available.

So you are so amped to possibly run this race you just want me to get to the giveaway part? Okay here goes:

The giveaway will run from Monday September 9 (9:30am ET) through Friday September 13 (9:30am ET)!

The winner will be selected and announced on Friday!

Weekly Workout Wind Up (9/5-11/13)

In a rare (and much needed ) turn of events, I had two rest days this week. I think my body was appreciative of the extra downtime. There are many people that say you can overtrain and I am really trying to avoid that. So I think this week happens to be a lower mileage week in the #DopeyChallenge training and it is coming at the right time. I am really hoping that after this week, I can start adding the variety back in to my workouts that I had earlier in the summer. But between work, blogging and life I haven't had time to add the variety recently.

Hi Excuses! My name is Dani.

But as my schedule changes at work, I need to get creative to add in the runs I need plus some other fun stuff.

I will make it work!!

Plus, I think I am going to get a bike trainer for the fall/winter since we all know the bike is my weakest part of the triathlon so I need to work extra hard at it this offseason.


Thursday, September 5: REST DAY


Friday, September 6: 8-Mile Run


Saturday, September 7: 6.3-Mile Run


Sunday, September 8: Women's Sprint Triathlon (1/2 Mile Swim, 12 Mile Bike, 5k Run)


Monday, September 9: 4-Mile Run and 50-Min Spin



Tuesday, September 10: REST DAY


Wednesday, September 11: 4-Mile Run



Bring on the Rock 'n' Roll Philly Half on Sunday! :)

I need to ask myself: "How Are You Doing?"

For some reason today was a tough day. I really don't know why. I woke up and felt like a truck ran me over. My wife thinks it was a "second day hangover" from an exceptionally long day on Sunday, which included over 4 hours in the car.

Maybe that was it.

Or maybe it was something else.

I just felt off all day.

I made a comment how I wish I could just hide in my bed all day snuggling with the pups. How could I not - look at those faces!


Okay old pic, but still.

They can brighten any day.

But I didn't have time. I had three Weight Watchers meetings today and if I don't show up 1) members are upset and 2) I don't get paid.

I truly think at the heart of the matter is that I am tired.

I am trying to make the best of my life, but wearing myself out at the same time.

It is very very hard to take a day off from Weight Watchers since 1) I lead so many meetings finding coverage is usually impossible, 2) I feel bad if I have to reschedule a meeting and 2) I lose out on money if I take a day off.

So taking a day off during the week is nearly impossible.

Now I am not complaining - even though it sounds like I am. I like my job and am lucky with the flexibility, but sometimes I miss being in an office and having sick days/reasonable number of vacation days that were easy to use.

Which leaves the weekends for me to relax.

Wellll not so much if I am always on the go for races and training runs.

Again, not complaining. Most of the time I am signing myself up for these things, but I love doing them. I love lacing up the sneakers, meeting new people and pushing my body to a level it doesn't thin it can go to.

But either way it is taxing.

I honestly can't remember the last time I had an entire day off from work or training.

I need to learn how to build those in, but for now I need to make the most of the little downtime I do have.

I must force myself to go to bed earlier - even though I have blogging/emails/tweets/etc to respond back to.

Those can wait.

I need to start putting myself first.

I am the best at asking how others are doing. My members. My readers. My friends. My family.

But I forget to check in with me.

It isn't until I get pushed past the point of exhaustion that I realize "Wow I need a break."

Before my blog I wouldn't have allowed myself to own these feelings.

I mean I do not work long hours anymore. I do not work 100 days straight anymore. I left that lifestyle behind.

But it's like I am making up for it now. I am trying to jam as much fun as possible into my schedule.

I may be paying the price now.

It may not happen until November, but I promise that as soon as I can I will take 1 day completely to myself.

In the meantime, I will keep pushing to figure out where I need to make a change...

Back2Basics Challenge

Following the Aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombings in April, I felt that I turned a little too much to food for emotional help. It was then just hard to get back in a groove for May, June and especially July. I know the super is toughest, but after four summers you think I would have some sort of handle on it. Well, apparently I don't. That's okay. It's feedback not failure. So near the end of July I started seriously tracking again. I went so far as to actually turn to paper tracking (not just using the WW website/app). I know right? Crazy. But it worked. I tracked for 22 consecutive days on paper and got back to my lowest weight as an adult - 153.4 - that I had only seen once previously (December 2012).

I was feeling AWESOME.

During many of my Weight Watchers meetings last week, I was noticing that people were having the "ugh" feelings I had over the summer. Well, getting Back 2 Basics works for me when I need a kick in the pants that I thought it may work for my groups too. For a few groups, I let them design their own Back 2 Basics challenges since they know their group needs best. But for others I went with my favorite Back 2 Basics tactics.

So here goes...

If you are someone looking for to refocus your weight loss/healthy eating efforts and need a supportive group of folks to help, this challenge is for you. Please know you DO NOT need to be a WW member to participate in this challenge. These work for anyone that is looking for help.

In addition to the challenges that will be listed below, we also have a private FB group where you can post questions or share any thoughts you want. Additionally, there will be a google excel spreadsheet where you can add your name and keep track of how often you complete that week's task.


So what are the 6 topics you may ask, here they are:


Week 1: Track - 9/9

Define for yourself what that entails. You can use Weight Watchers, MyFitnessPal, a journal, a post-it note - anything that will help you pause before you eat something and ask: "Is it really worth it?"

If you are someone who is already tracking/writing down your food, feel free to try a different way to track or give pre-tracking a try (writing down what you will have before you eat it - day before, hours before, etc).

Some people may also want to set reminders on your phone or computer. Let's say you eat breakfast at 8. Have the reminder pop up at 8:30 saying "Have you tracked your breakfast yet?" Then you won't forget later in the day.

GOAL WITH TRACKING is progress not perfection so aim to track at least 5 out of the 7 days this week!

Week 2: Weigh & Measure - 9/16

Oh boy does this bring me back to reality when I start to stray. ;) Measuring cups and food scales don't lie. A serving size is a serving size. :P

If you have measuring spoons and cups or a food scale, take them on out. Keep them in a more visible location than say the back of the "junk" drawer of your kitchen.

I like to keep my food scale right next to my blender and toaster so I see it whenever I am in the kitchen.

Many of us weight and measure right at the beginning of our journeys but it is one of the first things to fall by the way side when it gets "annoying." So make it a game. See if you can guess the weight/serving size before you use your tools. That sounds fun right? Okay work with me - it will get you to get back into the routine of doing it.

Plus the more we weigh and measure at home the better we will be out at restaurants, etc. :)

Week 3: Good Health Guidelines - 9/23

Now this is a Weight Watchers concept, but they can be translated to anyone. The GHGs help create a more well-balanced diet as one focuses on making sure to get enough liquid (water, non-booze), healthy oils, fruits/veggies, dairy/dairy substitutes, lean meats and whole grains.

Are you focusing too much on fruits/veggies and not getting enough lean meats? Then make that your priority for the week.

But how will we know what we are missing? Tracking. Take this time to look back at the first two weeks of tracking and see where you need to make some slight adjustments. Take a look and make a game plan for Week Three.

Maybe lunch you can add some whole grains or replace the afternoon snack of popcorn with some veggies.

Week 4: Try A New Food Or Recipe - 9/30

Humans tend to eat the same 15-20 items all the time. Hellooooo boring. ;)

Sometimes when we take a "relaxed adherence to our plan" it is the lack of variety has finally taken its toll.

We can only have oatmeal for breakfast so many times before we declare we NEVER want to see oatmeal again in our life. :P

So this week, try as many new food or recipes as you want.

Have you been thinking about trying a purple pepper, but just don't know what to do with it? Have you toyed around with the idea of sampling a garden burger? Find a friend and give 'em a try! Or just hit up google to find a fun new recipe that uses that purple pepper.

Week 5: Drink Water - 10/7

I personally LOVE water, but I just forget to drink it. I bought the Plant Nanny app on my iPhone for I think 99 cents and it has changed my life. It gives me a goal amount of water every day, I enter it into the app each time I drink water and my little animated plant grows. Ahhh! Cute! If I don't hit my goal or don't log my water the plant becomes sick and dies. Pressure! It seems so simple, but it works for me.

What do you need to do drink more water? Keep a water bottle with you at all times, make yourself drink a bottle of water before each meal or snack, add flavor to your water to make it less bland, etc.

Week 6: Move More Or Try A New Exercise - 10/14

Not only can we get into a rut with our eating it can happen with our exercise routines as well. So maybe this week you will finally try that Zumba class you wanted to or you buy that workout DVD you've had your eye on.

Variety is the spice of life.

If you are not a gym rat, that's fine. ALL movement counts!!! So this week you could challenge yourself to only take the stairs for the entire week.

We are heading towards winter so maybe start experimenting with new activities that will work for you once the snow/cold weather come. Do you have indoor activities prepared for the bad weather? Let's find some together!!


So there are the six weeks of tasks. We work on one small change each week so that we can head into the Holiday Season remotivated, refocused and rejuvenated.

Does this sound like a plan to you?

If so, please free to send me an email - dani@weightoffmyshoulders.com - with your full name and we will get you the info to be added to our FB group.

If you are already in the FB group from the last challenge, just hang out and add your name to the Google Doc when it is posted.

Let's Do This Folks!! :)

Women's Triathlon In Less Than 24 Hours

I am sounding like a broken record because I keep saying "I never thought x, y or z would happen." Yet here I am again. :P I am once again less than 24 hours away from a Sprint Triathlon.

Obviously this isn't my first one - Boston Triathlon holds that record.


Many of my friends told me after that first triathlon I'd be hooked.

And gosh darn it they were right. Ugh - I hate when my friends are right.

As soon as I finished that first Sprint Tri in August 4 of this year, I was looking for more.

But I couldn't find anything that would fit into my schedule.

Then I connected with the Hartford Marathon Foundation (HMF) which puts on the Women's Triathlon - an all female Sprint Triathlon on Sunday, September 8 in Hartford, CT.


They offered me a complimentary entry and I couldn't pass it up.

Now my problem is I accept these things before I think about the logisitcs. :P Hartford is a good 1.5 to 2 hours away from Boston, where I live. The race kicks off at 7:30am.

Yes you guessed it. It will be one early morning at the Holmes-Kirk household.

I also haven't been out on Roxie (my bike) since the Boston Triathlon (over a month ago) and only swam (1/2 a mile) once since the triathlon.

Sooo to say I am undertrained is an understatement, but I am excited to get out there and take part in such a meaningful event.

The Sprint Tri is 1/2 mile swim, 12 mile bike and 5k run.

I got the swim and run covered. I have biked as high as 23 miles so I know I can do the distance - I just hope I can keep a decent speed.

I know in my heart of hearts that I can complete all 3 parts and the race itself. I am just trying to STOP putting pressure on myself to finish in a certain amount of time.


Because self-imposed pressure is unhelpful.

Plus, as long as I finish it is a PR since this is a new Sprint Tri distance for me ... so there self. :)

After filming the latest Dani Dishes vlog about women being unsupportive of other women's exercise choices I hope to have my faith in women restored at this race.

So anyone out there racing it with me, don't disappoint.

When I sit down and think what my objectives for the race are they are as simple as the first triathlon:

1) Have fun!

2) Finish

3) Don't fall off the bike

It seems like I am giving myself tangle goals here, right?

OOHHH and guess what? guess what?

Okay no! You are all wrong. Silence is incorrect.

After the race I get to have lunch and beer with my boy Martinus from 300 pounds and running!! Ahhhh! I haven't seen him since Fitbloggin' in Portland in June! :)



Will I see you out on the course at the Women's Triathlon tomorrow?

Want to Run, Rock & Roll through Philly with me?

Annddddd the winner IS:

a Rafflecopter giveaway CONGRATS!!!! Thank you to everyone that participated and big thanks to our Sponsor!!!


Sooo... I announced on this week's episode of Dani Dishes (my weekly vlog) that I was lucky enough (thanks to all of your votes) to make Got Chocolate Milk's Team Refuel once again. Well, this amazing opportunity allows me to run Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Series races around the country ... but now it can help YOU out too. How? Why? What? Crazy talk Dani! Nope. I'm serious. *** I LOVE the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Series. I participated in 2 in 2011 (both in Chicago) and 3 of their races in 2012.



I have done the RnR Tuneup 5k in Chicago




RnR Chicago Half twice (2011 and 2012),




2011 (left) & 2012 (right)

Providence Half


and Savannah Full.


There are many reasons why I like the RnR Series ... here are a few: *Well Organized *AWESOME medals *You get extra medals the more RnR races you participate in in a calendar year (hello extra bling) *Great crowds *Amazing music along the course to keep you pumped *** In 2013 I will be running in 4 Rock 'n' Roll races in 2013: Philadelphia, Providence, Brooklyn & Los Angeles. On September 15 (the day before my 31st birthday), I will be representing Team Refuel the Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon in Philadelphia.


This will actually be my first trip to Philly and I cannot wait. Well, Team Refuel has provided me with a sweet little prize pack for one lucky blog reader in the Philly area. YOU could win a Refuel visor, VIP access to the Start/Finish line AND a FREE entry into the race!! Whhaaa??? YAY!! So here’s how to enter:

The giveaway will run from Friday August 30 (10am ET) through Friday September 6 (10am ET)!

The winner will be selected and announced on Friday!

Three Things Thursday

Most of the time my mind wanders from topic to topic and problem to problem and I don't see making an entire blog post about it so I kind of like having the option of doing a little this and that type post. So a Three Things Thursday or a Friday Favorites works for me. PLUS I love alliteration. ;) I am just a dork like that. ***

1) Someone asked me yesterday why I race so much. Well I think the obvious answer would be that I like it. ;) I have grown to love pinning the race bib on my shirt or pant leg, getting in the mix with everyone pre race and just going out there and having fun. I soak up every moment from the start to the finish. Plus, I love a good t-shirt, medal or pint glass.

But really and truly, it keeps me moving. I noticed this summer when I didn't have a big race on the horizon that my training suffered. I took a big break from racing/long distance races from mid May to beginning of August. Apparently I don't work well without a training plan. I think I knew that beforehand. I need someone to just tell me what to do. I think it's why I thrive with training plans. I do not follow them to the letter because you need to adjust due to injuries, life, etc but I love the framework it gives me.

And hey I ended up with 129 miles run in August after capping out at about 80 in each of the previous three months. Thanks  Dopey Challenge training plan.

Now racing is expensive so I have been very lucky this year to be offered some complimentary race entries as well as sponsored race entries (thanks Team Refuel) which has helped me race more than I normally would. I am very fortunate in that regards.

Either way - I think I need to continue to have races on the horizon to keep myself moving, focused and at a healthy weight.


2) I can't wait to get back to Weight Watchers as a meeting member. I miss just weighing in, picking up my weekly, sitting myself in the back row and being inspired. YES I am continuously inspired while leading WW meetings, but it is a whole different game than sitting in the lime green seat as a member.

I LOVED LOVED LOVED going to my weekly WW meetings. I hated when I was on the road and missed one. So you can imagine what it has been like for me since moving to Boston and not attending really any meetings. It hurts. I feel disconnected. I feel like I lose a piece of me.

I've attempted to attend meetings, but I have either been outed as a WW Leader by the person leading the meeting/someone in the room or have had to work the meeting because someone got sick or was running late. I just need to bear down and make the effort to attend a meeting where either 1) no one knows me or 2) I trust the leader to just let me sit there and be a WW member.

I lead anywhere from 11-15 meetings a week and sometimes I just want to take the WW Leader hat off and just be...


3) I think I am going to once again host a 5k - virtual option only - for my birthday this year! Last year I had The 1st Annual 30th Birthday 5k Run-Walk Ramble and it was a HUGE success. I had a blast (it was in person and virtual) and I raised $1,000 to put towards my fundraising goal ($5k) for Tedy's Team and the Boston Marathon.

So I am mulling around with the idea of doing it again - The 2nd Annual 30th Birthday 5k Run-Walk Ramble - where people will sign up online and run-walk a 5k wherever they are September 16-22. You will have a race bib you can print off the computer, you will be entered to win raffle prizes AND you will get a Finisher's Medal ... PLUS your payment will go to my $5k fundraising goal to run The Boston Marathon in 2014 once again with Tedy's Team (raising awareness/money for American Stroke Association).

Would you want to participate? Would $25 be too much for a chance at raffle prize (Heart Rate Monitor, Headphones, Pedometer), a Finisher's Medal AND a donation to charity? Let me know as details are still being worked out! :)

Weekly Workout Wind Up (8/29-9/4/13)

At least I got one swim in this week since I do have that Sprint Tri on Sunday! Oops! ;) In an attempt to get ready for #DopeyChallenge, I ran a 5k then 10k then Half Marathon over three days. On the fourth (which would be the marathon) I did run 5.2 miles. I legs didn't feel as tired as I thought, but the thought of adding 21 miles to that final run is kind of daunting. But I know with more training I will be ready!!

Thursday, August 29: 1.5-Mile Run


Friday, August 30: 5k-Run, 30-Min Stairmaster and 20-Min Elliptical



Saturday, August 31: 10k-Run


Sunday, September 1: 13.1-Mile Run broken into 9.1 and 4.0 mile runs


Monday, September 2: 5.2-Mile Run


Tuesday, September 3: 5-Mile Run and 1,000-Meter Swim



Wednesday, September 4: 5k-Run 



Bring on the Tri! :)