Two Quick Things: Sparkly Soul Ambassador Contest & From Thick 2 Thin #Giveaway

First off, I need to thank you all for your outpouring of support from my post this morning. If you missed my post about cutting, feel free to catch it here. It means so much to me!! :) :)

Now a couple of other quick notes:

1) The Sparkly Soul ambassadors have a little contest going on.

Here are the details:

Vote for your favorite Sparkly Soul Ambassador by liking or commenting on their photo in our Ambassador Facebook album.

Voting ends Tuesday, September 15th 11:59pm PST (the day before my birthday!!!). You can comment as often as you would to like. The Ambassador who has the most LIKES/COMMENTS (combined) on their photo in the Sparkly Soul Ambassador Album on September 15th 11:59pm PST wins a surprise 12 pack AND a feature on our Facebook Cover Photo through October 1st! 

PLUS 5 of the voters for the winning Ambassador (chosen at random) will win 1 surprise Sparkly Soul headband too! Must follow Sparkly Soul on Facebook to win!

Soooooo here is my photo! I would love if you could comment/like/share and be sure to include my hashtag: #SparklySoulIrishEyes :) :) 


Thank you all so much!

2) I received this sweet tank from the lovely folks at From Thick 2 Thin apparel.

From Thick to Thin is an athletic apparel + lifestyle company designed to fit The Everyday Woman. Driven by a passion for fitness and the belief that every body – no matter how tall or short, fast or slow, thick or thin – deserves comfortable and functional athletic apparel that helps them feel as good as they look, From Thick to Thin is dedicated to changing public perception and portrayal of the concept of “the female athlete” from exclusivity to inclusivity.

Thick to Thin offers sizes from XS-5XL and feature tanks, tees, pants and accessories. While based in the US, the group will ship internationally for a $20 fee.

I will be doing a full review of the tank and the amazing company on the blog shortly. 

BBBBUUUTTT the fun thing is I will also be doing a giveaway!! YAY!

Only catch - it happens when I hit 6,000 followers on Twitter. As of right now I am 33 away!! Please follow me on Twitter @IrishEyes1982 and share with your friends! I want to get one of these motivating tanks into your hands ASAP! :)


Stopped at this urban playground on our walk today so @irisheyes1982 could try out the hula hoop! #boston #summerfun

A photo posted by Susan Marchese (@lsoffashionista) on

Woo! So those are my last two announcements tonight... maybe? ;)