A Monday Morning At Pure Barre

Intimate class. Extra attention from the instructor.

Start the day out on the right foot.


Just a few of the many reasons why I enjoy taking a Pure Barre Burlington class in the morning!

With just a few days remaining in my month at Pure Barre, I took my normal Monday 7:10am class with Dana this morning and loved it - as usual.

She even noticed that I moved from my normal position in the right back corner of the room (near the clock/music) to the left front corner of the room. What can I say I was feeling wild. :0)

I highly recommend a morning class to anyone that can fit it into their schedule. The group is more intimate (in my opinion) and you can have more instruction from the instructor, while in the moment.

Dana does a great job of helping everyone out to make sure your form is spot on - which a newbie like me really needs.

She also does a great job of acknowledging and motivating each person in the room, which I always love ... but for some reason I especially appreciated it today.

Not sure if :

a) I needed the confirmation that after seven Pure Barre classes I actually looked like everyone else in the class - ie doing the correct move at the correct time ;)


b) I needed reassurance that the tuck I felt was strong/deep/right - was in fact strong/deep/right and I wasn't making things up in my head. :P

So despite having some back soreness from this weekend, I found with a proper tuck today I felt supported and able to hold all of the moves deeper than in previous classes. I did alter the "crunches" portion of the 7 minutes of ab as my neck had a twinge in it from a bad night of sleep.

(Wow, in this post I sound like I'm falling apart ... I promise I'm not - I hope!)

There is something to this practice makes perfect and those extra "tucks" while sitting in the car paying off.

I can't wait to see how class goes on Wednesday at 5:20pm with Jess at the helm and my contest winner Heather by my side.

Dynamic December

I am jumping on board with many of my fellow bloggers and coming up with some goals for December (just a week late ;)). But, now I am looking forward to a #DynamicDecember (I like alliteration so sue me :P).


So here are the three challenges/hashtags you will see me using in the upcoming month:

1) #hlgDec2Rem - This challenge was designed by Jan (@HealthyLoserGal) and one of my favorite people in the world. :) For this challenge, I am really working on getting #back2basics, sticking with tracking (#trackstar) and getting in my Good Health Guidelines. I'm not going to beat myself up if I miss a day (since I did miss 3 of the 8 days in December), but I'll just try to do my best!

Jan is one of the best motivators, and people, around!!

2) #plankaday - This has been life changing for me. I am not one for crunches, especially with that back injury back in early 2011, so this is a great way to get some core work in without sitting and doing a bunch of crunches - I don't want to do - on the floor.

This program was started by Dr. Sherry Pagoto (@drsherrypagoto) and is open to interpretation. For me, I work on doing at least two planks a day and keeping the variety up! Front forearm plank, front straightarm plank, reverse plank, side forearm plank or side straightarm plank.

I started with a 30 second front forearm plank back in August 2011 and hit my PR of 5 minutes & 15 seconds in November 2012. Anything is possible... :)

I am going to continue to do my #plankaday every day. I am enjoying the versatility and loving the #plankaday community.

3) #100ozchallenge - This is actually the first challenge that I started on my own! I have had at times upwards of 50 people participating. Woo! I feel wicked cool. Okay, that wasn’t cool. Dammit!

Anyway, this is a pretty simple challenge: drink at least 100oz water a day. That’s it. Keep yourself hydrated during the winter months. I just saw on twitter today that “Dehydration can cause ageing & can slow down metabolism as much as 3%” – I am here to not let that happen! Stay hydrated!!


I set these goals for myself because this is the person I want to be. The person I want to strive to be. The person I will work to be ... one day at a time.

And because of you - my family, friends, Facebook crew and twitterverse - that will hold me accountable, will support me and will keep me going.

The hashtags help to build a community. It opens the doors to new relationships, tips and most importantly more support.

So for me, this is what I will be striving for in December.

What will you be doing for you?

*WINNER ANNOUNCED* I Got My #SparkleOn At Pure Barre!


Thanks to Random.org, the winner of the giveaway is #32:

Congrats to Marisol!!!

Thanks to everyone who participated and keep your eyes out for the next giveaway...


Lifting. Toning. Burning. Sparkling.

Sparking you say?


For those that follow me at all through Social Media or this blog know I have a slight love obsession with Sparkly Soul headbands. ;)

So last night like most Pure Barre Burlington classes, I wore one of my many Sparkly Soul headbands...

... and I was finally able to snap a few action shots of me during class. For all of your enjoyment of course!


I was nervous heading to class last night because I hadn't been since Friday due to some back/hip soreness over the weekend.

But, I was pleasantly surprised that I actually felt stronger and more comfortable in the class than in any of the previous three classes.

Okay, yes, we tend to get more comfortable as we attend/work on any sport/exercise, but I didn't know if the time off would set me back.

But, folks - I felt STRONG tonight.


Yes - me!


My girl Jess (owner  extraordinaire) taught last night's 5:20pm class and I was looking forward to seeing what she had to offer ... and boy did she bring it.

We kicked it off with the normal warmup of arms (biceps, triceps, etc) and core (90 second varied plank/additional ab exercises on the floor).

I was wicked excited because for the first time to date I was able to hold the 3 lb weights throughout the entire warmup! YES!

Normally I have to stop halfway through or put them down and then pick them back up later in the workout. But not last night, I actually was able to hold them the entire time.

That must mean I have some baby muscles in there somewhere, right? :)


I was feeling confident making it through the first section of class without having to alter the moves...

...then we headed into "thigh" work!

Can you tell I knew the camera was on me here? ;)

This is one tough portion of class where you have to be up on your tip toes, bend your knees, squeeze the ball and tuck your tailbone - sometimes all at the same time. Woo, the tops of your thighs definitely burn!

Then Jess instructed us to get higher up on our toes and deeper into a squat at the same time - hence my smile disappearing. ;) Note the concentration on my face.

Another successful section of the class where I didn't have to pause (another first). I did slightly lessen my squat while on my toes, but I kept tucking and squeezing the ball the whole time. :)


After shaking out the legs a little and some light yoga stretching, it was on to seat work (aka booty work ;)) at the barre facing the center of the room.

It is fascinating how such tiny movements of the leg can work so many areas of your body.

With a slight bend in the standing leg, it was time to work the seat of the lifted leg through slight lifts, circling the leg, pointing the toe and straightening the leg. We did additional seat work on the lifted leg side on the floor (think tabletop position) before doing the whole segment again for the other side of the seat. :)

Woo! Three for three in making it through a section.


And then came seat work in chair position at the barre ... and my streak ended. :P

Jess upped her game to a whole new level during this section.

We got into a chair position at the barre with straight back - like sitting in a chair - and we went on our left foot on tippy toes before doing dips and pulsing in this position ... then doing the same with the right foot on tippy toes ... the finally with both on tippy toes.

And here is where the burn got a little too much for me. So I did stop once to shake out the legs, but I made sure to get right back into the position as soon as I felt ready.

I didn't think I would make it through that section, but Jess' calming voice and constant reassurance to all of us that we could do it helped me out!


Before I knew it, it was time to wrap the class up with 7 minutes of abs and 2.5 minutes of bridge work.

Thankfully for the ab work, Pure Barre wants everything to be done injury free so they have red balls available to tuck under your back and offer that extra support. Jess even suggested for my back to use two so I did that last night and the back survived the 7 minutes of core work without any pain. :)

I did a TON of bridge work in PT after my back surgery so I love this portion of class ... I got this. :P

We were able to snap a pic of pre-tuck...

...and post-tuck!

Can you spot the difference in the pelvic/hip area?


Well I entered last night's class unsure and nervous, but left feeling confident and realizing that I am already feeling a difference after just four classes.

My inner sparkle now matches the outer sparkle of my headband...

... so now comes the giveaway!! :)

Sparkly Soul has agreed to give one lucky reader of my blog one wide and one thin Sparkly Soul band of their own.

Here is how to enter:

*Please answer the following question on the blog below: “How will a Sparkly Soul headband help you sparkle?” … I will take responses until 9am ET Monday (December 3).

The winner will be picked at random … Good luck! :)


Feel free to follow Sparkly Soul on Facebook (www.facebook.com/sparklysoulinc), Twitter (@SPARKLYSOULINC) and Instagram/Pinterest/Tumblr (SPARKLYSOULINC), Google + (Sparkly Soul) and LinkedIn (Sparkly Soul, Inc.). And here is the link to their press release for more information on their headbands: http://sparklysoulinc.word press.com/about-2/press-release/


*WINNER ANNOUNCED* Pure Barre Class With Me Giveaway!


Thanks to Random.org, the winner of the giveaway is #7 .... AND #18:

THAT'S RIGHT! Jess at Pure Barre Burlington was nice enough to give away 2 free classes with me instead of 1! Thanks Jess...


Congrats to Heather Federico AND Robin Nichols!!

Thanks to everyone who participated and keep your eyes out for the next giveaway - which will be launching TOMORROW for Sparkly Soul headbands … :)


Are you ready to lift?

Do you wanna feel the burn?

Looking to tone?

Then Pure Barre in Burlington is the place for you! :)


Just a reminder of what Pure Barre is courtesy of the Founders:

Pure Barre is the fastest, most effective way to change the shape of your body. Using small isometric movements at the ballet barre set to motivating music, Pure Barre lifts your seat, tones your thighs, abs and arms and burns fat in record breaking time. Clients see results in just 10 classes, lose inches in weeks and have fun doing it!


I've been attending the class for just over a week now & am starting to drink the Pure Barre koolaid :P

Check out some of my thoughts so far: Class One, Class Two and Class Three!

It is definitely a unique workout that hits spots on my body I never knew you could strengthen.

So now it's time for the good news!

You ready?

Are you sure?

Well, here it is ...

... I'm giving away a free class with me at Pure Barre Burlington!

And following the class - we can grab a Dunkin Donuts coffee or a beer (pending time of class) ;)


So here's how to enter:

*Follow @IrishEyes1982 and @PureBarreMA on Twitter (if you have an account) - leave one comment after following both

*Like Weight Off My Shoulders Blog and Pure Barre Burlington on Facebook (if you have an account) - leave one comment after liking both


*Comment below answering the following question: “What about Pure Barre makes you want to check out a class with me?” 


… I will take responses until 2pm ET Wednesday (November 28).


The winner will be picked at random … Good luck! :)

Variety Is The Spice Of Life...

Cardio is my safe space. Since really starting my fitness journey a few years back, I have always gravitated to the safety and familiarity of the cardio machines:



*stationary bike

I always feared the weights floor at my gym, as well as, fitness classes.

For too long, I let my weight hold me back from trying new things.

Then one day in late 2010 I somehow gathered up all the courage I had and attended a Spin class.

After just one class, I caught the Spin bug.

I was hooked.

What had I been so scared of? Why had I let the fear of the unknown consume me?

So from that point on, it was time to break out of the comfort zone and try new things ... especially when it came to fitness.

And you know what? I survived.

And now I LOVE the variety of my workouts. I'm no longer in a cardio funk. I now have something different every day, which keeps me interested and rejuvenated.


So what did my last 10 days of workouts look like? Here it is...

November 14, Wednesday: Comcast On Demand class - Kickbox Power

November 15, Thursday: Comcast On Demand classes - The 12 Minute Blend & Cardio Dance

November 16, Friday: Pure Barre

November 17, Saturday: Zumba

November 18, Sunday: Spin and Body Pump

November 19, Monday: Pure Barre in AM and Spin in PM

November 20, Tuesday: Walking

November 21, Wednesday: 5k run

November 22, Thursday: 5k run & backyard touch football

November 23, Friday: Pure Barre

November 24, Saturday: 10k run

November 25, Sunday: Spin and Body Pump

(Note: My core work is the same circuit each day at home, including #plankaday!)


I love how in the past 10 days I have really worked all parts of my body, which keeps my muscles wanting more and my head doesn't get bored with the same old same old.

AND what's even more exciting? I'm finally starting to see some muscles now that I am making weight training a bigger part of my workout routine...

So if you are feeling like you are in a workout rut, I recommend switching up and trying something new!

Also, if you've wanted to try a new class and are too nervous to attend one at the gym, try to find it on On Demand and give it a whirl in the comfort of your own home. That's what I did with kickboxing. So when I whacked myself in the face at one point, the only people who noticed were the dogs. :P

How do you keep your workouts fresh?

Pure Barre Bursts My Comfort Zone

Ever since I joined Weight Watchers in November 2009 and started my weight loss and fitness journey, I have been constantly trying new things outside of my comfort zone.

Scared? You bet!

With each passing experience - trying my first Spin class, my first Body Pump class, joining road races - you would think going into a new class would get easier. But for me, that hasn't been the case.

Despite losing over 60 lbs, many times I still see myself as the 217 lb girl when I walk into a new adventure instead of the new fitter version.


I think that other people in the room still see that version of me on the left rather than the one on the right.

BUT, I don't let the inner fear hold me back any longer. I use it to fuel me. That and my amazing support system of friends, family and social media.

If they believe in me then I should believe in myself.

So all of this, helped me break through that cozy comfort zone and attempt Pure Barre ... and I am incredibly happy that I have.

Plus the staff (Jess, Dana, Danielle and Becca) and the other members create such a safe environment that my worries of looking like an idiot or doing the move incorrectly and being judged for it completely go away. You don't find that everywhere.

I was even more excited for my Third Class at Pure Barre Burlington on Friday because I had not 1, but 4 friends joining me!

Thankfully Jess was offering a "Bring A Friend" deal on Black Friday so I invited my friend and fitness accountability buddy Lindsey to come with me.

Then as the class got closer my cousin Jen let me know that she would be at the noon class with 2 of her friends as well.


The Pure Barre love is already spreading amongst my friends and it has only been a week. :)

They were ready to Lift, Tone & Burn.

The Friday noon class was packed - I think people were taking full advantage to get in a good sweat after Thanksgiving. I know I was.

It was funny being the Pure Barre "veteran" amongst my little crew since it was only my third class, but I was wicked excited to hear what they thought.

This was my first class with the instructor Becca, but had met her before - she is super nice and super motivating.

I wasn't quite sure how the class would go for me after doing a Thanksgiving 5k the day before, but I was up for the challenge.

We started off with the warmup of arms and core. I usually use the 3 lb weights since I have a weaker left shoulder from a 2006 car accident. But, even those were feeling a little heavy so for part of the warmup I went weights free and still felt it working my muscles.

After the warmup, we moved on to the thigh work. It's interesting how such tiny movements of your leg or thigh can work so many areas of your body. It really does shock and amaze me.

But, just working on stretching out my leg and making small dime-sized circles with the foot pointed can be felt throughout my entire leg/hip area. I love that ... and hate it at the same time. ;)

For some reason, my hips were a little sore on Friday so I had to take more breaks than usual while working at the barre for seat work. But to keep myself working, whenever I took a break I continued to "tuck my tailbone" so the abs weren't missing out on anything.

Maybe I was just having an off day, but I was having a tough time keeping up with the tempo, but I appreciated how others were also taking breaks when needed and just getting right back to it when they felt comfortable and ready.

I could see my cousin raise an eyebrow when they announced that we would be finishing the class with seven minutes of abs, but I promised her it didn't really feel like 7 minutes. :)

But, after we finished our final 2:30 of class with some great tucking while in a bridge, I checked in to see how the girls liked the class.

And - not shocking to me - they all loved the class and told Jess they would all be back again. Yay! We had some more converts already.

(Note: my cousin just texted me that she will be attending the noon class today)


I have now taken three classes at Pure Barre and had each of the instructors (Jess, Dana & Becca) and I LOVE how each class has a set formula when it comes to which parts of the body need to be worked, but each class and instructor make it their own. So they tweak and change up which how you do the thigh work so you don't get bored.

Now I can't wait to see what Dana will have in store Monday morning...

Framingham Turkey Trot Classic 5k - 11/22/12 - PR 22:20 (7:12 min/mile)

Race Bling. Amenities. In-Race Entertainment. Snacks. T-shirt Design. Usually I pick a race and judge the success based solely on the above criteria. But there is ONE THING that above all of those ... ONE THING that can truly outshine all the glitz and glamour of the race bling. That ONE THING is...


You give me a truly compassionate, dedicated, honest and caring race director and I will run that race year in and year out.

Welcome to the Framingham Turkey Trot Classic 5k!

2012 marked the 18th annual Framingham Turkey Trot Classic and it was AWESOME.

Now, for perspective, I traveled a good 30-45 minutes (depending on traffic) to Framingham for the race. So yes there were plenty of Turkey Day races closer to my house, but I picked this one for the reason I mentioned above.

This race is put on by Tim Campion, a family friend of my uncle's, and he has done one amazing job.

The Turkey Trot began in the mid-90s with 60 runners and on Thursday he had over 1,000 people participating.

I remember the first few races as my dad used to participate back in the day and Thursday it was finally my time to run.


The alarm went off at 5:30am for the 8am race, which was a sacrifice we were willing to make. :P

We hit the road just after 6 since we had to get a parking spot and pick up our bibs as well.

We made great time and got to the race with plenty of time. Thankfully they had a hall for everyone to hang around inside instead of out in the chilly weather. :)

There was even a snack table (seen behind us), which had some munchkins on it ... mmm perfect pre-race fuel! Yes, I had two and they were DELISH!

We were able to run into my family - aunt, uncle & 3 cousins - before the run. It was great to see how excited they were to get out on the course too.

Before I knew it it was 7:45 and time to head to the Start Line.

As usual, I didn't bother looking at the course map ahead of time so I had no idea what to expect. But, I tried to put myself up nearer the front of the group, which was full of local high school and college runners and the Framingham Running Club. After seeing that crowd, I moved myself back a little further in the pack. :P

I waited for my Garmin Forerunner 110 to locate satellites and just hoped it would finish before the gun went off ... and it did with about 2 seconds to spare. :)

Then we were off...

My legs felt HEAVY and dead. This was my first race since the marathon and just my third run since the marathon so I really didn't know how the legs would hold up.

But, once we got pas the first mile they started to shake out a little.

It was great seeing the neighbors out in their driveways cheering on the runners and the high school cheerleaders out on the course.

But, I was MOST impressed when I saw Tim (the race director) sail by me - running the race. It's rare for me to see the person in charge of the run actually participating. But, it was AWESOME.

I have known Tim for years through my uncle, but had NO IDEA he was so fast. It looked effortless to him (I hate those people because I'm jealous of how easy it looks for them).

All the time Tim was running, he was smiling and waving to the volunteers along the course, giving special thanks to the photographers, cheering on other runners and showing his gratitude to the locals who were taking in the race.

As we worked our way through the hills of Framingham (when did Framingham get hills?), I noticed that my pace on my Garmin was hovering around the 7:15-7:30 range depending on whether I was on a hill or not. :P But, I thought just maybe I could get a PR.

I was so distracted by watching Tim run AND be race director that I hadn't once looked at my overall time for the run.

Just as we passed where I knew my dad had parked the car, I picked it up a notch and wanted to burst through the Finish Line.

I saw my dad just before the Finish Line cheering everyone on and being one awesome spectator.

I clicked my Garmin and stared in amazement ... 22:21 - an unofficial PR by 2 seconds.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. But, I also didn't know which Finish Line I was supposed to stop the Garmin on so I just figured I stopped it early. I would just have to wait to check out the official results later in the day.

I found my dad and stood with him while we waited for the rest of our crew to finish and cheered on the rest of the runners.

Another awesome thing about Tim? As soon as he finished, he was right back in work mode: cheering on the racers, keeping the crowds back off the course/out of the runners way and giving out a ton of high-fives.

Simply awesome.

By the time we saw the rest of the crew finish, the results were already being posted along the wall of the hall, where people were warming back up.

I officially finished in 22:20.08 (7:12 min/mile pace) - a new SHINY PR ... I was 127th overall out of 1,029 and fourth out of 90 in my division! :) :)

Can you all believe that? Fourth in my division! Lil ol me!

Honestly the first thought was "DAMN No Award!" But then I reminded myself how far I have come and that when I started running I would NEVER have thought I would be fourth in any division.

Plus, my family is right there to take me down a peg when they think I am being ridiculous so they all had comments to make when I said the no award comment.

I just want to keep improving. That is my main goal with running. Because every run I do is another to be thankful for.

But, I digress.

I couldn't believe they already had tentative results up before we left the race. That was awesome.

The race is capped off by the awards ceremony then one impressive raffle.



So even though this race didn't have any race medals or big fancy bands along the way. It had the love, desire and compassion of one man, Tim Campion, that permeated throughout the entire race and all the participants.

THAT to be as a runner is more important than any of the other stuff.

But, the t-shirt was one sweet long-sleeved cotton tee that I will be honored to wear around.

So when you work on your racing schedule in 2013, be sure to check out some of those local races you just might find one gem like the Framingham Turkey Trot Classic!

Dani Meets Pure Barre

What the hell is Pure Barre you may be wondering? Simply put by the Founders of the method:

Pure Barre is the fastest, most effective way to change the shape of your body. Using small isometric movements at the ballet barre set to motivating music, Pure Barre lifts your seat, tones your thighs, abs and arms and burns fat in record breaking time. Clients see results in just 10 classes, lose inches in weeks and have fun doing it!

Sounds intimidating to me ... and it was!


But let me back this story up a bit...

My friend Jess from college  is one amazing & awesome person, who has multiple law degrees, was working full-time in a law firm and teaching more than 20 fitness classes a week (Spin, Pilates, etc). She motivated me to move more just by being her. But, when I moved back to Boston in January, I reconnected with her and starting attending her Tuesday morning Spin classes - she made a 6am Spin class worth lack of sleep. :P

But a few months back, Jess took a leap of Faith (which you know I love), left her job and decided to open her open Pure Barre franchise in Burlington, Mass - not too far from where I live. I couldn't have been prouder of her following her heart and her passion.

So the store was set to open on November 1 and in October Jess approached me with an offer. She offered me one-month of unlimited classes at her Pure Barre Burlington store if I shared my journey on social media.

How could I pass up that opportunity, right?

I am always looking on ways to get out of my comfort zone and what is more out of my comfort zone than trying a class like the one described above!

So please realize that while Jess has extended this amazing opportunity to me, I will be completely honest in my thoughts, opinions and comments made on my experience. Plus, Jess knows I will be brutally honest, which I think is why she wanted me - a complete rookie - to share my experience.

And last night I walked into my first Pure Barre Studio ever...


The front and lobby of the Studio was so welcoming!!

Doesn't the storefront look so inviting?

I'm loving the look...

They have stylish headbands and hair ties available for purchase ... wicked cute! I got one of course. :P

Pure Barre also offers a line of workout equipment, which looks stylish and practical!


Pure Barre Merchandise - water bottles and hats

Pure Balls? ;)

Jess - owner, greeter and instructor


After enjoying the lobby and hanging back to watch what everyone else was doing (leaving your shoes in the lobby, grabbing a couple sets of weights, put/keep socks on), it was time to finally go through the big doors :)

And here's why everyone took their shoes off:

The space was so warm, peaceful and welcoming... NO cell phones in the room at all (except for mine since I was snapping pics/taking notes - but it was on silent I promise!)

I collected the proper tools for the class - thanks again for everyone else doing it first.

As everyone sat patiently before class around the room, stretching, finding their Zen (maybe) or just enjoying the great tunes Jess had on, I realized Jess had told me about special grippy socks Pure Barre has (retail $12).

Aren't they fun? Comfy and helpful!


It was time for class to start. It was a great group of about 25 women.

(Note: Jess said she has had just 1 gentleman attend a class since opening on November 1, 2012 ... but fellas give it a shot! ;0))

It was a great workout that really did mix yoga, core and leg exercises together well ... they flowed from song to song.

Tonight we worked:

*Warmup-core-pushups,planks, biceps, triceps, etc

*"Chair" along the bar - hello inner and outer thighs and butt!

*A brief yoga interlude/stretching -- insert an attempt at a split, where I learned I'm not as flexible as I once was

*"Seat" work, which worked the butt and hamstrings - think wall sit, while on your tippy toes and add some thigh work

*Ab work at the bar followed with ab work on the floor - crunches, oblique work, etc

*Finished up with some back work at the end - bridges, stretches, yoga


The biggest thing I learned in Class One is that Pure Barre is all about "tucking the tailbone"!! I LOVE THIS!

Why you may ask?

Well, as someone who had back surgery and physical therapy, there has been a lot of tucking the tailbone in my life since January 2011 - so I knew how to do this move.


A majority of the moves we did involved tucking the tailbone so I felt right at home.

As you may have noticed the room has a large mirror, which is super helpful to check out how the instructor and other students look during certain moves since there isn't any real "Breaking Down Barre Moves" at the start of class or in between songs.

Jess did mention after class that her studio will be hosting a couple "Intro To Pure Barre" classes one day soon where all instructors will be on hand to help students work on the technique for each movement. I will DEFINITELY be hitting up one - or two - of those!

Overall, the first class was a blast. I am definitely sore, but I didn't feel as out of place as I thought I would be. I LOVED that the class was full of women of all ages, sizes and fitness levels. It was a completely judge free zone ... exactly what this newbie needed!


Well, I will be providing some pictures of me actually taking the class in the next few blog posts ;)

But for now it's time to stretch the legs before I return to Pure Barre Burlington on Monday! See ya at 7:10am ladies!!

Savannah - Final Day(s) - 11/4-5/12

Sun. 70-80 degree temps. History. A trolley tour. Pizza. Beer. That is what Savannah had ready for us on Day Three of our weekend ... THANK GOODNESS! Between Day One, The Marathon itself & the large amount of walking we did to wrap up Day Two my legs were ready for a break.

We started the day off with a big brunch at our hotel (only $10!!) and a trip to Starbucks ... yes I know. I never go to Starbucks unless absolutely necessary and in Savannah it was necessary. There wasn't a Dunkins in sight - as I expected.

As we left Starbucks, I spotted the Kindness Bus. How awesome is this?

I think EVERY city need a bus like this. Don't you agree?

We then headed over to the catch The Old Town Trolley Tour back near our hotel. Our guide's name was "Hollywood" and boy was he entertaining. :) Do you expect anything less with a name like that?

We had seen so much of the city between walking around ourselves, the race and the ghost tour, but it was nice to just sit and hear even more about the historic city of Savannah.

Technically the tour was one of those hop-on hop-off deals, but we had decided to just take it around one full circle: 1) because I had no desire to walk/wait for the next bus and 2) our guide was great and we didn't want to run the risk of getting on a different trolley and having a dud guide. :P

How Hollywood managed the Trolley around such tiny corners and down a tight steep cobblestone decline without hitting anyone or tipping it over.

Once we made it down the cobblestone, we were back on to River Street and were able to check out some of the amazing statues along the water.

The waving girl

Statue in honor of the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games Torch

The trolley was full of runners (shocking I know) so we all loved the sign at the Thunderbird Inn.

Since we had a HUGE breakfast, we all decided to delay lunch awhile and we headed back to one of the famous cemeteries we saw on the ghost tour and the trolley tour.

The guides had said that the Confederate soldiers used the cemetery home base during the war and to entertain themselves they would mess with the tombstones, changing the information on them.

For example:

Can you see where the changes were made?

After wandering around the cemetery, we decided to just take in the beautiful afternoon and just sit in one of the famous squares. I couldn't tell you the last time I just sat in a park and enjoyed the surroundings. It was wonderful. We met a gentleman from Florida who had also run the Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon so it was great chatting with him and getting his perspective on the race. He also had the Savannah Morning News, which had all the race participants in it ... so I of course had to borrow it.

And there it was :)

How cool?!?!?

After taking some time to relax, we all headed to Mellow Mushroom for some pizza and beer. The wife hadn't been to the chain since she lived in North Carolina over six years ago so we had to go (we don't have this chain in New England - that I know of).

Boy was it YUMMY!! We tried the pretzels to start with - delicious - then enjoyed their unique pizza. All in all - atmosphere, beer, food - it was a GREAT experience.

Unfortunately after we ate, we walked back to the hotel since it was time to send my dad off to the airport. :/ But it was great having him there.

My dad brought my Rock 'n' Roll bracelet that I forgot in Boston with him to Savannah so I was able to add my two charms from the weekend. :)

Isn't it one motivational/inspirational piece of jewelry? Thanks to the wife for picking it out for me. I can't wait to add new cities to it in the future.

We decided to take one final walk down River Street to stretch the legs before we finished the weekend off with a casual night in the hotel room. Michelle picked up a cute gift for a friend and we were all ready to crash.

But, we wanted a couple beverages for the night so thankfully our hotel bar was happy to oblige. :)

It was wicked nice to just all chill together - especially since we only get to see Michelle about once or twice a year - and just be.

Can you tell I moved alot that weekend?

Hello hydration!

After getting in my situps and #plankaday, we called it a night ... I just couldn't believe the weekend was about to come to a close. :(


Monday, November 5 marked the true end. It was basically: wake up, pack, eat brunch at the hotel (again $10!) and then it was off to the airport.

It was time to say goodbye to Michelle. It was so great that she was able to make it to Savannah from AZ and run the race with us. It was great seeing her and can't wait til we plan another race to run together again ... <<cough cough>> Rock 'n' Roll Los Angeles Half <<cough cough>>

Right after this pic, it was time to board ... after a lengthy delay in Savannah and head to Atlanta and on to Boston.

Can you tell we weren't ready to come home? Actually, we were okay with the going home and seeing the pups part. It was more the hours that would be spent traveling back home that we really wanted to avoid.

But, I had to rep the Got Chocolate Milk Sweatybands after they refueled my body after the race and all weekend long!!

Despite the trip home getting off to a rocky/delayed start, the rest of the trip ran smoothly ... including some adult beverages on the plane. ;)

Hey, we had to enjoy the last bit of vacation weekend!

But, as soon as we stepped foot back in Boston I was reunited with Dunks ... phew!

We landed during rush hour so it was quicker/easier to take the T home rather than having someone come pick us up. But, I was really dreading the walk home from the T stop especially since I was still wearing capri pants. :P But we made and were greeted by two very happy pups, which makes all the travel in the world worth it.


I think you can tell through these posts that we all thoroughly enjoyed Savannah and would recommend it to anyone as a destination.

All you really need to know about Georgia is that is produces the 4 Ps: Peaches ... Pecans ... Pralines ... and Paula (Deen).

Savannah - Day One - 11/2/12

Tearing up just thinking of last weekend... So sorry for the delay on the Rock 'n' Roll Savannah Marathon weekend recap! Emotions and life have come in the way of getting this post done sooner.

But here goes Day One!!


We headed to the airport at 4:30am. So yes this story starts wicked early in the morning.

I think I look pretty put together for that early in the day ... and representin' the blog with my Sweatybands headband!

2012-11-02 05.09.48
2012-11-02 05.09.48

And of course I was giving my wife the "Oh really" face that she loves so much. :P

After getting my final Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee of the weekend, it was time to chillax at the gate.

How cruel putting us right next to Harpoon IPA when it was closed.

2012-11-02 05.19.31
2012-11-02 05.19.31


We had two flights to get to Savannah - layover in Atlanta. In a truly "small world" moment, I spotted a Weight Watchers Leader I knew on each flight. One sitting across the aisle from me as she headed to the Dominican Republic.

I want to thank the second flight's Flight Attendants and Pilots for giving a special shout-out to all the runners on the plane!

We landed in Savannah and headed straight to the hotel. After immediately unpacking my clothes for the next day's marathon


It was time to hit the hotel gym for a quick 2-mile run (to shake out the legs after the long morning flights)!

2-mile run
2-mile run

Boy was it weird running on a treadmill - I hadn't done it in AGES.

Finally, it was time to check out the local cuisine (we hit up Wild Wing Cafe - delicious) and then headed to the John P. Rousakis Riverfront to catch the ferry to the Expo.

It was the first Rock 'n' Roll expo where there was a Half Marathon and a Marathon happening so the wife and I headed to separate areas to collect our numbers.

Of course, I made her take my standard "Countdown" pic!

2012-11-02 14.52.24
2012-11-02 14.52.24

I had read that KT Tape was going to be at the Expo and since I missed them at the RnR Chicago Expo I was determined to finally try them out at this time.

After picking up some Sport Jelly Beans since I of course forgot mine at home, we headed to the KT Tape booth.

2012-11-02 15.37.11
2012-11-02 15.37.11

I had to choose blue. I was really hoping it would help my knee, which had been sore for the previous two weeks. Thankfully nothing sharp, but a more dull constant pain.

After checking out the locations/dates for the RnR races in 2013, we think we are going to try and hit up the Rock 'n' Roll Los Angeles Half around Halloween. It is time to check out some new cities. :)

We got back in what seemed like the never-ending line to reboard the ferry and head back to downtown Savannah.

2012-11-02 15.51.47
2012-11-02 15.51.47

I will say RnR did a great job keeping the ferries moving so people didn't lose too much time standing in lines to board.

We arrived back to Savannah's famous River Street and did a little carboloading with a local brew from The Warehouse...

2012-11-02 16.10.21
2012-11-02 16.10.21
2012-11-02 16.21.49
2012-11-02 16.21.49

... and enjoyed Savannah's lack of an open container law.

Can I just say how odd yet awesome it was walking around with my beer? You don't want to chug or leave your beer behind - restaurants/bars give you a To-Go cup. My kind of city!

As we wandered back to our hotel, we set out to find the Start Line for the following morning and check out the historic Bay St.

2012-11-02 16.26.21
2012-11-02 16.26.21

We made it back to the hotel to settle in before our friend Michelle and my dad both landed/met us for dinner.

We went to Molly Macpherson's Scottish Pub & Grill for dinner. Why you may ask? They had a nice spaghetti dinner going on for runners.

It was great having everyone in one place the night before the race so we could come up with a game plan for the next morning: pre and post race meetups.

I also loved how almost every bar and restaurant in Savannah were so welcoming and supportive of the runners in town.

2012-11-02 16.45.05
2012-11-02 16.45.05

After getting back to the hotel, it was time for a little compression time with Zensah...

2012-11-02 22.09.31
2012-11-02 22.09.31

... before doing my #plankaday and setting the alarms for the morning!

2012-11-02 22.11.49
2012-11-02 22.11.49