Want to join me at the VERT-Sasquatch Trail Run?

Annddddd the winner IS:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

CONGRATS!!!! Thank you to everyone that participated and big thanks to our Sponsor!!!


I am NOT a trail runner. Okay! Phew! I feel better getting that deep dark secret off my chest. So why am I participating in and giving away a free entry in a Trail Run? Because this isn't like the other trail races.

VERT Race Series is a unique, new school trail race series from the research lab @Cambridge 5K. We have two races scheduled for 2013: VERT - SASQUATCH, 7/14 @ DCR Middlesex Fells, and VERT - Big Bad Wolf, 9/21 @ the Ipswich Ale Brewery, Ipswich, MA. We are also working hard to add some epic l-o-n-g-e-r (and more BAD ass) races so stay tuned!

Last year's Sasquatch race was my first-ever trail run ... read my experience here!


The Sasquatch race is a 2.35 mile run through the Fells in Stoneham, Mass - which VERT refers to as a "sprint" trail run. Can't you see how much fun I am having in the picture above? :) The race is set off in a large open field and in waves so you are not really tripping over other people along the course. I wasn't bumping elbows with folks like normal starts of races. The trail is somewhat thin throughout the run, but you can easily pass people if necessary. The end of the run is a downhill and referred to as the "Sasquatch chute" by the runners. :) You end back on the open field you began on. As soon as you finish, it's party time! That's right.



Team Slumbrew owning the after party!

In addition to your race entry, you have access to the post-race party at the Stone Zoo, which includes delicious local craft beer (Go Slumbrew!), food and a dance off or two. ;)


Isn't that ceramic mug I'm drinking out of amazing? I won it for being the most social female runner - scroll to the bottom of here! AAAANNNNDDD the race is accessible via public transportation!! SCORE! So have I convinced you to give VERT-Sasquatch a try? I will sweeten the pot by offering a free entry!! Here's how to enter the giveaway: The giveaway will run from Wednesday July 3 (10am ET) through Wednesday July 10 (10am ET)!

The winner will be selected and announced on Wednesday!

I "Get" To Eat Healthy...

Every have that one sentence or moment that changes your life? You hear it/witness it and a light switches on in your head?

Yeah that happened to me at Fitbloggin during the "Stop Keeping Up With the Joneses" session on Saturday, June 29.

My friend Kenlie from AllTheWeigh.com snuck into the room late from another session.

But, her brief time in the room got my wheels turning.

She simply reiterated how someone mentioned about feeling unhappy about "having" to eat healthy to either lose weight or for health benefits.

And she then said: "But instead we can simply say: I get to eat healthy!"

*Mind Blown*

Oh no she didn't.

Why yes she did.

She simply taught me how to reframe my thoughts though a simple sentence.

For the past few weeks with countless travel and unhappiness with some aspects of my life, I have been SLACKING - I mean seriously slacking - in the healthy eating department.

(Note: this is not about needing to drop x amount of lbs - since I haven't stepped on a scale in 3 weeks - but this is about feeling good and feeling healthy! The reasons why I lost weight!)

Too many old habits have been sneaking back into my life to mask or try to bury the unhappiness I am feeling.

So what is happening today?

Today the reframe is taking place.

Today I stop the pity party.

Today I end "Vacation Mode." (Excuse Alert!)

Today I don't HAVE to eat healthy ... I GET to eat healthy.


Because I need to remember how much better my training goes when I am eating healthy.

Because I owe it to my racing self.

Because the athlete I've become (can I say that?) deserves to be fueled the best way possible.

Because I have the ability to do it.

So how does it start?

It starts by getting #back2basics. It is a hashtag I use when I need to hit the reset button.

Yup, I have hit the reset button more times than I can count. But the important thing is I keep hitting it.

What does #back2basics mean to me?

1) Take the food scale off the top of the microwave and put it back on the counter. 2) Move the measuring cups from the back of the drawer to the front. 3) Put into effect #DrinkEnd ... which means alcoholic beverages are only allowed Friday-Sunday. (Unless there is an extenuating circumstances of course. If my friends win mega millions on a Tuesday, I'm not passing on champagne! ;)) 4) TRACKING everything that enters my body. 5) Stick to my training plans, planned workouts and gym dates that I have set with friends. 6) Continue to hit my #100ozchallenge each day, which means drinking at least 108oz of water each day! 7) Do my #plankaday each day. My core will thank me too. ;)

It seems like a lot, but really there are the basic routines that I have created since joining Weight Watchers and when I hit them I have success. So easy decision is to list them out for myself.

PLUS, I always do better with a challenge! Don't you?

So if you are looking for a little support or looking to buckle down, feel free to join me in using the #back2basics hashtag!!

Can you pass me an apple?


Dani Dishes 7-8-13

On this episode of Dani Dishes, I apologize for not having a video last week (Darn Fitbloggin! ;)), complete my final travel, talk about emotional eating and hitting the reset button! Product Of The Week Mizuno Wave Sayonara - http://www.mizunousa.com/running

Mizuno Wave Sayonara Review

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by FitFluential LLC on behalf of  Mizuno. All thoughts and opinions are mine. 

I like being a guinea pig.

Oh does that need further explanation? ;)

I love having the opportunity to test out products for myself and for you all, the readers. When I started running back in 2005, I knew NOTHING about proper sneakers, running clothes or even how to design the right playlist.

2012-11-03 18.58.24

Can you tell the difference between Marathon #1 (no education) and Marathon #2 (starting to do my homework)?


So now I relish the ability to broaden all of our horizons to what is out there to help us reach out goal ... to finish a race, to learn to run, to increase speed - whatever it may be.

That brings me to my latest adventure: the Mizuno Wave Sayonara.


First off, oohhh pretty!! *wiping drool from mouth*

Before losing weight I always wore dark colors to just try and blend in ... and look slimmer. So as I started my weight loss journey I would slowly add color to my attire via sneakers. So HELLO these are perfect.

Now, Mizuno is known for light weight shoes, which basically means not a lot of cushion.

This got my brain working and I was nervous. Since I started running and especially after back surgery in January 2011, I always aired on the side of caution and used a shoe that offered as much support (aka cushion) as I could find. For some reason in my mind that meant nothing would happen to my back again.

But, when I was given the opportunity to a sneak peek at these gorgeous Mizunos (retail $119.99) how could I pass that up. Plus every day I learn something new about my body and my running so I need to keep the mind open.

These beautiful shoes came in the mail and I immediately ripped them open and hit the road.


They fit like a glove. I was shocked. I said a little prayer to the running gods and set off.

It was June 26th, a hot and humid Wednesday morning in Boston and I felt my run would suffer. But I think the shoes kicked in.

(Note: Mizuno refers to the #WaveSayonara as the "Everyday Fast"!)

So how did the run go? I think I put it best on Instagram that day:

Tried out the @mizunorunning#wavesayonara today & loved 'em!! Even with the heat I hit sweet negative splits (8:16, 8:03, 7:56 & 5:33 for 0.7) AND repped the rainbow@sparklysoulinc in celebration of #domadying! :)

June 26

Oh yeah, those would be some pretty sweet negative splits. I felt light. I felt free. I felt fast.

I actually LOVED wearing the light weight shoes. When it is so hot out, I find it sometimes feels like a chore to pick up my legs - especially during a long run - but the Mizunos were lightweight enough that I didn't experience that.

My back didn't hurt at all. My knees and ankles felt supported.


I took another Spin after returning from Fitbloggin' this past week. I was tired from the travel (east coast to west coast to east coast in 4 days), but I knew I needed to hit the pavement. So Tuesday afternoon, I laced up the #WaveSayonara and hit the path.

I was tired and feeling blah, but honestly the shoes picked me up. I didn't even want to know about time (that's how out of it I felt) so I wore my Garmin face down during the run. As I was running around the River, I thought to myself how I felt like I was running in place, but as I sneaked a peek at my Garmin I was rocking a low 8 min/mile pace - say wha?

The shoes. It was all about the shoes. I swear.

july 2


I think Mizuno described the shoe perfectly:

Mizuno introduces the Wave Sayonara – our lightest everyday training shoe yet. Speed is now more accessible than ever and something that can obtain on a daily basis.

Sayonara is light, low-to-the-ground, and versatile so any run can be as fast as ever. The euphoric foam midsole ensures the proper cushioning without added weight and bulk so runners experience a light, smooth, comfortable, and responsive ‘ride.’

Now, running enthusiasts can wave goodbye to slow and say hello to more energized, mezamashii running.


I know you want to know the technical highlights of the shoe ... so here they are:

**Blown rubber sole for optimal flexibility **U4ic is innovatively light and well cushioned **G3 Sole features lightweight, superior traction **Mizuno Wave Technology provides the perfect balance of lightweight cushioning and stability

Thank you again #WaveSayonara for making me feel as fast as an Elite runner?

And what's cool? They hit the shelves TODAY!

Go! Go check 'em out and see if they are right for you!

[embedplusvideo height="281" width="450" editlink="http://bit.ly/1a7AuQY" standard="http://www.youtube.com/v/ObKQQxMtpuI?fs=1" vars="ytid=ObKQQxMtpuI&width=450&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=" id="ep1752" /]

Weekly Workout Wind Up (6/27-7/3/13)

With so much travel and flight delays and timezones, this wasn't my best workout week, but it had some variety! Thursday, June 27: Rest Day/Travel Day


Friday, June 28: Zumba


Saturday, June 29: Jumpsport Trampoline Class and 3-Mile Run



Sunday, June 30: 6-Mile Run


Monday, July 1: Rest Day


Tuesday, July 2: 4.99-Mile Run


Wednesday, July 3: 45-Min Stairmaster and 20-Min Elliptical



The Perfect Bubble ... Aka Fitbloggin

Close your eyes and imagine a place ... WAIT! Strike that! If you close your eyes you can't read the picture I am painting! Oops!

Okay so partially close your eyes, but enough so that you can read the scene I am about to create.

Got it?

Okay. Let's start over.


Partially close your eyes and imagine a place. A place filled with friends. Friends you may have never actually met in person before. But you feel surrounded by love and peace. You walk through the hallways of this joyous place and every few steps you are engulfed in a loving embrace. An embrace where the positive energy from one person fuses with the positive energy of the other and forms a bond that nothing could break.

Oh you want a place to sleep? Well, you better find some roommates. Yes four people + 2 beds = a room. You get introduced to a couple people online that need a roommate and you wearily agree. But as soon as you walk into the room, the bond is formed. This is the place you are meant to sleep. These are the people are you meant to stay up chatting with in bed until 4am. You may even arrive in the room at 1:30am, meet a new roomie and immediately climb into bed with them without any second thoughts. Why? Because the love is already evolving. 

You look down at what you are wearing and realize that absolutely nothing matches. You literally have every color of the rainbow on your body and instead of feeling a thousand judgmental eyes starting at you glaring "What is that girl wearing?" You look up and see people applauding your ability to leap out of the box and not care what other people think of your outfit.

Rather than slinking into an unfamiliar terrain you BOUND into a room. Instead of slumping in a seat in the back of the room - you plop yourself in the front. Why the front? Because rather than hiding against the wall trying to remain invisible - you are front and center at this party! YOU are leading the discussion rather than watching from the outside wishing you could get the courage to be included.

When you scan the list of fitness classes being offered in this magical place, you don't flinch. You don't hear the little voice inside your head telling you "You are too out of shape to try that," "You really think you are strong enough for that," or "You think you have enough rhythm?" But rather, you hear "You are awesome," "You deserve to try this class" and "You will kick some <> ass!" Why the different inner voices? Because you are in a complete judgment-free zone. You walk into that Zumba class OWNING your lack of rhythm, but you have one of the best times of your life. Why? Because you were inhibition free. You had NO FEAR.

You get an email asking if you would participate in a Fashion Show during lunch one day. As you hit Respond to the email, your mind says "NO NO NO NO NO," but your heart says and your hands type "YES YES YES!" That's right YOU are going to get up on a stage in front of all the attendees and model fitness wear on a catwalk. Yes on a raised catwalk. You go last, you step on stage and the cheers start erupting. The fear goes away and the smile gets wider. You even strike a couple yoga poses since hey are you modeling yoga pants.

One evening the magical place even offers a reception, where there will be dancing. Eek! As already noted, you can't dance. You have total white girl syndrome. But you don't fall back into old habits of sitting at a table in the back, watching everyone else dance and wishing you were out there too. Instead, you join your friends out there. You do some of the worst dancing out there, but is anyone even looking at you? Yeah they are. But, because you have the biggest smile on your face and a big constant infectious laugh flying out of your mouth. You are having the time of your life and not thinking about the cameras snapping your picture doing the lawn mover or the sprinkler. You are in the moment of having a BLAST with friends and having your abs hurt from laughing.

It is a place where smiles are large, the laughs are all-encompassing, the tweets are flying, the love is growing and the friendships are blossoming.

It is a place where ALL are worthy of being there.


Now open your eyes back up fully.


Isn't this place amazing? Don't you want to stay in the warm glow of the awesomeness forever?

Would you believe me if I told you this place truly exists? It is around for just 3-4 days a year, but it fills you with enough love for the whole year.

What is this place called.


I've had the honor to attend Fitbloggin for the last two years: September 2012 in Baltimore, MD and this past weekend in Portland, OR.

So what is Fitbloggin? Creator Roni puts it best on the website:

The FitBloggin’ Conference is for anyone who blogs about fitness, wellness, good food and a healthy lifestyle–regardless of where they are in their journey. Our attendees are a melting pot of fit-minded people. Some of us are on a mission to lose weight. Others are training for triathlons. We have gym rats and folks learning to run. We welcome vegetarians, vegans, and convenience food junkies alike. We may all be in different stage of fitness, but we all share one passion: To live a happy, healthy balanced life.

More than just another blogging conference, FitBloggin’ is all about the desire to use technology, blogging and social media to motivate, inspire and foster a culture of health and wellness. We strive to bring together bloggers from all walks of life to create a tightly connected group of men and women who care deeply about and are committed to spreading this passion for fitness.

But, as I described earlier it is so much more. It is truly the first place in my life that I have felt 100% accepted and judgement free. Over time I will talk more specifically about my experience at Fitbloggin, especially about co-leading a discussion and participating in the Fashion Show.

For now, I leave you with this dreamland. This safe place where I can be me ... and get a hundred hugs for it!


Will I see you at Urban RAID Boston?

Do you reside in the Boston area? Do you want to take part in a wicked cool obstacle course?

Do you want to challenge your comfort zone?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, YOU should join me for the RAID Series Urban obstacle race in Boston on July 27th!

ONE MONTH FROM TODAY I will be tackling my 3rd obstacle course race. In September 2012, I completed my first Warrior Dash and in June 2013 I had a blast at Ruckus Boston.

According to their website:

Introducing a new, cutting-edge race series designed for a new breed of cross training athlete – The RAID. Come experience the next generation of obstacle racing; one that features varied terrain, large-scale customized infrastructure, and extraordinary venues that range from picturesque beaches, to energized downtown metros, to breath-taking mountain sides. The RAID offers you the chance to choose one or conquer all three races in distinct environments – a unique challenge that no other series can provide. For just under five miles in distance at each race course, you’ll be challenged to run, crawl, jump, climb, and scramble on sand, city streets and steep slopes. Our immense constructed obstacles are designed to test your strength, agility and fortitude, while keeping you safe and injury free. We want you to cross that finish line exhausted and ecstatic, with your friends and family cheering you on. And we want you to celebrate your accomplishment by joining your fellow athletes and fans at the post-race party, complete with recovery stations, sponsor booths, music, food, and beer!

They have a beach raid, a mountain raid and an urban raid ... so what will Boston's URBAN RAID entail?

Anyone who has run on busy city streets knows that it’s a challenge in itself. Urban RAID takes it to the next level by capturing the best of city landscapes and urban elements and incorporating them into an innovative and challenging course. The city is your course in Urban RAID.

Boston's URBAN RAID will take place at City Hall Plaza in downtown Boston on July 27 at 9am. The course is 3.1 miles (5k) with what looks like nine obstacles.

Now, this race is GEARED to people of ALL fitness levels and anyone over the age of 16! So if you are worried about participating in your first obstacle course race ... this seems to be on for you!!

If you are nervous about being able to participate in an obstacle, don't worry there are volunteers on hand to help!

Racers are required to complete all obstacles before continuing on in the race. Staff will be stationed at each obstacle to ensure no racers are skipping obstacles and are able to complete it. In the event that racer cannot complete, they will be assessed a penalty in the form of an alternate obstacle or 10 burpees.

Now this is the first time they are hold a Urban Raid race in downtown Boston, so there aren't actual photos of the obstacles yet ... but here are some drawings.


How cool would it be to cargo net up towards City Hall?


How exciting would it be to do some Marine Hurdles with the historic Faneuil Hall in the background?


Seems pretty cool right? A new way to check out downtown Boston.

If you want to join my team and I at Urban RAID Boston then head over to their site and register!

REGULAR ($65): JUNE 12 – JULY 25 ON-SITE ($75): JULY 26 – JULY 27

Oh yeah that's right - you can sign up as a team. How fun would it be to jump our of your comfort zone with some of your closest friends???

Your friends aren't "racing" type people? Okay, tell them there is an after-party!! :) That's right. RAID will be hosting a post-race party at a local bar, which will be revealed closer to race day.

So if you are looking for a new adventure and you love downtown Boston then this race is for you!

So again ... will I see you there with me on July 27?

Weekly Workout Wind Up (6/20-26/13)

After a week of double-triple workout days, I took Saturday and Sunday as rest days - mainly because we were traveling to upstate NY for a wedding so that meant a looooot of time in the car. I did dance at the wedding to help a little. ;) But, I made up for it on Monday!!  

Thursday, June 20: Day 29 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred, 5k Run and Afternoon Walk With A Friend

June 20-a

June 20

June 20-2

Friday, June 21: 5k Run and Day 30 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred

June 21

June 21-2

Saturday, June 22: REST DAY/Wedding Dancing

Sunday, June 23: REST DAY

Monday, June 24: Personal Sprint Tri (1/2 Mile Swim, 9 Mile Bike, 4 Mile Run) and 45-Minute Spinning

June 24

June 24-2

Tuesday, June 25: 45-Minute Stairmaster

June 25

Wednesday, June 26: 3.7-Mile Run

June 26


Next week will include a four-day trip to Portland for Fitbloggin ... so workouts should be varied!! :)


My Makeshift Monday Morning Triathlon...

On Sunday while driving home from Suzi Storm's wedding in upstate New York, I was tracking my friend Tara from A Life Changing Journey OWN her first Half Ironman. At the same time, Krysten from The Misadventures of a Darwinian Fail was ROCKING her first Triathlon. How could I not be pumped and inspired by all of that awesomness?

So what did I decide to do yesterday morning?

Attempt my own personal Sprint Triathlon at the gym.

On March 3, I somehow landed on the Boston Triathlon (Sprint Tri) website and registered for it (happens August 4). Don't remember, check this out to refresh your memory!

Training has been slow. I finally bought a bike on May 5, but getting the running-biking-swimming training schedule down has been tough. I am trying to train for the Sprint Tri (1/2 mile swim, 9 mile bike and 4 mile run) while also keeping up with training for a slew of half marathons, marathon and Dopey Challenge - which are all on the horizon.

But with all the awesomness that happened on Sunday, I woke up yesterday morning and committed to attempt to do this whole Sprint Tri at my Boston Sports Club location.

I didn't really want to tell anyone what I was going to attempt in case I failed. I confided in Dacia from Run. Ride. Repeat. since she is a non-judgmental cheerleader! :)

I made sure to get #PoweredByBits before embarking on this endeavour thanks to ENERGYbits!!

2013-06-24 10.17.18

I got to the gym about 10am dressed for the swim with a backpack of clothes for the bike/run.

Thankfully between google and my math degree I was able to figure out that I would need to swim 32 lengths of the pool or 16 laps in order to reach the 1/2 mile swim the Boston Triathlon has.

I popped my X-1 Audio waterproof headphones on the back of my goggles, started my timer and I was off. I was going for nice and even strokes and hoping not to go out too fast.

Boy did the music help keep me focused on the swim and on the correct lap number. :P

I finished the 32 lengths in 15:04.

2013-06-24 12.05.49-2

Can you tell I was excited?

2013-06-24 10.43.35

My arms felt GREAT! And I owe a huge thanks to my wife since the bathing suit, swim cap and goggles were all borrowed from her. :P

I quickly headed into the locker room to change for the bike.

It has been AGES since I used a regular gym bike...

2013-06-24 11.25.27

... since I normally get my bike on either outside with Roxie or in Spin class!

It was an awkward bike experience, but I was determined to finish the 9 miles on the bike no matter what.

2013-06-24 11.24.42

I definitely know the bike section will be better 1) in the moment, 2) with more practice and 3) on a more comfortable bike!

2013-06-24 11.25.10

My legs were feeling a little tired - I think from the awkward motion from the oversized bike ;) but I was ready to hit up the treadmill for the 4 mile run.

As I was running, I decided to keep myself at a nice 8:30 pace. I obviously was not doing this little experiment for time, but to prove to myself that I could.

But, as the run got to the 5k mark, my legs were feeling good so I started upping the pace a little each tenth of a mile. Because why not, right?

2013-06-24 12.02.24

I ended up with a 8:31 min/mile pace and I was A-ok with that!!

2013-06-24 12.03.04

I DID IT!! I successfully completed a swim-bike-run in that order and with minimal time in between each one.

I know the actual Sprint Tri will be a whole different experience, but boy did completing each distance within a 2-hour timeframe make me feel a tad more prepared!

I ended up finishing my challenge in 1:21:33.

At least now I have a jumping off point for the rest of my training. I have about 5 weeks before actual race day.

Now I need to work on getting outside and swimming in the open waters, bike on the street and put the sneakers on the pavement.

But for now, I will bask in my own awesomeness and inspire myself to get out and do more!

Dani Dishes 6-24-13

On this episode of Dani Dishes, I thank social media for the friends that have come into my life, joining Suzi Storm on her special wedding day and heading to Fitbloggin this week! Product Of The Week Jolly Time Popcorn -- http://www.jollytime.com/products/pop_corn/view?object=525