Sun. 70-80 degree temps. History. A trolley tour. Pizza. Beer.
That is what Savannah had ready for us on Day Three of our weekend ... THANK GOODNESS! Between Day One, The Marathon itself & the large amount of walking we did to wrap up Day Two my legs were ready for a break.
We started the day off with a big brunch at our hotel (only $10!!) and a trip to Starbucks ... yes I know. I never go to Starbucks unless absolutely necessary and in Savannah it was necessary. There wasn't a Dunkins in sight - as I expected.
As we left Starbucks, I spotted the Kindness Bus. How awesome is this?

I think EVERY city need a bus like this. Don't you agree?
We then headed over to the catch The Old Town Trolley Tour back near our hotel. Our guide's name was "Hollywood" and boy was he entertaining. :) Do you expect anything less with a name like that?
We had seen so much of the city between walking around ourselves, the race and the ghost tour, but it was nice to just sit and hear even more about the historic city of Savannah.
Technically the tour was one of those hop-on hop-off deals, but we had decided to just take it around one full circle: 1) because I had no desire to walk/wait for the next bus and 2) our guide was great and we didn't want to run the risk of getting on a different trolley and having a dud guide. :P
How Hollywood managed the Trolley around such tiny corners and down a tight steep cobblestone decline without hitting anyone or tipping it over.
Once we made it down the cobblestone, we were back on to River Street and were able to check out some of the amazing statues along the water.

The waving girl

Statue in honor of the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games Torch
The trolley was full of runners (shocking I know) so we all loved the sign at the Thunderbird Inn.

Since we had a HUGE breakfast, we all decided to delay lunch awhile and we headed back to one of the famous cemeteries we saw on the ghost tour and the trolley tour.
The guides had said that the Confederate soldiers used the cemetery home base during the war and to entertain themselves they would mess with the tombstones, changing the information on them.
For example:

Can you see where the changes were made?
After wandering around the cemetery, we decided to just take in the beautiful afternoon and just sit in one of the famous squares. I couldn't tell you the last time I just sat in a park and enjoyed the surroundings. It was wonderful. We met a gentleman from Florida who had also run the Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon so it was great chatting with him and getting his perspective on the race. He also had the Savannah Morning News, which had all the race participants in it ... so I of course had to borrow it.
And there it was :)

How cool?!?!?
After taking some time to relax, we all headed to Mellow Mushroom for some pizza and beer. The wife hadn't been to the chain since she lived in North Carolina over six years ago so we had to go (we don't have this chain in New England - that I know of).
Boy was it YUMMY!! We tried the pretzels to start with - delicious - then enjoyed their unique pizza. All in all - atmosphere, beer, food - it was a GREAT experience.
Unfortunately after we ate, we walked back to the hotel since it was time to send my dad off to the airport. :/ But it was great having him there.
My dad brought my Rock 'n' Roll bracelet that I forgot in Boston with him to Savannah so I was able to add my two charms from the weekend. :)

Isn't it one motivational/inspirational piece of jewelry? Thanks to the wife for picking it out for me. I can't wait to add new cities to it in the future.
We decided to take one final walk down River Street to stretch the legs before we finished the weekend off with a casual night in the hotel room. Michelle picked up a cute gift for a friend and we were all ready to crash.
But, we wanted a couple beverages for the night so thankfully our hotel bar was happy to oblige. :)
It was wicked nice to just all chill together - especially since we only get to see Michelle about once or twice a year - and just be.
Can you tell I moved alot that weekend?

Hello hydration!
After getting in my situps and #plankaday, we called it a night ... I just couldn't believe the weekend was about to come to a close. :(
Monday, November 5 marked the true end. It was basically: wake up, pack, eat brunch at the hotel (again $10!) and then it was off to the airport.
It was time to say goodbye to Michelle. It was so great that she was able to make it to Savannah from AZ and run the race with us. It was great seeing her and can't wait til we plan another race to run together again ... <<cough cough>> Rock 'n' Roll Los Angeles Half <<cough cough>>

Right after this pic, it was time to board ... after a lengthy delay in Savannah and head to Atlanta and on to Boston.

Can you tell we weren't ready to come home? Actually, we were okay with the going home and seeing the pups part. It was more the hours that would be spent traveling back home that we really wanted to avoid.
But, I had to rep the Got Chocolate Milk Sweatybands after they refueled my body after the race and all weekend long!!

Despite the trip home getting off to a rocky/delayed start, the rest of the trip ran smoothly ... including some adult beverages on the plane. ;)
Hey, we had to enjoy the last bit of vacation weekend!
But, as soon as we stepped foot back in Boston I was reunited with Dunks ... phew!

We landed during rush hour so it was quicker/easier to take the T home rather than having someone come pick us up. But, I was really dreading the walk home from the T stop especially since I was still wearing capri pants. :P But we made and were greeted by two very happy pups, which makes all the travel in the world worth it.
I think you can tell through these posts that we all thoroughly enjoyed Savannah and would recommend it to anyone as a destination.
All you really need to know about Georgia is that is produces the 4 Ps: Peaches ... Pecans ... Pralines ... and Paula (Deen).