A Quick Thank You To My BRF

Page knows me well. She knows me so well she kept what she heard a pair of women say while we ran near them during the race today. 


Because she knew it would upset me and put a damper on a part of our fun half marathon in Newburyport.

What did the women say? 

Well the gist was about my style of running aka stopping to take pictures of the gorgeous course and snapping selfies with Page. Basically having fun with my friend and logging 13.1 miles.

Who wouldn't want a fun pic of a quick Gu/water break at Mile 5?

I'm sorry those women can't appreciate others running their own race, but I thank Page for all the fun, smiles, laughs and pictures today.

I love to celebrate everyone's individuality and the fact that they were out on a blustery Fall morning enjoying the rolling hills of Newburyport.

So thank you Page - my dear BRF - for not only pushing me to be a better person, playing therapist during some long runs, letting me distract you during races with talks of Disney, snack stops and of course pics!  

I'm lucky to have you by my side... and keeping the negativity at bay!