Weigh-In Tuesday
/Okay not going to lie. I debated last night whether to actually weigh-in today or not. I KNEW how bad I was this weekend. Okay, we ALL knew how bad I was this weekend so I figured the scale wouldn't be pretty. But...
I maintained! I didn't post a loss or a gain and I was thrilled... I would like to thank activity for making this possible. I did a nice run on Sunday and did my own little "last chance workout" this morning to try and help the scale as best as possible.
Here is today's main question: How do you handle your food/liquid intake before a weigh-in?
I was talking to my WW leader, Lisa, about it this morning. I used to weigh-in at night so I had my system down. I knew when to eat what and when to cut off the liquid before I hit the scale. But now I am weighing in in the AM (between 10:30-11). It is a rough adjustment. So each week I have been trying different techniques to see which works best.
Do I keep the morning coffee? Do I eat fruit? Do I eat my vitatop? Do I stick with water?
So many choices... what do you do to be successful on the morning scale?