Face It Friday: Accepting A Gain & Race Tracking 9/5/14

After seeing 157.4 on the scale last week for the first time in months, I may have celebrated a little too much ... I may have overindulged a little too much ... I may have had that extra beer. And you know what??

I am okay with that!

What? How? Why?

I knew it would be a big weekend as Labor Day meshed with my best friend and her family coming to visit meeting up with taper week (meaning less working out than normal).

It was the perfect storm.

So I vowed over the weekend to enjoy the moments, but track them all - good, bad or ugly.

And it did get ugly.

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Now tracking this weekend didn't change any of my choices, but it allowed me to accept and own them.

Rather than beating myself up when the number hit a negative.

I checked in with myself and made sure the choices were worth it ... and they were!

Normally after a big weekend, I am right back on track on Monday, but with the holiday we decided to grill out so the points added up. I made that decision that morning and was happy I did.

I made sure to continue to weigh and measure and check off those Good Health Guidelines even when feeling a little off track.

But once Tuesday came around I was back to sticking to my Daily Points Target.

Instead of worrying about the negative number and throwing in an extra workout here or there, I stuck to my training plan. I know that this week leading up to the Half Ironman is about following my game plan rather than trying to get extra workouts in.

It is a fine balance sometimes between weight loss and training.

SO when I prepared to face the scale this morning, I expected a gain and would accept whatever the scale wanted to dish out.

I was fine with everything that happened over the week and was proud of the progress I made over the Summer leading up to the big race.

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The scale read 158.3 this morning - up just 0.9 lb.

I will gladly take that since it could've been more.

My goal when recommitting to tracking/me on June 13 was to be in the 150s before the big race ... and I am!

I feel healthy, balanced, confident and thankful.


And now I turn my focus to race weekend.

The Pumpkinman Half Ironman is Sunday. My swim wave kicks off at 7:11am.

If you would like to track me, you can download the All Sports Events app on iPhone or Android.

* Select Upcoming Events

* Select Pumpkinman Triathlon

* Select Results

* Select Athlete Search

* Search for me (my bib # is 365) and click on Dani Holmes-Kirk

* Click on the heart in the right-hand corner to add me as a Favorite

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I will be turning the big 3-2 on September 16! I am actually pretty excited for it since my 30s have kicked serious booty.

Now I cannot wait to see what happens next…

So how can you help me celebrate turning 32?

Donate to Tedy’s Team and help me #FightStroke in honor of my #1 Stroke Hero – my gramma.

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There are two ways you can participate:

1) The Dani Ryan Holmes-Kirk 3rd Annual 30th Birthday 5k Run-Walk Ramble

A $25 to Tedy’s Team gains you entry to the virtual race, a printable bib, a Finisher’s Medal and 7 entries into the raffle.


Sign up here!

2) Make a $20 donation to Tedy’s Team and gain 5 entries into the raffle.

Donate here!

I have an anonymous donor who will match up to $1,200 raised by the Birthday 5k/raffle! Say whaa?? Heck yeah!

I appreciate all the help!!!


Do you beat yourself up when you over indulge or do you practice self forgiveness?

*GIVEAWAY* Celebrating 5k Twitter Followers

Annddddd the winner IS:

a Rafflecopter giveaway



I can't thank you all enough for helping me hit the amazing milestone of 5k Twitter followers!

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I never imagined my little haven would ever grow to be what it is today. It is an honor to share my journey 140 characters at a time with all of you.

As promised I am ready to give away a Weight Watchers Success Kit to one lucky follower.

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So let's get right to it!!

Here's how to enter:

The giveaway will run from Wednesday August 27 (2pm ET) to Wednesday September 3 (2pm ET)!

Winner will be chosen and announced on Wednesday!

Face It Friday: Snack It, Track It & Bike Ride Milestone 8/29/14

Good, Bad, Ugly I have been a tracking fool since June 13 and it feels awesome. Now the topic this week was about Giving Ourselves A Break and being nicer to ourselves. It also touched on allowing ourselves to take a day off from Weight Watchers.

I don't mean have a field day with food or pretend that margaritas are zero points (ohhh if only). What I mean is take the pressure we put on ourselves (or I know I do) off for just a day.

A mental break if you will.

I think that is coming my way.

As I said I have been guestimating, tracking, writing now for over 2 months and sometimes there are times when I want to just throw my hands up, drop my iPhone and run away.

It can happen.

I am thinking this tiny break may come during my birthday week. Again I would still be doing my normal stuff, but maybe just put the tracker away and see if I can survive and stay in control without it.

Now I am not sure that this will really happen, but we will see. I am giving myself that option.

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Through tracking I am realizing that Friday is my worst day of the week. It's obvious why. It is weigh-in day. I become extra vigilant on Wednesday and Thursday to give myself the best shot going into the weigh-in so sometimes being so worried on those days gets me ready to break free on Friday.

Now I eat the same things every Wednesday and Thursday and am never hungry or depriving myself. It is just some extra pressure I put on myself. Always happens before weigh-in.

As a result I am all wound up and ready to pop on Friday.

This is something I am recognizing thanks to tracking and going to work on in the future.

Now I was worried about Friday's weigh-in. My period was looming and I had a small incident with pizza on Tuesday night (3 slices = 22 pts). But the incident was worth it, I tracked it and moved on. The pizza was damn good. Plus I had swum 2.5 miles that day, which wasn't too shabby!!

But the scale was kind.

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Down 2.1 lbs - WOO!!

I am now .4 away from being back in the free LT range (153-157), 2.4 lbs from being back at goal (155) and 4 lbs from my lowest weight in my adult life (153.4 - seen just twice).

But tracking every Bite Lick and Taste keeps me accountable even though I have ended up in the negative 5 of the last 8 weeks, but have lost in 7 of those 8 weeks.

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A fellow WW Leader and Friend thinks I may be over-estimating my foods on the weekend and not ending up as badly in the negative as I think.

Either way it is getting me to move more during the week to try and undo some of the damage.

I know I sound like a broken record, but it really does pay off to own the choices, mark it down and see that negative number. It usually shocks me back to reality.

It also makes me really enjoy the indulgences since they are turning back into a once a month treat.

Plus, going back to meetings has also helped put myself back to the top of my To Do List. :)


Besides having a good number on the scale, I had a bike milestone.

I completed my 56-mile training ride yesterday (which is why the blog post is delayed).


I really didn't enjoy a moment of it, but had to get it done for the Half Ironman on September 7. Maybe a love or even like of biking will happen at some point, but it hasn't happened yet.

While I didn't enjoy it all that much, I am proud of myself for pushing through the mental barriers and getting it DONE.


ALSO, I opened registration for The Dani Ryan Holmes-Kirk 3rd Annual 30th Birthday 5k Run-Walk Ramble to Fight Stroke!!


Did you see the raffle prize list is growing?

New Balance 3Axis Pedometer
ENERGYbits Sample Pack
Zensah compression sleeves
Perform Pain Relief Sample Pack
#Runner shirt from PavementRunner
What You Can When You Can Keychain

Please sign up today!



Do you track no matter how ugly it gets?

*REVIEW* Classpass hit Boston!

"Wow! I really want to try that new spin studio in town, but I don't want to dive in for a full membership." "I wish I could shop around to find the perfect yoga studio for me."

"Hmm my gym doesn't offer the boot camp variety I need in my workouts."

Have you ever said any of the statements listed above? I know I have.

And apparently Classpass was listening!


What is Classpass you may be wondering?

ClassPass is a monthly service that gives its members access to the best studios in their city. For $99 a month, members get 10 classes to be used to visit any studio of their choice up to 3 times per month. 

We want fitness to be accessible and approachable. We want fitness minded people to be able to meet like-minded individuals; where a thriving community and support system can become established.

I was psyched when Classpass reached out to me and asked if I wanted to test out the service. You bet I did!

(Note: While I was giving a complimentary month to Classpass, all thoughts and reviews of studios are my own!)

For $99 a month, you have 10 classes to use at more than 50 fitness studios in and around the Boston area (Spin, pilates, yoga, bootcamp, Zumba, etc), BUT you cannot attend a single studio (no matter how many locations they have) more than 3 times during that month.

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The latest studios added to the Classpass website

Reserving classes on the site is simple.

Reserve a class by clicking on one of the venues, and then selecting the class you would like to reserve. Press the “reserve” button next to the class and confirm your reservation, and you’ll be added to the list! You do not need to bring a voucher or print out to class — just bring a photo id. 

New classes are added to ClassPass everyday at noon. Classes are available to be booked on ClassPass for one week in advance.

Now you will be penalized $20 if you do NOT cancel a class reservation at least 24 hours in advance AND you lose one of your 10 classes for the month.

I understand why they do this, but it was a bummer for me as I got injured the night before two afternoon classes and had to cancel. But it was within 24 hours of the classes so I had to pay $40 AND lost 2 of my 10 trials. Boo!! I wish they understood that last minute illnesses and injuries happen.

Currently Classpass is available in Boston, New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. I am hearing rumblings that Chicago might be one of the next to get the feature.


Let's get to the classes themselves. I was able to use 7 of my 10 classes after 3 were nixed due to canceling last minute. :/

I wanted to use this opportunity to test out the many Spin studios Boston has to offer.


My first stop was an easy choice: Flywheel at the Prudential Center. I made sure to attend a class with my friend and Tedy's Team mate Melinda would be teaching.


A single ride will cost you $28, but the first ride is always free at Flywheel.

Now I had attended one Flywheel class before Classpass which you can read about here. Flywheel is an experience of it's own. I would recommend this studio to everyone.

Having the torq board really sets the studio apart from the others. You feel an entire body workout when you walk out the door.


I had to do a 1 hr and 45 minute training ride for my half ironman so I took a double one Wednesday morning with Melinda.


Ohh boy! It was awesome to see how many others did the double as well.


^ First class is free!

^ Free cycling shoes to all participants (and I did see them disinfecting them in between classes)

^ Padded bike seat covers available

^ Torq board

^ Secure Lockers

^ Showers available


^ With Classpass, you don't get to choose your bike - it is automatically reserved for you

--> I would definitely go back to this studio!


Next up on the Spin studio tour was The Handle Bar at the Fenway Park location.


The Handle Bar Indoor Cycling Studio has two locations: South End and the newer Fenway Park.

A single class at the studio will run you $20. Shoe rental is $2 (unless you are an unlimited rider member then it is free)


I registered for a Wednesday afternoon class, where we were greeted by a substitute instructor named Lena. I had no idea what to expect at the studio and wasn't offered much advice when heading into the studio.

Thankfully I knew how to set my own bike up since I couldn't grab the instructor's attention for help. She started right into the class and I felt lost.

Now I have taken many a Spin class, but this was the first where I couldn't follow along. A majority of the class was pushups and ab work while cycling. So while it was a GREAT calorie burn, I didn't feel like it was a great Spin workout.


I couldn't hear the cues from the instructor so I had to rely on the other participants to get the flow down.

Upon finishing the class, I thought I would never walk into a Handle Bar class again.

After seeing my thoughts on social media I was contacted by the owner Jess who was upset to hear about my experience. She assures me not all classes are like that and would like me to come back and try a different class. So I will do that and follow up with everyone.


^ Good calorie burn

^ Intimate studio

^ Fast-paced music


^ Cubbies instead of lockers

^ Lack of instruction

^ Unfriendly desk staff

^ Pay for shoe rental

--> Based on this experience I would not go back, but I will give another instructor a chance thanks to Jess' offer.


B Spoke Studios in Downtown Crossing (Federal St) would be my third Spin studio.


A single class would run you $27, but your first visit to the studio is free.

B Spoke Studios had a beautiful bathroom with showers.


Photo Courtesy B Spoke

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And good bathroom mirrors for selfies :P

They had complimentary spin shoe rental, but I did not see them disinfecting the shoes between classes. Thankfully I had brought my own shoes just in case.

After putting my backpack away in the secure lockers, I grabbed a free water (17oz - free to all participants) and headed into the studio.


Photo Courtesy B Spoke

I was warned ahead of time that the instructor had an appointment after class and it would be ending about 5 minutes early. If I had paid the $27 I would've been irked.

B Spoke liked to pack a full-body workout - cardio, hand weights, core work - into a 45-minute class.

Feel the beat, clear your head, and prepare to sweat

As I said the class was cut short, but I liked the more Spin focused workout while adding in pushups and core work. We did sprints, hills and jumps.

Nadia, the instructor, did a great job of calling out the cues, making sure everyone's bike was set up correctly and keeping us motivated during the ride.


^ First class is free!

^ Free bottles of water

^ Complimentary spin shoe rental

^ Secure Lockers

^ Showers


^ Didn't see shoes being disinfected

^ Not as many classes offered (they are working on including more in the Fall)

--> I would definitely go back to this studio!


Final studio on my Classpass tour was Recycle Studio on Newbury St.

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A single ride is $22. Oh and I just saw on their website that a new rider can get a full "welcome week" for $30. Wow! That's a good deal.


Photo courtesy Recycle Studio

I chose to take a Rebalance Ride one Friday morning.

REBALANCE is made for those who are looking to regain balance through a sweaty, dynamic class with lots of out of the saddle movement. The 45 minute ride will focus on core work/posture which is often overlooked in traditional classes. Get those abs and legs fired up and sweat it out.

The studio is located on the fourth floor of a building on Newbury Street.

Recycle Studio is Boston’s first indoor cycling studio. Here we ride to the beat, choreograph a full body workout and get lost in time. Our studios don’t have clocks, we ride in candle light and sweat with strength.

It has a small changing area with cubbies.

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And a great mirror for selfies!

They do a great job of utilizing the space they have and including an area for their classes (yoga,private training, etc) and the studio room itself.


As mentioned above the class is taught to candle light. Anni, the instructor, did a great job checking in with newbies before the class making sure we knew there would be "choreography" and that she would make sure to explain it before the class. She did a great job calling out the moves and I felt up-to-speed the entire ride.

Anni did a great job blending the upper body/core work with a great Spin class of hills, jumps and sprints. I was dripping with sweat afterwards and feeling a full-body workout.

The weights track focused on little movements, which gave me flashbacks of my Pure Barre classes.

Having the lights off really took the focus off the time of the class and put it onto the ride and movements. It was a great way to kick off a Friday morning.


^ Intimate studio

^ Great instruction

^ Good blend of arms/core and spin work

^ Lights off took focus off the clock


^ No bike reservation

^ No showers

--> I would go to this studio again!


But there is more to Classpass and Boston than Spin studios. I had planned on trying a yoga class and two Zumba classes, but had to cancel those due to injury.

I was however able to make my Barry's Bootcamp class with Sarah of SarahFit.com.


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A single class is $28.

I took Sarah's Butt & Legs 1-hour bootcamp class on a Tuesday morning. Sarah did a great job taking us on a quick tour and then explaining how the class would work. On that day we would be doing two circuits: treadmill, bench/weight/floor work ... and repeat!

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As someone who doesn't do a lot of weight training (I know I know), I was worried especially since my left hamstring was still hurting. Sarah was great about showing me adjustments to the moves so that I could still take part.

It was a great environment where I realized no one was looking at how deep my squats were or that I was using lighter weights than everyone else. Each person was focusing on their own movements.

Plus Sarah gave great ranges when working on treadmill sprints so everyone felt included. I was pretty proud of the progress I made on the sprints. It wasn't until the second round of treadmill work that I realized you could see what pace you were sprinting at. I am apparently not quick on the uptake. ;)

Let me tell you my butt and legs were DEFINITELY feeling it. Thanks to Sarah for a great workout and doable variations of the workouts.

--> I would definitely give this boot camp another try!


^ Great workout

^ Uplifting environment

^ They have Sparkly Soul headbands on sale at their Boston location ;)

^ Secure lockers


^ Not the friendliest/welcoming front desk atmosphere

--> I would go back to this studio


Wow! Classpass really let me explore what the fitness side of Boston looks like. I wish it was more than 10 classes a month, but based on the single class prices listed above - 10 classes for $99 is a great deal.

So fellow Bostonians - will you be checking out Classpass?

Weight Watchers: More Than Just A Weight Loss Program

Why Weight Watchers?

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Plain and Simple.

Okay okay there is more to it than that.

To me: Weight Watchers is MORE than a weight loss program ... far more.

What do I mean by this?

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I have battled with weight problems my whole life - especially the mental issues that come along with it:

* Low self-esteem

* Binge eating

* Closet eating

* Emotional Eating

* Eating Disorders: Anorexia and Bulimia

* Depression

For years, I just wanted to be skinny and didn't care what it took to get there. I never thought the self-loathing and self-mutilation would ever end. I yearned for a place where I wouldn't feel like an outsider where people would understand what I was going through...

And then I went to my first Weight Watchers meeting on November 2, 2009.


Halloween 2009 - the picture that drove me into Weight Watchers open arms

The above picture was taken on a Saturday Night - Halloween 2009, showed up on Facebook on Sunday and I walked into my first Weight Watchers meeting on the Monday.

I clearly had tried losing weight on my own before. Heck I even attempted WW on my own in college with success, but it didn't stick.

What made the difference? Attending a meeting.

But why? How could 30 minutes with complete strangers alter my success with weight loss and beyond.

Well here's why:

1) Judgement Free Zone

This was the first place where I openly admitted to eating an entire box of Cheez-Its in about 20 minutes. And you know what? People understood. No one pointed or snickered at me. Instead people nodded and shared how they had their own "Cheez-Its" incidents.

Wow! I knew this would be a place where I would feel comfortable sharing my successes, but more importantly my slip-ups without a judgy eye asking why they heck I didn't just stop at one serving.

Ummm hi person - 1) a serving of Cheez-Its should really just be the entire box and 2) Once the box is open the Cheez-Its will go bad if I don't eat them all at once.


Phew... moving on.

2) Support

I loved being in a room full of complete strangers yet feeling like I was with family.

I even made friends with two women - Casey and Naomi - who I would sit with every week. We would share our journeys, celebrate the ups and discuss the downs.

I can remember Casey and I each had our first gains on the same night. We had been doing WW maybe a month or so and we both went up. I was pouting in the back of the room with tears in my eyes and Casey was next to be bawling as well. C'mon, it can happen your first gain when you think you are going to lose every week. ;) But we both stuck through the meeting, let out the feelings and moved on. That one gain wouldn't keep us down and we had each other to lean on.

3) Motivation

Hearing others share their stories, struggles and celebrations kept me moving each week. I always tell my WW members:

When you are struggling, you need your meeting When you are doing well, your meeting needs you!

And it is true!

Not everyone in our every day life is going to understand our healthy lifestyle journey, but the folks in that room do. You have an instant cheerleading section.

4) The Leader

I was blessed with two amazing leaders in Chicago (both named Lisa).


Lisa, a WW member, Lisa & I at the Jennifer Hudson WW Center Opening in Chicago

These two women were great inspirations to me as well as wealths of knowledge. They would lend an ear when no one else would. They understood that it wasn't always about the cupcake, but the feelings behind the cupcake. As a leader you have been through the program before and you know that the game of weight loss is MORE than what you put in your mouth.

Having someone so accessible through email, Facebook, etc made me want to be that same kind of WW Leader, which is why I am so available to my members. I know that occasionally the only person we can truly turn to is a third party that gets it.

I get so excited when members tell me they leave the meeting room feeling motivated every week. It pumps me up and makes me want to have an awesome week myself.

I am a WW Leader to pay it forward. I want to share how important WW meetings are to me with them.

5) Tips & Tricks

To this day I leave a Weight Watchers meeting learning something new whether it be a product or an idea on how to handle emotional eating.

It was in a WW meeting room that I learned you can handle emotions without turning to french fries. YES I know. It was mind blowing. I thought food was the only thing to turn to, but it isn't. Through other WW members, I started an arsenal of ideas when the emotional eating started rearing it's ugly head: go for a walk, journal, talk to a friend, count to 10, if you are going to snack choose healthy options, etc.

Yes these sound like common answers, but I needed those ideas from others because I was sooo lost in my own problem. I needed options because let's face it when emotional going for a walk isn't always going to save the problem. Am I right?

So through the WW meetings I was able to stop learn to curb my emotional eating. But the biggest thing was recognizing the triggers. Before I would never stop to ask if it was real hunger or not, I would just dive in. Now I ask:

How am I feeling right now?

Then I can check to see if it is hunger or something deeper.

6) Being Honest

I have to 100% be honest with myself. This took me a long time to realize. Whether it be with my tracker, my head, my heart or my emotions. Lying to myself and saying everything is okay when it isn't - won't fix anything.

Thanks to WW, I have stopped lying to myself. I have learned that it's okay NOT to be okay. If I want to continue to have a balanced, healthy lifestyle, I need to continue to work on the mental side of weight loss as much as the physical - if not more.

Hitting goal didn't mean all the negative self-talk would magically go away. Far from it. I continue to work on nixing the negative with the help of WW and my meeting.

I can also say that I can count on one hand the number of relapses I have had with my bulimia since starting WW and for that I am eternally grateful to the program.

7) Love Clapping, Bling & Bravos

I never thought I would get such joy out of a tiny green star sticker that says BRAVO on it... but I do.


Like my BRAVO necklace?

Clapping for successes and bling to commemorate milestones. It all plays into my long-term success. Looking at them reminds me of how far I have come.



The love felt in a meeting room when a group is connecting, supporting and motivating each other is unparalleled. THAT is the feeling I bottle up after each meeting and keep in my back pocket for truly tough times. THAT is what has made a difference this time around and has helped me to push through the forest of maintenance.

Because there is always a Welcome Sign on one of those lime green chairs in a WW meeting letting me know I'm home!

Monday Musings: Forced Rest, #IceBucketChallenge, A Wedding & Beer

Mondays can be seen in one of two ways: the start to a week of endless possibilities or the worst thing in the world as the opening to the work week.

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Let's make this Monday our b&%ch! ;)

I love using Monday as a time to reassess the previous week and come up with a game plan for the next seven days. But also to celebrate the good times. :)

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This past week was full of ups and downs.

Let's get the downs out of the way ... quad injury! :(

On Thursday morning I received a shooting pain through my right quad. It was scary and was paralyzing (mainly from fear). The pain happened while I was stepping out of my house on the front steps. I am very lucky that the wife was there to calm me down and help me get past that first step.

After talking with my doctor/PT friends, it was dictated to take rest days. Eek! No I didn't want to especially with a sprint tri on Sunday. Well I listened to their advice.


Do you want your own Run All Day shirt from PavementRunner - order here!

Since then it has been a steady stream of icing, foam rolling, Zensah compression shorts, stretching and adhering to doctor's orders. It has been tough. Taking a DNS (Did Not Start) at the tri was frustrating, upsetting and difficult, but I know I need to be 100% for the Half Ironman on September 7 and a race now isn't worth risking that.

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Ace Bandages + Compression Shorts = One Sexy Look

Thankfully each day the quads seem a little better and I am hoping I am on the upswing.

Now while I am having a hard time with the rest, I think the pups are really enjoying it.

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Once again my nurse Laney sleeping on the job.


Now it was a tough eating weekend wise. I let some emotional eating in after the unexpected gain on the scale Friday. But really I had some cravings and I filled them. But my stomach let me know that I filled too many at one time. It was a little gut check that I needed. I was right back on track today and feeling good and more in control.

Go me!


On Friday, I was challenged by my cousin Jen to take part in the #IceBucketChallenge to raise awareness for ALS. Luckily I had an ice bath on the agenda any way so it was a good segway. :P

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As we know I have been keeping my craft beer drinking to the weekends the past couple of months so let me share the finds from this past weekend...

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Lefty's Brewing Company out of Greenfield, MA

The wife and I obviously love Slumbrew, which is out of my hometown, so I couldn't wait to get my hands on the latest brew... and it was worth the wait! Delicious and how could you not enjoy it with the description:

Fresh air and the aromatic essence of Calypso, Ella and Pacific Jade hops fill the air  and lighten our hearts while this golden ale lightens our mood.

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Somerville's own Slumbrew Island Day


The highlight of the week was my uncle's wedding in Western Mass. I even got to show the wife some of my favorite spots in Hampden, MA, including this lunch spot from my childhood. Mmmm french fries!

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It was a gorgeous day Saturday for a beautiful wedding.

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I was also able to spend the day with my Gramma, my Stroke Hero. She is the reason I am part of Tedy's Team and raise the money to #FightStroke! :)

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It was a great day with family ... and I don't think anyone figured out that I was wearing compression shorts and ACE bandages under my dress. ;)


I would LOOOOVVEEE your daily vote in the following two Got Chocolate Milk contests… each ends on August 15!

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Chocolate Milk Contest

^I have finally broken in to the Top Three!!! 1st prize is valued just over $5k, 2nd prize just under $1,900 and 3rd prize around $775. Holy cow they are sweet.


Team Chocolate Milk

^The prize? $500 in sponsorship money, which I will use to fund my first Ragnar Relay experience, new training gear and free race entries. Each time you vote $1 is donated to the Challenged Athletes Foundation. How awesome is that?

Thank you all so much!!!


What did you learn from this past week?

Face It Friday: Unexpected Gain 8/8/14

I'm grumpy! I yelled at the scale this morning. I called it some names that I am not proud of, but I did it.


Because of that stupid unexpected gain. You ever have one of those?

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You do every. single. thing. right and how does the scale repay you????? By going in the wrong direction.

It's just rude. Plain and simple.

So I had my hissy fit (it was good one too). I got the emotions out and then I talked to myself like I would talk to one of MY Weight Watchers members.

^ The scale does NOT dictate my worth.

^ My BODY just happened to forget that it is supposed to weigh the lightest for the week at 6:25am on Friday! *How rude!*

^ A gain does not take away all of the good work I did the past week.

^ Unexpected gain does not give me liberty to say SCREW THE UPCOMING WEEK, but to buckle down and keep at it.

^ Focus on the positives from the past week...

So what are those positives?

** I tried my first Barry's Bootcamp class on Tuesday ... and lived to tell the tale about Butts & Legs!


** For the first time in weeks, I came out of the weekend WITHOUT being in the negative!! I was right at zero. :P

** I did my first 3-hour training bike ride - outside - by myself!

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** I am listening to my body and taking a couple of much-needed rest days to try and fix these tight quads.

** I feel in control, lean and overall awesome! Clothes are loose again and I feel stronger in my workouts (pre-injury).

And the best of all...

** I am happy again! Through and through I am overall feeling more positive about life, which is a great bonus.

So if you ever have one of those weeks where the scale forgets to repay you for your hard work just remember: Your Check Is In The Mail!

The scale will catch up to your awesomeness.

But if for some reason it doesn't then simply remember:



Before I get back to icing my quads, I would LOOOOVVEEE your daily vote in the following two Got Chocolate Milk contests… each ends on August 15!

photo 4 (65)

Chocolate Milk Contest

^I am currently in fourth place (by a lot I know), but the top three vote getters secure the prizes. 1st prize is valued just over $5k, 2nd prize just under $1,900 and 3rd prize around $775. Holy cow they are sweet.


Team Chocolate Milk

^The prize? $500 in sponsorship money, which I will use to fund my first Ragnar Relay experience, new training gear and free race entries. Each time you vote $1 is donated to the Challenged Athletes Foundation. How awesome is that?

Thank you all so much!!!


How do you get past an unexpected gain?

I'm Trying To Make Team Chocolate Milk ... Can I Have Your Vote?

I love refueling with low-fat chocolate milk!!

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I think we all know that by now. ;)

I have had the honor of making the Team in 2012 AND 2013.


When I made my video in 2013, I pledged that if I made the team I would sign up and train for my first Half Ironman.

Well do you know what happened? :P


I made the team and am tackling The Pumpkinman Half Ironman on September 7.

So what could I possibly be committing to make the team for a third time?


I'm going to DOMINATE Ragnar Cape Cod in May 2015 with Team Chasing Down A Dream. Each member on the 12-person team has shed over 50 lbs. Amazing right?

Well you can help me check this off my bucket list. Because I am going to need some serious Chocolate Milk to refuel after this training plan.

So how can you help?

Well vote vote vote!


Each time you vote $1 is donated to the Challenged Athletes Foundation.

When does voting end? Midnight August 15!!

Click Here To Vote Daily

Will you be needing daily reminders? Just let me know. I am here to help.

THANK YOU for taking the time out of your day to help my dream become a reality!!

Build It with low-fat Chocolate Milk!!


Face It Friday: Fueling For Fitness 8/1/14

I maintained my weight loss for over two years before I really starting feeling any problems. Now the problems began when I completely changed my routine, but also increasing my activity even more threw me for a loop as well. When I started Weight Watchers in 2009, I was a gym rat, but not the right away. I would go to the gym for a couple of hours - yes an hour on the Stairmaster and an hour on the Elliptical. Then refuel with tater tots and beer.

Huh? Why wasn't I losing weight. I don't get it.

Then I joined Weight Watchers and learned that the calories burned on the machines at the gym were FFFAAARRRR from accurate. I learned about Activity Points and fueling your body.

After a year and a half on Weight Watchers in June 2011 (once I was cleared for activity post back surgery), I took up run again. I fell in love with it. I became addicted to it.

I loved that I could eat and drink more as a result. Hello balance!

Now when I started back running I was doing mainly 5ks and a half here or there.

But as time passed and years have gone by I have gone farther and farther into the distance running. I look back at 2014 and see that I had already completed three marathons by the end of April. Not quite the same mileage as I was putting in at the beginning.

When I ran my second-ever marathon in November 2012 (I signed up for it the day I hit goal), I didn't track as closely. Why would I need to? I was earning enough Activity Points to cover any indulgences.

EH! Not so much.

See I like to eat. I like tater tots and french fries. I can mindlessly snack on an entire bag of Stacy's Pita Chips to the tune of 29 pts. Yeah I know that about myself.

So I need to continue tracking while training. It is actually the ONLY way I can properly fuel AND lose weight/maintain my weight loss. If I throw the "Eh I ran today I can have an extra helping of ____," the pounds will come back on.

I don't have the control about myself. It is something I've learned and am still working on to this day.

That is why I needed to refocus and recharge these past 7-8 weeks. My Activity Points are now constantly in the high 90s to low 100s. I need to keep an eye on making sure I am refueling enough and properly.

I have used all 49 Weekly Points since the first week of WW (well back then it was 35, but you know what I mean). I am not about deprivation.

And you know what, I perform better and have more success with the scale when I use those extra points. I think of myself as a car - a hot car - and I need to keep enough gas in the tank. If not, the body holds on to the weight for fuel ... and nobody wants that.

So I am back to my balance ... back to fueling for the athlete I want to be ... back to feeling in control.

photo 1

Look who wasn't in the negative this week? :)

Now where's my beer? I need to carbo load for Sunday's long ride. ;) #balance


Additional notes from this week:

^ I am now 5.6 lbs from my happy weight. Yay!

^ I have tracked or guestimated every day since June 13, which has to be one of my longest streaks since hitting Lifetime in February 2012.

^ I have attended a WW meeting every week since June 13 making it a priority again. It may not be the groups I lost my weight with (I did all that in Chicago), but it is great to zone out and be with people who understand

^ Getting back to weighing every week. I was in the habit with Lifetime to just weigh in once a month, but personally I need that check-in since training has me hungry and always ready to eat. ;)

^ Some days I wish I could be those people who just needed the help knowing what to eat to lose the weight and keep it off, but for me it is far more emotional and mental than I ever thought. But I accept that and know I need to watch for the rest of my life probably as emotional/mental habits are life long struggles.

^ Thank you for all continuing to take this ride with me. Losing weight and maintaining big weight loss is not linear - it is all about the peaks and valleys.

^ Resurrecting Face It Friday has been very cathartic for me. It forces me to really look back at how the past week went. Holding myself to being honest with you keeps me honest with myself!


Finally, there is still time to sign up for the F.A.S.T. virtual 5k/10k run/walk to benefit Tedy's Team. Did you know: About 800,000 people in the United States have a stroke each year?

photo 2

16 spots remain and registration ends August 10!

Tips On How I Got Faster ... It Starts With The Socks!

For the low price of $19.95, I can sell you the #1 tip I have to getting a faster running time. Are you ready for it?

Can you handle it?

I don't think your ready for this jelly!!

Okay you all broke me down.

The #1 tip to get faster is...

Acme Rocket Skates

... buying some Acme Rocket Boots from Wile E Coyote!


Not what you were expecting?

Why because they aren't street legal?

Oh because they aren't real.

Fine fine!

Just a girl trying to make a quick buck! ;)


But seriously, the number one question I get asked is: "How did you get so fast?"

Some days I really don't know how it has happened.

It's been years in the making.

I ran my first 5k in March 2005 in a time of 38:21.

In August 2013, I set my current 5k PR of 21:59.2.

That's right. I have taken a little over 16 minutes off of my 5k time.


I ran my first marathon in September 2006 in a time of 5:59:27.

In my second marathon in November 2012 I set my current PR of 3:58:49.

Just over two hours taken off the marathon time.

So how did I do it?

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Here are a few of the things that have helped:

1) Weight loss

I was close to my heaviest (so around 230 lbs) when I started running. It took a lot out of me to run: pounding on my knees and other joints, heavy breathing, etc.

I ran from 2005-2006 before taking just over a 4 year break. During that break I joined Weight Watchers and started my healthy lifestyle journey.


There are articles out there saying that for every 5 pounds lost you take 30 seconds off your pace. I have yet to find any scientific proof of that, but either way I have to disagree with that statement. I don't think losing weight guarantees that you will speed up.

What I can say is the weight loss lessened the pain I felt, as well as the shortness of breath. It has been proven that for every 1lb lost reduces the pressure on your knees 3-4 lbs. That I can TOTALLY get behind.


So with less pain in my body while running, I could train longer and add in speed work more comfortably.

2) Spinning

I will give a lot of my speed improvement credit to Spinning.

I went to my first Spin class in 2009 and my life was changed. Haha. It sounds so dramatic, but it really was.

Before I knew it I was Spinning 4-5 times a week. My legs felt stronger. My cardio was improving.


In 2011 after back surgery, I was cleared to return to activity and I was ready to give running another shot. I was starting at ground zero. The first mile I ran after back surgery was about a 15 min pace or so.

As I got back into my running routine, I noticed that hills were getting easier thanks to hill workouts in my Spin classes.

While 2011 was a rebuilding year after surgery, 2012 was the year of PRs. I watched my 5k time go from 25:27 to 22:20. Woo! It was quite a ride and really the muscles built during Spin was a huge factor.


3) Cross Training

Yes there is more to cross training than Spin class. But I had to give Spin it's own category. In order to help my running, I need to find ways to strengthen my body and work on endurance without a ton of pounding on the joints.

Bring on the stationary bike, Stairmaster, elliptical and swimming.


If you don't like to swim laps, I would recommend even doing water aerobics classes. They can combine more low-impact swimming with strength training.

If you are wondering where to find swim workouts, there are ample websites out there.

I like to switch up elliptical and stationary bike workouts by the programs on the machines themselves. The Stairmaster at my gym tells you how high you are climbing in relation to world landmarks, which is fun and motivating.


I usually cross-train 2-4 times a week depending on what I am training for.

4) Find A Faster Running Buddy

Find a friend that runs a faster pace than you or a running group that is just ahead of your normal running partners ... and run with them!!!

Those folks will bring out the best in you and push you to a pace that you wouldn't think imaginable.

NOW I am not saying I am going to head out and run with Shalane Flanagan tomorrow - even though that would be fun - I am saying if you run a 10:30 pace find something that is 10:00 or 10:15.

Don't push the limit too much too fast.


My best friend Sarah and I are great at pushing each other. She is by far the better runner in our duo, but she wants me to reach my potential so she devises runs for us to do together that will do that.


Additionally running with a BQer (Boston Qualifer) can be daunting, but Robin keeps it light and fun. She has a great energy and really knows running. So besides running at a faster clip when I am with her, I also believe I can do anything!

If you don't have a friend that you can reach out to, check out a local running group to see if they have someone that runs at the pace you are looking to hit. It is a great way to meet new people and work on your speed.

5) Get Yourself Socks With Capes

I'm serious!! :)

Even if they don't technically improve your speed, they make you FEEL like you do.


No matter what my Garmin says when I am wearing my Superman caped socks I am freakin' MEB out on the course.


Most of my running socks, which are not compression, are super hero socks. Not only do they make me feel amazing, but they help win over the race crowd as well.

6) Sign Up For A Race With Free Beer At The Finish

Nothing gets me to a finish line faster than knowing there is GOOD free beer at the end. ;)


Now beer may not be your thing so go ahead and insert your motivator into sentence where beer is.


Sometimes thinking of people enjoying my free beer put a little light under my ass and make me pick up the pace.

I mean they could run out! ;)

7) Refuel and Recover

Proper refueling can greatly impact your athletic performances ... which is why I swear by my low-fat chocolate milk.


I don't drink it just because it is easy and a treat after a hard workout, but for the health benefits listed above.

In addition to 8 oz of low-fat chocolate milk after a workout, I am sure to keep my legs fresh with Zensah compression gear (shorts and socks).



Now yes folks also find speed work to be helpful and if I did it more, I am sure I would improve my times even more. But honestly I haven't worked it into my plan as much as I should.

It is something that I am going to be working on in the future.

For now here are the seven tips have really helped me. Now I am not sure they will work for everyone, but I can only share my experiences.

I am available for questions whenever folks have them.

Excuse me while I go and order another pair of Superman socks to go with my Wile E Coyote rocket boots Asics sneakers.


What has helped you improve your speed?