Monday Musings: Weekend of Workouts & Wedding Wonder

Weekends this summer have been full of workouts, laughs, love, friends and family ...but not a ton of rest! So you can imagine this past weekend was right along those same lines. ;) My wife actually got up early on Sunday to get her 4 mile run in before we walked over to my 5k race and she quipped later that day: "Wow, I don't know how you do this getting up early to workout thing all the time."

It made me smile to myself. Now she appreciates the early mornings I put in so that we can have more time to spend together. :)

Sunday marked just two weeks until the Pumpkinman Half Ironman. Wow September 7 will be here before I know it. This weekend I needed to really buckle down and focus.

The workouts started bright and early Friday after a great weigh-in. Did you hear I am happily back in the 150s?

My goal on Friday was to get 4 hours in on the bike, but that didn't happen. Between a Recycle Studio Spin workout and a bike tide out to Bedford from Somerville - I spent about 3 hours in the saddle.



But I still haven't gotten 56 miles in on the bike and I need to do that before the race just to show myself I can do it. So guess what is on the docket for this upcoming week?

The bike is so mental for me. My body knows it can do it, but the mind gets nervous and overwhelmed. Time to shut the brain down.

The rest of the Friday called for relaxation and blogging. Isn't that what all the cool kids do on a Friday night? :)

I had an early morning on Saturday. I wanted to hit up the 8am Weight Watchers meeting and claim my Ace Your Summer Challenge bling for having attended 10 of the last 11 weeks of meetings. Woo!

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It is such a nice and welcoming group. I am happy to attend their meetings and occasionally sub before I return to long run Saturdays this Fall.

I was smiling from ear to ear as members of the group talked about the fun they had attending the Nike Run & Walk Club that I have been helping to host. They talked about feeling welcome without thought of pace or fitness level. Exactly the kind of group I have been trying to create. :)

Full of motivation and inspiration, I headed to the pool to get my 1.2 mile time trial swim done.

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During the entire swim I felt strong and like I could keep swimming for days. :) I guess that training is paying off. :P It was a great morning in the pool full of entertainment from the kids' swim classes going on on the opposite side of the pool from me.

Once I was out of the pool, I had to race home, quickly change and head to my cousin's wedding dress appointment. How cute are the cards our friend Lauren made to judge the dresses?

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They are so my cousin. :)

Since I never did the wedding dress shopping thing myself (maybe some day), it was a complete learning experience. It really is a live version of Say Yes To The Dress. My cousin found a style she liked, but didn't say yes to a dress at the first location.

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My cousin & I working the duck lips

She inevitably found her dress at appointment #2 of the day, which I wasn't able to make.

While my Saturday afternoons were canceled last minute, I wouldn't waste the time by getting in my BRICK workout with my #1 supporter the wife by my side.

She humored me while I blabbered on about nothing for two hours on the bike trainer and then jumped on her bike while I knocked out a quick 5k (26:34) to shake the legs out.



She also listened to me curse out the wind for blowing in my face for the entire run. Not sure I could've said: "Are you serious wind?" any more than I did. Haha.

We decided to cook in on Saturday night and enjoy a lovely meal outside in the backyard, while the pups played.

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Please note: it is the wife who is drinking Pumpkin beer in August. #TheShame 

The wife made Skinnytaste's Weeknight Skillet Sazon Chicken Tenders and it was delicious!! We paired it with our once a month treat of yellow rice (yum) and steamed broccoli.

After a fantastic dinner outside, we finally watched Muppets Most Wanted. It was cute but not nearly as good as the Muppet Movie from 2011.

Now while the wife got up early on Sunday to run I slept in until 7:15am - woah! Late I know. ;) But it was great to lounge around and snuggle some pups until she came home.

The Race To The Row 5k I was running on Sunday didn't start until 9:30am AND was located across the street from my house which meant a late departure time. Boy I wish all of my races were that close.

It was a fun morning with lots of friends. I will post a recap of that race shortly.


I wasn't sure how my body would handle the race since I had done a 1.5 mile swim, 30 mile bike and 5k run the day before.

But as you can see it was pretty speedy. I ended up 79th overall and 10th in my division. Woo! I never reach the top 10 in my division so that was exciting.

Following the race I had a couple of hours of downtime before we headed to a wedding celebration for my friend Nicole and her partner Melsen. It was a lovely afternoon in Brookline with friends.

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They had a great spread and a make your own burritos area, which totally was up the wife's alley. I ate most of the large salad they had available. :P

Our crew has gotten older and maybe more mature? Okay not at all more mature, but it was fun to come together to celebrate love and friendship.

With a busy weekend in the books, it was great to come home and just vet out for the rest of the evening.

I went to bed Sunday night with a happy heart, a complete Weight Watchers food tracker and renewed energy for the week ahead.


Since we know I am - for now - just enjoying adult beverages on the weekend, here are a couple of the local brews I tried:

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Berkshire Brewing Company

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Tap Brewing Company (Haverhill, MA)

Both were full of hoppy goodness...


Two other notes for this week:

1) I have a $10 off discount code for the Max Performance Buzzards Bay Sprint Triathlon on September 14.


Use code: WOMSBUZZ14 (code expires Friday, August 29)

2) I am holding a giveaway for a free entry into the inaugural South Shore Half Marathon in Norwell, MA on November 2.

south shore

Feel free to enter here.


How did you stay active this weekend?

Monday Musings: Forced Rest, #IceBucketChallenge, A Wedding & Beer

Mondays can be seen in one of two ways: the start to a week of endless possibilities or the worst thing in the world as the opening to the work week.

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Let's make this Monday our b&%ch! ;)

I love using Monday as a time to reassess the previous week and come up with a game plan for the next seven days. But also to celebrate the good times. :)

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This past week was full of ups and downs.

Let's get the downs out of the way ... quad injury! :(

On Thursday morning I received a shooting pain through my right quad. It was scary and was paralyzing (mainly from fear). The pain happened while I was stepping out of my house on the front steps. I am very lucky that the wife was there to calm me down and help me get past that first step.

After talking with my doctor/PT friends, it was dictated to take rest days. Eek! No I didn't want to especially with a sprint tri on Sunday. Well I listened to their advice.


Do you want your own Run All Day shirt from PavementRunner - order here!

Since then it has been a steady stream of icing, foam rolling, Zensah compression shorts, stretching and adhering to doctor's orders. It has been tough. Taking a DNS (Did Not Start) at the tri was frustrating, upsetting and difficult, but I know I need to be 100% for the Half Ironman on September 7 and a race now isn't worth risking that.

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Ace Bandages + Compression Shorts = One Sexy Look

Thankfully each day the quads seem a little better and I am hoping I am on the upswing.

Now while I am having a hard time with the rest, I think the pups are really enjoying it.

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Once again my nurse Laney sleeping on the job.


Now it was a tough eating weekend wise. I let some emotional eating in after the unexpected gain on the scale Friday. But really I had some cravings and I filled them. But my stomach let me know that I filled too many at one time. It was a little gut check that I needed. I was right back on track today and feeling good and more in control.

Go me!


On Friday, I was challenged by my cousin Jen to take part in the #IceBucketChallenge to raise awareness for ALS. Luckily I had an ice bath on the agenda any way so it was a good segway. :P

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As we know I have been keeping my craft beer drinking to the weekends the past couple of months so let me share the finds from this past weekend...

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Lefty's Brewing Company out of Greenfield, MA

The wife and I obviously love Slumbrew, which is out of my hometown, so I couldn't wait to get my hands on the latest brew... and it was worth the wait! Delicious and how could you not enjoy it with the description:

Fresh air and the aromatic essence of Calypso, Ella and Pacific Jade hops fill the air  and lighten our hearts while this golden ale lightens our mood.

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Somerville's own Slumbrew Island Day


The highlight of the week was my uncle's wedding in Western Mass. I even got to show the wife some of my favorite spots in Hampden, MA, including this lunch spot from my childhood. Mmmm french fries!

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It was a gorgeous day Saturday for a beautiful wedding.

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I was also able to spend the day with my Gramma, my Stroke Hero. She is the reason I am part of Tedy's Team and raise the money to #FightStroke! :)

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It was a great day with family ... and I don't think anyone figured out that I was wearing compression shorts and ACE bandages under my dress. ;)


I would LOOOOVVEEE your daily vote in the following two Got Chocolate Milk contests… each ends on August 15!

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Chocolate Milk Contest

^I have finally broken in to the Top Three!!! 1st prize is valued just over $5k, 2nd prize just under $1,900 and 3rd prize around $775. Holy cow they are sweet.


Team Chocolate Milk

^The prize? $500 in sponsorship money, which I will use to fund my first Ragnar Relay experience, new training gear and free race entries. Each time you vote $1 is donated to the Challenged Athletes Foundation. How awesome is that?

Thank you all so much!!!


What did you learn from this past week?

Wedding Weekend

"So we are going to a wedding of someone you have never met in person" - My Wife "Yup, but we have been friends online for about three years ... so it makes total sense!" - Me


This past weekend the wife and I took a road trip to upstate NY to attend the wonderful wedding of Suzi Storm. Suzi is someone I've had the pleasure of knowing thanks to blogging, Facebook, Twitter, Weight Watchers, etc.

When she originally invited us to her wedding, I knew I had to be there. I know it seems crazy for never having met her in person, but when you find a good connection with someone - you make the trip.

Suzi's wedding was to take place June 22nd in Cicero, NY. Quite a haul from Boston, MA. I knew flights would be pricey so driving would be our only option. Hello road trip!

Friday traffic in Boston is NO joke. It usually takes me about 10-15 minutes to get from my house to the wife's work ... on Friday, June 21 - it took me 45 minutes. NOT a good way to kick off a road trip.

I picked the wife up just about 5pm and we hit the open road for upstate NY. We were hoping to get there before midnight - factoring in a stop along the way for dinner.

Massive traffic leaving Boston that thankfully dissolved about 45 minute to an hour into the trip. Despite numerous bathroom stops - thanks water and caffeine - we pulled into the parking lot of the Holiday Inn Express in Cicero, NY at 11:15pm.

Thankfully on Saturday, for the first time in a looong time, we would be able to sleep in. Hey, no dogs to take out or a morning workout to do - I was excited for it.

Aaannnd eyes popped open at 6:45am - DAMN YOU INTERNAL CLOCK!! :P I thankfully was able to force myself back to sleep until 8am and it was all over. I headed out in search of Dunkin Donuts and hair gel (yup packing for a whopping 2 day trip and I forgot hair gel).

The wedding was starting at 12:30pm so we had plenty of time to lounge around before getting ready. We headed down to the lobby at 11:45 in preparation of the Noon shuttle. But when I got to the front desk, the woman asked the shuttle driver - who was also the breakfast chef/attendant - how to get to the venue and she had no idea.

We took this as a sign and just drove ourselves to the wedding ... which took about 6 minutes! Thanks GPS!

Now Suzi had made everything herself for the wedding with a lot of suggestions/ideas of Pinterest ... and it looked AMAZING!

Right from the moment of walking in the front door.

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With no seating plan, we sat ourselves down at a table and waited to see who our new family would be. But, no one ever came. Yup, the wife and I must've smelled or something ;) because no one wanted to sit with us apparently.

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Or maybe it was the fact that we were sitting at "lucky" table #13??

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How awesome were the gifts? Koozie, bottle opener (hidden inside koozie), a tiny bell and a personalized guitar pick.

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On the back it read: "ever thine, ever mine, ever ours"

Amazing! Wicked creative!

When you walked in there was an entire bucket of bubbles and we took quiet a few bottles, which led to much amusement as the afternoon wore on. ;)

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While we waited for the ceremony to start outside behind the reception area, we grabbed a drink and took in all of Suzi's hard work!

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And quickly put the koozie to good use. :P

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I like Hershey kisses so we may have left them quite a few wishes! ;)

The handmade paper flowers that Suzi sweated over turned our beautifully!

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I love a good bouquet!

Check out the amazing cake topper...

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How cool is that?

And instead of a wedding cake - they had cupcakes!

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While we were drooling over the cupcakes, it was time to head outside for the ceremony!

I had to make a pitstop beforehand to snap a pic of my outfit. We needed proof of the non-sneaker footwear. :)

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I was just so excited that the dress size matched my shoe size - both size 8! Eeek! *insert happy face*

We then headed over to the gazebo-y area for the ceremony. It was nice and sunny with no chance of rain. Phew!

I could see the top of Suzi's head before she started walking down the aisle and I couldn't wait to see it all.

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Radiant! Gorgeous! Glowing!

It was amazing to finally see my friend in person and in such a special way to boot!

The ceremony between Suzi and Frank was short, but sweet. You could feel the love.

And before you knew it - they were man and wife!

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I had to make sure I snapped the pictures as I felt pressure to get them right from the whole social media world. ;) I hope I made everyone proud.

It was party time! And finally time to hug Suzi in person.

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We all headed back into the reception hall and it was time to celebrate.

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There was music, dancing, drinks, a buffet and cupcakes.

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I HAD to go with the Guinness and Bailey's cupcake ... and it was GLORIOUS!!

Before I knew it, it was 5pm and time for the reception to end. But not the party!!

We took a quick detour back to the hotel to relax for a quick hour and for the wife to change into more comfy clothes and for me to put the hair up and grab a Sparkly Soul headband.

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Then it was time to meet the crew for the after party at a local bar, Cooper's. It was a little joint with a deck that overlooked the lake.

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It was great to chat with Suzi, Frank and some of their other friends/family in a more intimate setting after the craziness of a reception. :)

About 8pm it was time for us to say goodbye and head somewhere to catch the Bruins-Blackhawks playoff game. (I was not happy with the outcome, but had actually fallen asleep before the end)

We successfully slept in until 9am on Sunday - WIN! We decided to check out the local Cracker Barrel for breakfast since I had never been there. Yeah not my cup of tea!

Then we decided to check out Syracuse a little before getting back on the road to Boston. So we drove around Syracuse and checked out the University before heading to a local brewery for a tasting.

Middle Ages Brewing

It was a great little detour with some delicious beers. You were able to sample 7 different brews for free!

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Of course we walked out with a sample 12-pack and a pint glass. :P

Since it was close to 1pm it was time to hit the road since we really wanted to be homy by 6pm.

Thankfully the trip back home wasn't too eventful and we hit minimal traffic.

Overall, it was one AMAZING weekend. We both needed a tiny break from life and it was exactly what we wanted. It was an honor to be part of Suzi's special day and I can't wait to figure out when we will see each other again!