The Dani Ryan Holmes-Kirk 3rd Annual 30th Birthday 5k Run-Walk Ramble: September 2014

When I turned 30 in September 2012, I wanted to celebrate my birthday in a new and exciting way. I didn't want to go out to dinner with friends and family. I didn't want to host a Happy Hour. I wanted to celebrate my healthier lifestyle and the fact that I would be entering my 30s in the 150s! An amazing feat for a girl who at one point topped the scales in the 230s! With the help of my family, The Dani Ryan Holmes-Kirk 30th Birthday Run-Walk Ramble was born. It was an amazing day that featured folks running or walking the 5k in person AND virtually.



Oh that's right! There were printable race bibs and Finisher's Medals for all.

What did I ask in return? A $25 donation be made to Tedy's Team and the American Stroke Association.

Tedy asked the American Stroke Association to work with him to create “Tedy’s Team,” a group of runners raising money for the American Stroke Association and training to complete the Boston Marathon® and the Falmouth Road Race.  Their participation supports Tedy Bruschi’s fight against stroke and honors both the survivors and the loved ones lost to America’s No. 4 leading cause of death.

In addition to the dollars being raised, an equally important issue for Tedy’s Team is the increase in awareness of stroke and recognition of its warning signs. Tedy’s Team is striving to reach as many people as possible in its message of recognizing the warning signs and acting appropriate when seeing them — calling 9-1-1 immediately.

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Tedy & I mid-run selfie: Mile 1 of 2014 Boston Marathon

In the past two years I have been lucky enough to call Tedy's Team family. I have run two Boston Marathons (2013 and 2014), the Rock 'n' Roll Nashville marathon (2014) and Falmouth Road Race (2014) with an amazingly motivating and inspiring group of people. Along the way my friends, family, blog readers and online community have helped me raise


to help #FightStroke so far.


My 5 Virtual Race Finisher's Medals

I run in honor of my Stroke Heroes - my grandparents - but through this journey, this blog and Tedy's Team it has become so much more. I run, sweat, train and fundraise for all those affected by Stroke.

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Tedy and I after Falmouth

I will be applying for the 2015 Boston Marathon team with Tedy's Team and I have a goal in mind:

I want to hit $21k raised!


Here's the latest opportunity to help... register for The Dani Ryan Holmes-Kirk 3rd Annual 30th Birthday (Virtual) 5k Run-Walk Ramble!!!

A virtual run-walk means you do the 5k (3.1 mile) “race” at your leisure during the month of September (anytime during the month)!!

Map out your own route, get your own friends together or jump on the old trusty treadmill/bike. Your call.

EVERYONE that completes the “race” will receive a Finisher’s Medal in the mail from me. YAY! How cool is that? I know one of my favorite parts.

Also, everyone will be entered to receive some pretty sweet raffle prizes that I have available!! 

Did you catch that folks? Raffle Prizes. Let's see who has jumped on board so far:

^A #Runner Shirt from the AMAZINGLY AWESOME Pavement Runner


^ A 1BandID - great Boston-based company, which is an ID that attaches right to your GPS watch or shoe


^ ENERGYBITS Sample Pack


^ 3-Pack of Perform Pain Reliever products (Roll-On, Spray and On-The-Go Singles)


^ WYCWYC Keychain thanks to Carla and Roni


^ One pair of ZENSAH Compression Leg Sleeves


^A New Balance 3Axis Pedometer


Runfellow "I Like Your Pace" T-Shirt (value $30)

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^ A pair of Feetures Running socks (value $10.99)

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*Remember list is still growing!*

But you may be asking: “Dani How much will this fun cost me?” or “What is my entry fee going to?”

Well, each participant will be making a $25 donation, where all proceeds go to Tedy's Team. If I make the 2015 Boston Marathon team, the fundraising goal is $5,400.

But wait... there's more!!

I have an anonymous donor who will match up to $1,200 raised by the Birthday 5k! Say whaa?? Heck yeah!

So if you are ready to help me Fight Stroke then check out the directions to sign up below!


If you would like to take part in the run or walk:

1) Please register. (Make sure you are providing an accurate mailing address because that is where I will send the medal.)

2) You can complete the 3.1 mile or walk or bike whenever you like during the month of September.

3) Once you complete the race please send me a photo of yourself and your time to



Finisher’s Medal


Download Your Race Bib Here!



Are you interested in getting in to the amazing raffle prizes? A $20 donation to Tedy's Team gains you 5 entries into the raffle!!

You can donate here.


Thank you all for continuing to support me and help raise awareness for Stroke. Please be sure you know the warning signs of a Stroke (courtesy American Stroke Association):


F.A.S.T. is an easy way to remember the sudden signs of stroke. When you can spot the signs, you’ll know that you need to call 9-1-1 for help right away. F.A.S.T. is:

F.A.S.T. Letter F Face Drooping – Does one side of the face droop or is it numb? Ask the person to smile. Is the person’s smile uneven?
F.A.S.T. Letter A Arm Weakness – Is one arm weak or numb? Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?
F.A.S.T. Letter S Speech Difficulty – Is speech slurred? Is the person unable to speak or hard to understand? Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence, like “The sky is blue.” Is the sentence repeated correctly?
F.A.S.T. Letter T Time to call 9-1-1 – If someone shows any of these symptoms, even if the symptoms go away, call 9-1-1 and get the person to the hospital immediately. Check the time so you’ll know when the first symptoms appeared.

32 Sign Ups For The Birthday 5k/Raffle In Honor Of Turning 32?

The day is HERE ... I am now the big 3-2! I am actually pretty excited for it since my 30s have kicked serious booty. Now I cannot wait to see what happens next...

So how can you help me celebrate turning 32?

Donate to Tedy's Team and help me #FightStroke in honor of my #1 Stroke Hero - my gramma.

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I am trying to raise the bar as last year on my birthday I raised $463 for Tedy's Team. Today I would love to have 32 sign-ups in honor of my 32nd birthday.


There are two ways you can participate:

1) The Dani Ryan Holmes-Kirk 3rd Annual 30th Birthday 5k Run-Walk Ramble

A $25 to Tedy's Team gains you entry to the virtual race, a printable bib, a Finisher's Medal and 7 entries into the raffle.


Sign up here!

2) Make a $20 donation to Tedy's Team and gain 5 entries into the raffle.

Donate here!

I have an anonymous donor who will match up to $1,200 raised by the Birthday 5k/raffle! Say whaa?? Heck yeah!

What does the raffle feature????

^A #Runner Shirt from the AMAZINGLY AWESOME Pavement Runner (value $25)


^ A 1BandID - great Boston-based company, which is an ID that attaches right to your GPS watch or shoe (value $19.99)




^ 3-Pack of Perform Pain Reliever products (Roll-On, Spray and On-The-Go Singles)


WYCWYC Keychain thanks to Carla and Roni (value $16)


^ One pair of ZENSAH Compression Leg Sleeves (value $39.99)


^A New Balance 3Axis Pedometer (value $29.99)


^ Runfellow "I Like Your Pace" T-Shirt (value $30)

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^ A pair of Feetures Running socks (value $10.99)

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Will you be one of the 32? :)

Help Me Celebrate Turning 32 By Fighting Stroke

TOMORROW I will be turning the big 3-2! I am actually pretty excited for it since my 30s have kicked serious booty. Now I cannot wait to see what happens next...

So how can you help me celebrate turning 32?

Donate to Tedy's Team and help me #FightStroke in honor of my #1 Stroke Hero - my gramma.

2014-08-09 15.38.05

There are two ways you can participate:

1) The Dani Ryan Holmes-Kirk 3rd Annual 30th Birthday 5k Run-Walk Ramble

A $25 to Tedy's Team gains you entry to the virtual race, a printable bib, a Finisher's Medal and 7 entries into the raffle.


Sign up here!

2) Make a $20 donation to Tedy's Team and gain 5 entries into the raffle.

Donate here!

I have an anonymous donor who will match up to $1,200 raised by the Birthday 5k/raffle! Say whaa?? Heck yeah!

What does the raffle feature????

^A #Runner Shirt from the AMAZINGLY AWESOME Pavement Runner (value $25)


^ A 1BandID - great Boston-based company, which is an ID that attaches right to your GPS watch or shoe (value $19.99)




^ 3-Pack of Perform Pain Reliever products (Roll-On, Spray and On-The-Go Singles)


WYCWYC Keychain thanks to Carla and Roni (value $16)


^ One pair of ZENSAH Compression Leg Sleeves (value $39.99)


^A New Balance 3Axis Pedometer (value $29.99)


^ Runfellow "I Like Your Pace" T-Shirt (value $30)

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^ A pair of Feetures Running socks (value $10.99)

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*Remember list is still growing!*


Are you going to help me celebrate AND #FightStroke?

Three Things Thursday

Most of the time my mind wanders from topic to topic and problem to problem and I don't see making an entire blog post about it so I kind of like having the option of doing a little this and that type post. So a Three Things Thursday or a Friday Favorites works for me. PLUS I love alliteration. ;) I am just a dork like that. ***

1) Someone asked me yesterday why I race so much. Well I think the obvious answer would be that I like it. ;) I have grown to love pinning the race bib on my shirt or pant leg, getting in the mix with everyone pre race and just going out there and having fun. I soak up every moment from the start to the finish. Plus, I love a good t-shirt, medal or pint glass.

But really and truly, it keeps me moving. I noticed this summer when I didn't have a big race on the horizon that my training suffered. I took a big break from racing/long distance races from mid May to beginning of August. Apparently I don't work well without a training plan. I think I knew that beforehand. I need someone to just tell me what to do. I think it's why I thrive with training plans. I do not follow them to the letter because you need to adjust due to injuries, life, etc but I love the framework it gives me.

And hey I ended up with 129 miles run in August after capping out at about 80 in each of the previous three months. Thanks  Dopey Challenge training plan.

Now racing is expensive so I have been very lucky this year to be offered some complimentary race entries as well as sponsored race entries (thanks Team Refuel) which has helped me race more than I normally would. I am very fortunate in that regards.

Either way - I think I need to continue to have races on the horizon to keep myself moving, focused and at a healthy weight.


2) I can't wait to get back to Weight Watchers as a meeting member. I miss just weighing in, picking up my weekly, sitting myself in the back row and being inspired. YES I am continuously inspired while leading WW meetings, but it is a whole different game than sitting in the lime green seat as a member.

I LOVED LOVED LOVED going to my weekly WW meetings. I hated when I was on the road and missed one. So you can imagine what it has been like for me since moving to Boston and not attending really any meetings. It hurts. I feel disconnected. I feel like I lose a piece of me.

I've attempted to attend meetings, but I have either been outed as a WW Leader by the person leading the meeting/someone in the room or have had to work the meeting because someone got sick or was running late. I just need to bear down and make the effort to attend a meeting where either 1) no one knows me or 2) I trust the leader to just let me sit there and be a WW member.

I lead anywhere from 11-15 meetings a week and sometimes I just want to take the WW Leader hat off and just be...


3) I think I am going to once again host a 5k - virtual option only - for my birthday this year! Last year I had The 1st Annual 30th Birthday 5k Run-Walk Ramble and it was a HUGE success. I had a blast (it was in person and virtual) and I raised $1,000 to put towards my fundraising goal ($5k) for Tedy's Team and the Boston Marathon.

So I am mulling around with the idea of doing it again - The 2nd Annual 30th Birthday 5k Run-Walk Ramble - where people will sign up online and run-walk a 5k wherever they are September 16-22. You will have a race bib you can print off the computer, you will be entered to win raffle prizes AND you will get a Finisher's Medal ... PLUS your payment will go to my $5k fundraising goal to run The Boston Marathon in 2014 once again with Tedy's Team (raising awareness/money for American Stroke Association).

Would you want to participate? Would $25 be too much for a chance at raffle prize (Heart Rate Monitor, Headphones, Pedometer), a Finisher's Medal AND a donation to charity? Let me know as details are still being worked out! :)