Face it Friday - Frustration OVER

I am human! I know folks it is a shocking revelation, but I am not always the perfect Weight Watchers member and I tend to think that is why you all can relate. We are human. Life happens. Then I realize "I Am Still Learning"!!

So a week ago today I stepped back on the scale for the first time in three weeks. We had been traveling each Friday to either Chicago for the Half Marathon or Maine for relaxation (not that I am complaining at all).

But I got on the scale on August 2 and was up 4 lbs since my last home weigh-in

July 13 - 155.2

August 2 - 159.3

(Note: I NEVER thought I would be upset/mad to see a 159 on a scale! Oh how times change...)

Well that was expected with vacation and taking advantage of stopping at all our favorite spots in Chicago. ;) But it was time to get refocused.

So on August 3, it was back to tracking. I was determined over the next 11 days to track everything (be a #trackstar), get 100oz of water each day, do a plankaday and hit all of my Good Health Guidelines.

At the same time I was starting full on Marathon Training...

so it was time! :)

Thanks to my ActiveLink I am wicked aware of my activity and motivated to top myself each day.

Well by Monday morning I was up to 60-something Activity Points, yet I got on the scale and nada.

Say whhaa?? Usually after a few days back on plan and that much activity, I woulda seen some movement but nope.

So it was time to bring in my reinforcements ... my #wwmafia crew (which is a group of WW Leaders and Receptionists that are the bomb biggity - yup I just used bomb biggity).

I asked for their advice and soaked it all in.

Because I can use all my WW Leader info on myself, but sometimes you need to hear it from someone else to get it to sink in.

So I kept on doing what I was doing:

*Eating 26 DPT a day

*Eating/Drinking all 49 of my Weekly Points

*Not touching my Activity Points

*Drinking at least 100oz of water a day

*Kept up my plank a day streak

I checked in again on Wednesday...

(Note: I am broke my own rule this week by weighing myself more than 2 times a week and I was upset with myself for doing that, but I got swept up in my own crazy!)

... and nada!

I started to look through my tracker and share with my most trusted WW Leaders and Receptionists to get their thoughts.

Common theme: water retention. Yup, indicator to me? Not able to get any of my rings off my fingers.

But I stuck with it!

I could've just given up and said Screw it! I'm having Chinese food but no! I trust WW and know it works.

I tallied up 111 AP this week - thanks ActiveLink for pushing me to light those darn lights up! ;)

So I got on the scale this morning and BAM. It worked.

Home Scale read 156.2.


And the official Weight Watchers Lifetime/Employee weigh-in read .... 156.4!


In range (153-157) and once again proving that WW works.

Now, for me ... this summer has been a HUGE adjustment. Not only are we in a new place and I am in a new job, I have now had to adjust to attending BBQs and having a social life. ;) Well going from working like 100 hours a week to not, I feel like a new member now (like I've written before). So now adjusting to social life and learning how to handle the delicate time of Lifetime/maintenance.

This whole summer has been a welcomed learning curve. I have learned to really keep my fitness up in the times of Happy Hours, BBQs and vacations.

Thankfully, I have a great support system that will not let me get too far off the deep end. They keep me in check and I would be LOST without them!!

So let's as a group just make it through these last few weeks of summer and move on ... to Birthday Season!

Oh darn... ;)

But moral of the story is: I Am Human ... and I am Still Learning!