When The Tedy's Team Family Comes Together...
/This past week has reminded me why being a member of the Tedy's Team family is an honor.
For those that don't know, Tedy's Team is raising money and awareness on behalf of the American Stroke Association:
Tedy asked the American Stroke Association to work with him to create “Tedy’s Team,” a group of runners raising money for the American Stroke Association and training to complete the Boston Marathon® and the Falmouth Road Race. Their participation supports Tedy Bruschi’s fight against stroke and honors both the survivors and the loved ones lost to America’s No. 4 leading cause of death.
In addition to the dollars being raised, an equally important issue for Tedy's Team is the increase in awareness of stroke and recognition of its warning signs. Tedy’s Team is striving to reach as many people as possible in its message of recognizing the warning signs and acting appropriate when seeing them -- calling 9-1-1 immediately.
Once you have one race with Tedy's Team, you are part of the Tedy's Team family for life. I've had the honor of completing 4 Boston Marathons, 1 Rock 'n' Roll Nashville Marathon and 2 Falmouth Road Races with Tedy's Team since 2013.
As if I wasn't reminded on a daily basis why being a part of the Tedy's Team family is special, this last week did the trick.
Last Sunday, June 11, our dear Stroke Survivor teammate, Kim, was going to complete the Boston Marathon from April 17. She ended up in a few med tents along the way, but finish she did. Many of us didn't get to see her finish that day so it was time for us to do just that.
So secretly a group of Tedy's Team-mers, planned to meet her both along the 6.2 miles she would be running. But at the Finish Line as well. When it comes to surprises, we run like a well-oiled machine. Thanks to the VP of Athletics for American Heart Association and head of Tedy's Team, the plan was ready to go off without a hitch. Thank goodness for text messages, Facebook private groups and just general sneakiness - we made it happen.
As Kim ran those final 0.2 miles down Boylston street towards the Finish Line, this group of Tedy's Team-mers lost their freakin' mind. Wyatt stopped traffic so she could cross over that Finish Line to the cheers she deserved!
THIS is the face of a woman determined to earn that unicorn.
THIS is the face of a woman who won't let her Stroke define her.
THIS is the face of a woman that motivates and inspires myself and the entire team to dig deep and keep going.
Kim - I am honored to call you a friend and a teammate.
While happy tears flowed from almost everyone's face, the hugs were in full effect, the high-fives were in demand and the laughs were bountiful.
Unfortunately the following day (Monday, June 12) our teammate and friend Nate's dad passed away. His dad was a 33-year Stroke Survivor and Nate's #1 Stroke Hero.
While I was unable to attend the services Thursday because of work, our team devised a plan to support Nate and his family virtually. My friend and teammate Dan came up with the idea of holding a virtual 5k on Father's Day in honor of Nate's dad Denis.
One of Nate's favorite sayings is Bring It so the hashtag for the event was simple: #TeamBringIt.
My lovely wife created a bib for the event and we shared it amongst the team, both past and present.
It was fantastic to see the outpouring of support for Nate and his family from all over the country.
It was great to see the pictures flood in during the day.
The cap of it all?
Nate himself participating!
I took my #TeamBringIt 5k outside this afternoon. Why not run when it is 90 degrees and 67% humidity. Gotta get ready for Florida racing somehow. :)
I was having some achilles pain today, but I threw on some KT Tape and got it done. I know Nate and his family is going through a lot worse now so I could get my butt out the door.
I channeled Nate's speed and posted negative splits. Proud of those numbers for sure!
Even though this team is spread all over the world, we are there for each other however we can be.
Thank you Tedy's Team for changing my life in more ways than you can imagine.