*RECAP* VERT Big Bad Wolf 5-Mile Trail Race

It's not often you get to run or party with a wolf...

Okay okay so at Saturday's Big Bad Wolf 5-Mile Trail Race we didn't actually party or run WITH the wolves. BUT we looked at them. ;)

We made the 45-minute trek to Ipswich to rock the Wolf Hollow with my fellow Slumbrew Happy Soles. I love meeting new people and seeing familiar faces when the Happy Soles get together at a Cambridge 5k/VERT Race Series race.

After lots of hugs and laughs before the race even started, it was all of a sudden the 1 minute warning that the race was starting. Ohhh I am with all my friends to actually race THEN drink beer. Oops I sort of forgot about the running part. ;)

I finagled myself up to the Start Line and we were off. I had no expectations for the race. I was hoping to beat last year's time (40:38), but with the sore hamstring I didn't have my hopes up.

I started the race chatting with fellow Happy Sole Kate, who was also experiencing some pain in her hamstring area. So we swapped treatment ideas.

The first 1/4 of a mile or so is on the sidewalk as we head from the Start/party area to the field/trail portion of the race. The race is tight at the beginning, but really opens up once you enter the field.

Since I did this race last year, I knew the terrain. The race consists of two 2+ mile loops.

The Big Bad Wolf is a great into to trail running. The race is in a huge open field with some small inclines. It also features that uneven terrain that basically all trail races have. The kind of uneven footing that you feel in your ankles the next day.

But thankfully there aren't any huge inclines/hills that you will have to face.

I really would recommend it to all fitness levels/paces. There were runners, run/walkers and walkers on the course.

Mile 1: 8:02 Mile 2: 8:01

I was really shocked at the pace for the first two miles. I think I was excited to see so many fun folks out on the course. Also there were some STELLAR costumes out there. Folks who take part in this race series take the costume contest very seriously. ;)

Mid-run selfie

I made sure to slow it down this mile while doing the mid-run selfie and posting due to the uneven footing. I had a sprint tri the next day and REALLY didn't need to twist an ankle.

Mile 3: 8:17

On the second loop, I felt some pain in my right hamstring. NOOOO not both of them. Oh yes folks both of them. I tried to keep focused on being over halfway done. I promised myself I would stretch extra when the race ended.

The final loop was a little tough. Knowing how long you have left in a race can be pretty tough mentally. Anyone agree?

I really need to hand it to VERT for offering free race photos. Yay!

I was trying to give the photographer a "Hey there" hand gesture, but he caught me mid gesture so I just look awkward.

Mile 4: 8:14

Man was I happy when the Garmin buzzed for Mile 4. One mile to go. I wanted to stretch and enjoy a beer. :)

As we hit the pavement again, I knew I was in the home stretch. My Garmin buzzed before we hit the Finish Line for 5 miles.

Mile 5: 8:13

So my paces may be slightly off since the Garmin gave me 5.13 miles.

But either way the final time was 41:41. I was happy with the results even though I was almost a minute slower than the previous year. I finished 94th overall and 25th among females.

The Flagraiser IPA hit the spot post-race. I love seeing all my teammates come together after the race, checking in on each other and cheersing with a Slumbrew.

Once everyone had crossed, it was time for a group photo. Proud that our teammate Kristina said: "Now we chug ... 1 -2 -3" and this picture was born. :)

After our photo it was awards time.

Now our group never really has a shot at the team prizes ... except on this day.

Kate and Kat had brought two friends with them and welcomed them with open arms to the Slumbrew Happy Soles family. They just happened to be uber speedy. George (second from left) finished the race 3rd overall, while Craig (left) took the #1 spot overall.

These two speedsters helped land the Slumbrew Happy Soles in second place among the 12 teams.

Can you tell we were a TAD excited???

It was awesome seeing how excited the whole team was. We all took turns drinking out of the trophy.

Now we wait for the Slumbrew Taproom open so we can proudly display our trophy! :)

Once awards were handed out, it was time for the costume party and dance off. That's right this race has the complete package.

The wife and I had to duck out at this time as she had a hockey game. But it is always a joy racing with the Happy Soles.

So if you are in the Boston area and interested in trying trail racing? Use the Big Bad Wolf race as a jumping off point. If you don't want to drive to Ipswich, you can always use the commuter rail to catch the free race shuttle.


Have you ever thought about trail racing?

#Giveaway: 3 Free Entries to take on the Big Bad Wolf

Annddddd the winners ARE:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Because Eddie O is such an awesome race director he is letting me give away not 3 but 5 entries to the race! WOOHOO!!

Thank you to everyone that entered. You can still register for the race! I hope to see you all there.


Who's afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?

Okay what if I say the Big Bad Wolf is ACTUALLY a 5-mile trail race in Ipswich, Mass?

Don't worry there aren't any actual wolves or animals involved in the running of this race - just fun, trails, friends, laughs, and beer!! Well there might be a wolf or two on sight because...

The Second Annual Big Bad Wolf 5-Mile Trail Race will take place on Saturday, September 13 at Noon at the Wolf Hollow, a wolf sanctuary, in Ipswich, Mass.

Registration includes a great VERT shirt + free food & beer at the after-party (sponsored by NotchSlumbrewDowneast Cider & Ipswich Ale).

That's right folks! Like all Cambridge 5k and VERT Races there will be an EPIC post-race party after the 5-mile trail race with a dance-off and great brews from four local breweries.

Slumbrew Happy Soles love a good post-race party

Oh and there may be a costume contest too...

Run in your best wolf or wolf related running costume and you could win a great prize in our post-race costume contest!

Now Ipswich may seem like a trek from Boston, but it really isn't. With a Noon start for the race, you won't have to wake up early to grab the commuter rail. Eddie O, race director extraordinaire, also has a free shuttle set up from the commuter rail to the race start.

If you are nervous to check out your first 5-mile race or first trail run, the Big Bad Wolf is a great way to break into either! There is a great support system amongst runners, volunteers and spectators.

The course map is a loop so you never feel alone and see familiar faces all along the route.

Here's a description of the course:

Fast & flat course over grass fields and dirt roads. The course starts & finishes @ Wolf Hollow and follows the Maplecroft Trail from Essex Road to Argilla Road and back. The course is well marked with signs and course marshalls. There is a water stop near the halfway point (polo field).

There are some slight inclines on the course, but nothing too strenuous like other trail runs might have. It truly is a course for all fitness levels.

I can't wait to take on Big Bad Wolf for a second year with the Slumbrew Happy Soles.

So now that I have you psyched up for the trail race and party of 2014, it's time to make it even better...

I am giving away not 1 but 3 entries!

Sayy wwhhaaa??? Raise the roof! Woo Woo!

I know.

So here's how to enter.

The giveaway will run from Thursday August 14 (2pm ET) through Friday August 22 (10am ET)!

The winner will be selected and announced on Friday!

VERT Sasquatch Trail Race

I am not a trail runner. Okay glad I put that reminder out there. :P Last July I attempted my first "sprint" trail run - the VERT Race Series Sasquatch Race, which is a 2.35 mile run through the Middlesex Fells area.

It was SUCH an awesome experience that I jumped at the opportunity to run it again this year ... especially since I would be returning for my second stint as the Captain of Team Slumbrew.

How AWESOME are our team jerseys??

It was a hot and sweaty day on the morning of the race (Sunday July 14th), but I knew that it would be worth it. Plus, I couldn't pass up an opportunity to finally debut my BEER knee socks. :)

The race kicked off at 10am, but we had to be there by 8:45 to hand out the team jerseys. This was a huge day for us as it was our one-year anniversary of Team Slumbrew coming into existence. :)

Go us!

Thankfully most of the team picked their jerseys up in time for us to be in position for Wave 1 of the race - all teams were put in the same wave (1 of 3).

Eddie, the race director, let me pick my bib # - yes I geeked out and felt special. So why did I pick 82?

So I could do this of course...

Yup! I'm a giant dork! But we all know that.

I had ZERO expectations for this race. I just wanted to go out there and have fun - which I knew would happen either way.

Last year I had no idea what to expect with the race, but thankfully with a year under my belt I knew there were some hills involved so I could conserve my energy. :P

As we headed through the woods, I made sure to cheer and yell for all of my fellow Slumbrew teammates especially our young teenage teammate Zach - who was totally kicking my butt by the way!

I love a good action shot (photo thanks to VERT Race Series)

The course was a little over 2 miles long, but somehow felt longer. I think because I was working so hard on not falling. I remembered what Sarah had taught me the week before (during our 4+ mile train run): look 5 feet ahead, keep your arms out wider for balance and keep your legs behind your knees when running.

I knew to keep an eye out for a downhill "chute" which spit you out back on the field where we started for the final leg of the race. I looked down at my Garmin and say 1.9 miles - I knew the chute had to be close. And before I knew it, BAM! there it was. :)

There were a couple people on my tail so I tried to give everything I had in the final yards of the race. Unfortunately one that I had passed on the final hill came back to beat me at the Finish. Grr... haha! JK! :)

I ended up finishing 16 seconds SLOWER than 2012, but I was okay with that. I felt it was hotter than last year, but that was the big debate among participants this year. The course was marked as 2.35 miles, but my Garmin clocked it at 2.21. Either way it was just over 2 miles of FUN.

Every time I do this race, it makes me want to do work more trail running into my training plans. Now I just need someone to show me where to go and accompany me. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

After I finished, I loaded up on water and headed over to Stone Zoo for the post-race party! Gotta love a race that ends with a huge party full of local craft beer. Am I right?

The post-race festivities include local craft brewers (Slumbrew, Pretty Things, Notch and Night Shift), pizza and a dance off ... what more do you need?

A couple of my beautiful friends/teammates Kim & Vicki

Last year, our team had just 12 runners where this year we tripled in size to 36!

Aren't we hot?

Even though the wife couldn't run this year, she still came out to support the team ... and show off her sweet shades!

Eddie has been generous enough to let me give away an entry to each of the Cambridge 5k series races this year. Megan Sullivan won the entry to the Sasquatch race and we were able to meet up post-race!! :)

Congrats again Megan and so glad you were able to join us!! :)

In the end I finished 197th out of 858 overall and 43rd among females. Not too shabby in my humble opinion. And I was the third member of Team Slumbrew to finish.

Will I be back next year? You bet your booty I will.


Have you ever participated in a trail run? Do you enjoy a good brew after a run?