Wicked Honored To Be A Part Of Tedy's Team For...

It's been my HONOR to be a part of the Tedy's Team family since October 2012!

While I didn't officially race for Tedy's Team in 2016, I proudly wore my singlet for most races - wanting to spread the word of what Tedy's Team is about to all of those racing around me.

In the past 10+ years, Tedy's Team has worked to raise money and awareness on behalf of the American Stroke Association:

Tedy asked the American Stroke Association to work with him to create “Tedy’s Team,” a group of runners raising money for the American Stroke Association and training to complete the Boston Marathon® and the Falmouth Road Race.  Their participation supports Tedy Bruschi’s fight against stroke and honors both the survivors and the loved ones lost to America’s No. 5 leading cause of death.

In addition to the dollars being raised, an equally important issue for Tedy's Team is the increase in awareness of stroke and recognition of its warning signs. Tedy’s Team is striving to reach as many people as possible in its message of recognizing the warning signs and acting appropriate when seeing them -- calling 9-1-1 immediately.

I have a strong personal connection to strokes as both of my grandparents are stroke survivors as well as my wife's father. In addition to countless others I have met thanks to Tedy's Team and social media, including my Gelcys from Runner Unleashed.

Through the help of virtual runs, fundraisers and amazing donations from family, friends and blog readers I have raised $25,514 to Fight Stroke, while completing 4 marathons (3 Boston Marathon, 1 Rock 'n' Roll Nashville) and 2 Falmouth Road Races with Tedy's Team.

So what's next?

I will once again be tackling the Superbowl of marathons - the 121st Boston Marathon on April 17, 2017.

I am wicked excited to be back on the team and spreading awareness of the warning signs of Stroke. Additionally, I will be sharing the stories of friends, family and blog readers and their stories with Stroke. 

Be on the lookout for fundraising opportunities in the coming months: virtual races, giveaways and more over the coming months.

As always THANK YOU for all of your support in the past and as we look to the Start Line on April 17, 2017. But as Tedy says: The Start Line is the Finish Line and the race is the party! I am ready to party again... :)