#30DaysOfPositivity Challenge Recap
/#30DaysOfPositivity Challenge...
I DID IT!!!!
I was really nervous that I wouldn't complete the 30 days since Day 1 took me a good 30 minutes to think up 3 good things about myself. Now it didn't get easier over the 30 days, but it did make me more thankful and was a great way to end the day.
I decided to keep all the positives in one place so when I am having a bad day in the future - I can look back and know I am more than those emotions!
Day 1
1) I am an empathetic person 2) I look for the best in people 3) I have an infectious laugh
Day 2
1) I am no longer a spectator in my own life... I am in the game 2) I create a safe place in my Weight Watchers meeting room & with my members/personal coaching clients where they are able to share and grow without fear of judgement 3) I love that my eyes will change colors depending on what I wear: blue, green or hazel
Day 3
1) I am a good listener 2) I have embraced pushing my limits and stretching the walls of my comfort zone 3) I can take a good mid-run selfie
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
1) I am more outgoing than I ever thought I would be - thanks to my blog! #weightoffmyshoulders 2) I am an athlete and I am starting to refer to myself as one. 3) I am formulating a plan to finally start following my heart. #AboutTime
Day 9
1) I am trustworthy 2) I am good at my job & was reminded of that day by special people 3) I had good taste when picking my mate for life
Day 10
Day 11
1) I look for the best in people 2) I am a hard worker 3) I am stronger than I think I am
Day 12
1) I appreciate my ability to be active/run/move 2) I love motivating and pushing the people around me to be the best versions of them they can be 3) I have good taste in beer
Day 13
1) I'm awesome 2) I have a great smile 3) I am not letting my past mistakes define me
Day 14
1) I am perfectly imperfect 2) I am a caring fur mom even after a cone to the throat 3) I am a good hugger
Day 15
1) I am working hard to change my unhealthy habits to healthier ones 2) While I may stumble, I am open with sharing them so others do not feel alone on this journey & I do not harp on them 3) Since becoming more comfortable with my body, I've incorporated much more color into my wardrobe
Day 16
1) I'm wicked proud of myself for not emotionally eating today when it was the easy out 2) I looked at myself in the mirror, said "You're Awesome" & meant it 3) I'm enough & my mind is finally accepting that
Day 17
Day 18
1) I am proud of the progress I've made with my running in the first 168 days of my #WOMSStreak (run streak) 2) I am committed to helping to #FightStroke withTedy's Team & happy to see my fundraising total hit $22k+ in 3 years 3) I work hard to make the people in my life including my Weight Watchers members to see the positives in them because Positivity Breeds Positivity!
Day 19
1) I love my tattoos & I proudly show them off 2) I love the muscular tone in my legs thanks to running/cross training 3) I can finally admit it's time for my friend to take me shopping for smaller sizes & that's awesome
Days 20 & 21
Day 22
1) I inspire others to embark on healthy living, weight-loss, running & fitness journeys of their own (which is wicked cool & rewarding) 2) Sharing my ups & downs allow others to not feel alone thus making it worth it 3) I am no longer defining myself by the number on the scale!
Day 23 & 24
Day 25, 26 & 27
Day 28 & 29
Day 30
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What an amazing learning experience!
Have you tried the #30DaysOfPositivity Challenge? Here's the original post with all the details!