I'm Walkin' On Sunshine...

WOO OOO!! Okay not really walkin' on sunshine since that would be hot and burn my feet. But it would be quite a feat...

I am working on being a ray of sunshine, but not have it feel forced.

Someone at work today said how calmly I was taking the job ending. Well clearly she doesn't live in my head. :P

But what I realized this weekend was that being mopey about the job situation won't make a new job appear. Thankfully my wife is still employed so it isn't like I am being thrown on the street. I have a lot of things to be thankful for.

So while I was having one kick ass awesome weekend, I focused on that.

The HERE and NOW.

I am a worrier by nature. I can't turn it off. But I can control how much I allow it to dictate my mood.

I have my health. I have amazing friends. I have a great wife and two pups. I have this little blog of mine.

There is too much to celebrate to be worried.

Now that isn't saying I am getting rid of worrying all together. I am still very much a worry wart over bills, etc  - but I need to work more on the NOW.

And I set that goal last night before bed.

Can I tell you something?

It already is paying off in the mood department.

THAT could still be lingering awesomeness from this weekend. It was a jam-packed couple days, but if it is an indicator of things to come - then this summer is going to ROCK!

On Friday, I attempted the Assembly Row media event. Assembly Row is a new shopping center across the street from my house in Somerville - but it is so much more.


There are outlet shops, restaurants, and activities! They are going to have free yoga by the water, a boot camp once a week and a running club out of the Nike store (still waiting on more details for that).

The event had food samples from some of the restaurants that will be at Assembly Row - Fuji Sushi, Tony C's Sports Bar/Grill, Earl's and Papagayo.


Trying a sushi roll with EEL from Fuji

Let's just say my wife was jealous of this picky eater being at a food sampling event. ;)


They even had a game where you had to guess the prices of the three outfits being displayed. Keeping in mind these are outlet stores. I haven't heard the winning prices yet, but my guess is I was WAY off. I really wanted to win the PUMA outfit too (#2).

I stopped at the brand-new Papagayo to sample their Sangria and oohh boy it was tasty!

photo (2)

After a brief walk home (I can get use to that), it was a low-key evening in bed with the family.

On Saturday I let myself sleep in - until 8am - then headed out for a quick run to pick my car up from the mechanic.


The wife and I got started on a laundry list of errands we had to run to get ready for a BBQ at our house the following day.


But I HAD to get in a training ride so I brought the wife along with me for a little bike afternoon date. I'm glad she bought a bike so we can start doing more things like this. We must take advantage of the summer months! We endure such crappy Boston winters for them. :P

Saturday Night we lived it up - by cleaning. I know I know. Try to hold back your jealousy if you can.

Sunday was going to be fun from the get go! Sunday kicked off with the Cambridge 5k Freedom Run 5k with Team Slumbrew Happy Soles.


I was definitely happy with my time as I am nursing a very painful left hamstring thing/injury/annoyance and it was much hotter out than any of us expected.


I wish I had noticed the photog, but since I was coming straight into the Finish Line all I could think about was cheering on the rest of the team and ... BEER!

Aren't we one awesome looking team?


I had a great little post-race celebration with this fine group before heading home for the BBQ with a couple of college friends and their kids.

After they left we needed to get the dogs some exercise so we took a family walk along the Mystic River and over to Assembly Row.


The dogs even did a little swimming. Okay Molly did some sitting in the water.

This was all followed by a CRASH. I was ready to just lay down and enjoy some TV before the final week of work.

But this weekend involved so much love, laughing and smiling.

How could I be sad when I have all of that in my life?