Pure Barre 2.0

Lift. Tone.


That is the motto of Pure Barre.

Not sure what Pure Barre is? Simply put on the website:

Using small isometric movements at the ballet barre set to motivating music, Pure Barre lifts your seat, tones your thighs, abs and arms and burns fat in record breaking time. Clients see results in just 10 classes, lose inches in weeks and have fun doing it!

And BOY is it true. Pure Barre really works on tiny tiny movements. Move your straight leg just one inch up and one inch out and your butt feels the work.

For those that are new to my blog (HHEEEYYY!!) or don't remember, I did a month stint at Pure Barre Burlington in November-December 2012. I documented my time there here.

I'll wait while you check it out. No seriously, I have coffee I can drink in the meantime.

La la la la. Oohh piece of candy.

Okay, you all up to speed?


Pure Barre Burlington is owned by my friend Jess, someone I have known and has been a fitness inspiration to me since college. Jess was gracious enough to offer me a free month of classes at Pure Barre back when she opened the studio in November to share with you all what Pure Barre is really about.

Once the month ended, I wished I could continue, but unfortunately it wasn't in my budget. But, in June, Jess and I were chatting and she once again graciously offered up another free month of classes at Pure Barre Burlington.

So I offered to again share my thoughts and even pictures of me with you all. :)

I walked back into Pure Barre on July 8th and I immediately got nerve pangs just like the first time I walked in there.

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But, this time around I KNEW I could tweak the exercises if I needed to. I also remembered I could stop and stretch at any point in time if my body needed it.

Also, the classes truly are made up of people of all shapes, sizes, athletic abilities, ages ... and even some gentlemen!!

(Note: cell phones are not allowed inside the class - which I love - but I have special permission for this series)

After my first class, I was happy to report that I felt stronger than when I ended the first series. Woo!

Each class is broken down into segments to work on different areas of the body: arms, abs, seat, thigh, etc.

I could tell those Jillian Michaels DVDs really helped my upper body strength.

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Even my surgically repaired back can handle the ab movements. I love that you can work the lower abs without having to do a bunch of crunches.

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The thigh work pictured above is where the SHAKING comes into play. Jess and her amazing staff keep reminding me that shaking is good so I let it happen. Ha!

One of the biggest thing Pure Barre does is combines the work - thigh, seat (aka butt), etc - while having you stand on your tip toes.

"Act like you are wearing six-inch stilettos"

I'm someone that rarely wears heels and after pretending I have heels on for a good portion of this class, I know why I don't. ;) It increases the burn ... but in a good way. Of course. :P

I am happy to be getting back to Pure Barre and adding it into my rotation. It is a total body workout, which I find will be SUPER helpful in my triathlon training.

Plus, my body can use the extra stretching as well...

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Have you ever tried Pure Barre before? Will I see you at Pure Barre Burlington?