A Thank You Letter To My Wife
/Dear Wife, What up? How's it going? What's new?
Oh wait I see you every day. I think I can skip the niceties and get to the point of the letter.
During a workout last week, I realized that I owe you something. A huge THANK YOU!
Did I cover all the languages? I think I got enough.
I'm not sure where I would be without you. I know for a fact I wouldn't have this amazing slice of the internet.
After battling that back injury, back surgery and subsequent depression, you pushed me to get those thoughts out. Without that push, Weight Off My Shoulders would never have been born in May 2011.
If you hadn't given running a try while I was laid up with my injury in early 2011, my competitive nature wouldn't have been sparked and I wouldn't have rekindled my love of running.
(That's right folks! You can all thank the wife for my current running addiction! ;))
Since you sparked that running flame then I think instead of thanking you for waking up at ungodly hours of the morning to prep for early morning races, bringing me my forgotten Garmin at the Start of the Boston Marathon or driving a couple hours to a triathlon two states away ... I will say it's your own fault! :P Had you not started running yourself you wouldn't have to do all that stuff now.
So really blame yourself.
Okay, not the kind wife approach I was going for. So instead, thank you for waking up at ungodly hours to drive me to races, for taking a long drive to bring me my Garmin at the Start of the Boston Marathon and for driving hours on end to make a 7:30am Triathlon start two states away.
And how could I forget to thank you for your amazing ability to whip together a kickass running costume for me! ;)
Don't ask where I got the kids on short notice ;)
Thank you for being my voice of reason. I'm often asked by blog readers and interviewers, what keeps you calm before a race. In a word: you. You know how to calm me down and to remind me that I really won't die during the 4-mile obstacle course race that I freaked out about. You give me the perspective I need.
When I start whipping out the negative self-talk, you are the first to slap me back to reality.
(Please note: no physical slapping takes place - speaking purely metaphorically!!)
You are there to remind me how far I have come when I get caught up in a number on the scale or the finish time of a race. Thank you for keeping a clear head.
And really thank you for loving me no matter my size, through my ups and downs, through the training seasons and through the whole journey.
I wouldn't be as strong, confident, happy or healthy without you.
So in case you haven't gotten the gist by now - Thank you for all that you do for me. You are my best friend, my confidant and my biggest cheerleader.
I love you more! xo
Can we go to Disney now? ;)
PS You are also one AMAZING personal photographer!! :)