Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred Review

I share my adventures with Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred! It took me 40 days to complete May 11-June 21 due to injuries, etc but I completed each of the 3 levels 10 times just like she wants. I tweaked the program to fit my injuries and I feel AWESOME!! [embedplusvideo height="281" width="450" standard="http://www.youtube.com/v/EW0to1P5vs0?fs=1" vars="ytid=EW0to1P5vs0&width=450&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=" id="ep5633" /]

Argyle Zensah Compression Socks Giveaway

Annddddd the winners ARE:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Thank you to everyone that participated and big thanks to our Sponsor!!!


What was life like before compression? How did I run for so long before welcoming compression into my life? Boy was I late to the party! Now I rock lots of compression ... arm sleeves, leg sleeves, socks and even shorts!!


And all from Zensah! About six weeks ago, Zensah gave me the opportunity to review a pair of Neon Yellow Compression Socks, which you can read here.

2013-04-13 11.57.47

While neon is fantastic (never thought I would say that outside of the 1980s), it doesn't go with all of my running outfits. Zensah to the rescue. Argyle Say whhaa?? You heard me ... argyle compression socks ($49.99 value)! Like the website states:

Zensah Argyle Compression Socks provide runners, triathletes, cyclists, and all athletes with increased circulation and decreased recovery time by utilizing advanced graduated compression in each pair of argyle compression socks - meaning the greatest amount of compression in the ankle and less in the calf area.



Of course I had to pick the white-grey-neon pink argyle socks since they go so well with my Asics running shoes. Don't you agree? We were a match made in Heaven. Many wonder when compression socks can be worn and Zensah puts it best:

The argyle compression socks are able to be worn prior to exercise to help runners warm up and prevent injury. Athletes are able to wear the compression socks during running and other exercises to help increase endurance through improved muscle oxygenation. Wear Zensah Argyle Compression Socks post-exercise provide runners, triathletes, cyclists, and athletes with a valuable recovery tool, helping to rebuild muscles faster.

Yup, that's exactly what I would say: before a workout, during a workout or after a workout!! Your choice! Personally, I am most apt to use the argyle compression socks for post workout recovery ... especially with some weakness in my left leg after a back injury/surgery/sciatica I suffered in 2011. The compression socks really help the blood to flow and to speed up the recovery process. I even go as far as wearing them at night while I sleep if I feel I really need the help! But, there are days when the legs are feeling sluggish or tired and I will break out the compression socks. The day I ran the Freedom Trail Run (June 8) was one of those mornings ... so my amazing neon pink-grey-white Zensah socks came with me. The day was overcast and some puddles remained from a heavy rain the night before, but the moisture wicking fibers kept my feet nice and dry. Additionally, the padded toe and heel offer extra shock absorption on the uneven Boston cobblestone streets. And you know how you hate when a seam gets in one of those uncomfortable positions in your sneaker and you have to stop running, pause your Garmin and adjust the sock ... not in the Zensah compression socks since they are seamless. Smart designers!


So, I may have chosen the neon pink-grey-white argyle pattern this time ... but Zensah has 6 patterns to choose from. Eek, which will I choose next? *Black-Electric Blue-Light Blue *Black-Grey-Light Pink *Black-Grey-Neon Pink *Black-Turquoise-Green Apple *White-Electric Blue-Light Blue *White-Grey-Light Pink *White-Grey-Neon Pink *** So, now we get to the exciting part ... do you want to do know what it is? Well, I guess the title of this post gave it away ... it's a GIVEAWAY!!! Zensah generously offered a giveaway with not 1, not 2, but 5 lucky readers will win their own pairs of Argyle compression socks! YAY!!!!! Here's how to enter: The giveaway will run from Monday June 17 (9am ET) through Friday June 21 (9am ET)!

The winner will be selected and announced on Friday!


Weekly Workout Wind Up (6/13-19/13)

Weellll I wanted to return to swimming this week, but apparently the pool had a different idea and it was closed everytime I headed to the gym. But, I am going to get over my fear of swimming outside and embark on that endeavour next week! Eek! I hurt my ankle at the Ruckus Boston race on Saturday so I took it easy on Sunday and Monday and made sure to have an ankle brace on. But, starting Tuesday I was brace free and feeling okay!

Thursday, June 13: Day 25 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred

June 13

Friday, June 14: REST DAY


Saturday, June 15: Ruckus Boston (4-Mile Obstacle Run)

2013-06-15 09.57.34

2013-06-15 10.30.20

Sunday, June 16: Walk/Stairmaster/Elliptical with Lindsey

June 16

Monday, June 17: Day 26 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred, 3.2 Mile Run, Bike To/From Work, 5k Run and 50-Minute Spin

June 17a

June 17

june 17-2a

june 17-2

june 17-3

Tuesday, June 18: Day 27 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred, 2.5-Mile Run and 45-Min Stairmaster

june 18

june 18-2

june 18-3

Wednesday, June 19: Day 28 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred, 4.1-Mile Run and 10-Mile Bike Ride w/ my dad

june 19

june 19-2

june 19-3

Feelin' STRONG this week!! :)

Defying Gravity...

Normally when running, I just sing along to the musica internally since well ... I can't sing to save my life. It is painful for the people around me so I usually allow the inner voice - which of course sounds like Jennifer Hudson - to belt it out. However, there are those rare times when the path is empty, I'm in either a really BAD or really GOOD mood and I let myself BELT the music out outside of my head.

This generally only occurs when I am in a particularly horrible mood ... which unfortunately has been happening a lot lately.

SO what happened?

Well, last week I was having one of those off days so I secured my X-1 Audio swimming headset contraption to the back of my Team REFUEL visor and set out for a run.


I've only put three albums (are they still called that?) on my iPod shuffle inside the X-1 headset so far: Wicked, P!nk and Adele. Can you tell I was emotional when I selected these? ;)

Midway through the run one of my favorite songs from Wicked came on - Defying Gravity!

The song came on, the path was clear and I started BELTING this song at the top of my lungs. If anyone drove by me, I apologize for the noise. ;) Especially since I had the headphones in so I had NO IDEA how loud I was probably singing. :P

No matter my mood this song empowers me and it worked its magic again that day.

I'm through with playing by the rules Of someone else's game Too late for second-guessing Too late to go back to sleep It's time to trust my instincts Close my eyes: and leap!

It's time to try Defying gravity I think I'll try Defying gravity And you can't pull me down!

THIS! 1,000 times this. Singing this out loud reminded me why I started this crazy journey four years ago. This journey of shedding the weight, trying new things, starting to run ... it was all to break the rules OF MY OWN GAME.

It was time to take the leap and try! It was time to prove people wrong - that I could lose the weight, that I could become a runner, that I could change my life.

So when these moments of self-doubt or self-hatred creep into my mind, this lyrics are on a constant loop inside my head. And as always I'm singing them just as well as Kristin Chenoweth - obviously!

But, for me. The main person I am singing to is not a social media hater or an unsupportive friend ... but myself! I am the one that is constantly doubting my abilities.

So if you care to find me Look to the western sky! As someone told me lately: "Ev'ryone deserves the chance to fly!" And if I'm flying solo At least I'm flying free To those who'd ground me Take a message back from me Tell them how I am Defying gravity I'm flying high Defying gravity

And the accomplishments I have started flooding through me: shedding 60+ lbs, completing 10 half marathons, running 3 marathons, trying classes like Hip Hop, Zumba or Yoga, putting myself out there through my blog, sharing experiences I never thought I would and constantly pushing myself out of my comfort zone.

So this week my goal is every time a negative thought about myself creeps in - I'm combating it with an accomplishment.

Nixing the negative baby!

I've made this promise before and attempt for awhile then fall back into old habits. But, the win is? At least I keep trying. At some point it has to stick, right?


Can you relate? Do you have an empowerment song?

I caused a Ruckus - Ruckus Boston Baby!

Has anyone seen my mind? I think I lost it after signing up for another obstacle course race. No? No one has it?

Yeah, apparently I didn't lose it ... I am just living a new "normal."

Last week, I was chatting with the social media crew from Ruckus Sports - an organization that puts on a race series in nine or 10 different cities in the US.

Simply put on their website:

The Ruckus obstacle race series combines best in class obstacles, unparalleled spectation, a wildly popular kids course, and an after party for all. The result? The most fun, rewarding, and family friendly event anywhere. Ruckus is challenging enough for the elite, yet achievable for all.

So I was tweeting with @ruckussports and next thing I know, I have a complimentary entry into the June 15 9am wave of the Ruckus Boston event. (Note: thoughts on the race are 100% my own!)

boston ruckus


How does this happen?

Okay, I know how it happens. I keep seeking out new ways to push the limits of my comfort zone ... and an obstacle course run fits the bill.

On Saturday, June 15, my #1 spectator (the wife) and I woke up at 6am and got our butts in gear to head to the race in Marshfield, Mass, which is about 45 minutes away from our house.

We had to be out the door by 6:45 in order to hit up Dunkin' Donuts before embarking on the trek to Marshfield. We parked ($10 per car) at 7:45, which allowed plenty of time to get squared away before the Start.

2013-06-15 07.59.42

The registration area was nicely laid out with bib #s posted for those that couldn't remember theirs (like myself), a table with waiver forms for those who forgot theirs at home (again like me) and plenty of volunteers distributing bibs. While I picked up my bib and my wristband for my complimentary post-race beer, the wife hit up Spectator registration and paid the $10 to be able to watch me run the course.

Ruckus Sports wrote on their website:

This year’s course was built specifically with spectators in mind, and as a result, much of the course is visible to spectators. Spectator passes can be purchased on-site for $10 (cash only). Children under the age of 10, and registered participants do not need to purchase a spectator pass.

2013-06-15 07.59.46

How cool was the entrance?

This entrance actually doubled as part of an obstacle so those entering the field for later waves actually walked under the racers. Cool!

We walked past the "expo" area where companies were set up with samples, etc.

But, I was too wrapped up in my own nerves to stop at any of the tables.

Just after walking past the sponsors, I noticed that the 8am wave was kicking off.

Okay then, less than an hour til GAME TIME!

2013-06-15 08.08.30-2

This large contraption was the final obstacle ... a large inflatable slide!

2013-06-15 08.02.36

Yes!! I knew this would be my favorite part. :P

Before I knew it it was 8:45 and time to head to the Start area. Eek! I was more nervous for this race than the 3 marathons I've done.


Because I am still working on my upper body strength so obstacles scare me.

BUT, as I stood in the Start Area, I was turning my nerves into fuel!

I just kept telling myself: "I am stronger than I think I am!!" And this race was going to prove it.

Each wave went off at the top of the hour and was broken into 5 mini waves: Wicked Fast, Pretty Fast, Solid Fast, Kinda Fast and No-So Fast. I put myself into the second group - Pretty Fast - since I had no idea what to expect ... and I really wasn't going for time, but to just complete the course.

At 9 on the dot, the Wicked Fast group was off and after a couple minutes - it was our turn.


Since there were obstacles and mud involved, I left the Garmin at home. I felt naked, but it's too expensive to ruin so this run was not going to be at all about pace or time.

I just pulled up my Superman socks and let loose. Since I am training for a Sprint Tri and marathon, I knew I would be taking each obstacle very carefully as to avoid injury.

We ran for what felt like a minute before we hit the first obstacle. Thankfully each station had volunteers on hand to help people complete it.

(Note: that was the biggest thing I overheard from veteran participants, this race is about everyone completing the obstacles and having fun so people help each other out!)

Thank goodness those volunteers were there. They offered a leg up or an arm up whenever needed ... and there were a couple spots they came in super handy for me.

Once I successfully made it through the first obstacle, which included hopping up on a hay bale, then onto the large container like at the entrance, then back onto another hay bale then on to the ground ... I knew I was feeling stronger and was ready for the challenge.

(At the end of the post, there will be a video including some action shots of me completing a few obstacles!)

The course was 4 miles long and included some trail running in between the obstacles. Thankfully they spray painted the rocks and branches to help avoid some injuries.

I nearly lost myself in the Tirefield since apparently I couldn't hear the volunteers who kept yelling "Stay of the small tires they collapse easier." Ummm yeah - helpful note to adhere to for future Tirefields I encounter.

During a section called "Barricade Boulevard," where you climb over barricade walls at varying heights, there was a family sitting out on their lawn, cheering on the runners and blasting music. It was great to get some cheers on an otherwise isolated stretch of the course.

Now, I have a small fear of heights so all large walls scare me, but I went into the Gr8 Walls of Ruckus full force - pulling myself up using the rope offered and the pegs for stability. But, unlike when I ran the Warrior Dash in 2012, I felt like I was strong enough to get myself over. My upper body wasn't trembling having to hoist my body up the wall on this tiny rope.


Special thanks to Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred for making that possible. :P

Now there wasn't a single mile marker along the course, which was kind of disturbing. I like to have some idea of how much longer I have to go.

Plus, it felt like we had been out there for an hour and had no perspective on what was really going on since we were out of earshot of the Finish Line MC for most the middle leg of the race.

Finally, we emerged from another section of trail running, and 2 nice high school girls kindly shouted that we were over half way done. The gentleman next to me loudly yelled: "Really? That's it." Where as I shouted, "Oh man, already?"

Sooo we can see who was having some fun and who wasn't. ;)

Right after seeing those girls we hit the Mud Garden, which included 4 mud hills leading to 3 mud pits. Yeah! The rule was you had to go feet first into all mud pits for safety and if you didn't you were pulled from the course.

I definitely know why they enforced this rule as I slid into the first mud pit from the first mud hill and immediately felt a large boulder under my butt.

Safety first friends!

This was about the time I started worrying I would lose a Superman cape or two, but thankfully they made it through the mud garden in tact.

2013-06-15 10.01.21-1

Once sufficiently covered in mud, it was back to a little trail running before emerging back on the original field/area we started on. I even spotted the wife as I emerged from the woods. YAY!

To make the 4-mile length, we actually ran through the large containers we jumped over during obstacle 1. Obstacle 1 also seemed like it had happened about 3 hours ago or 15 minutes ... again no watch I had no concept of time. :)

As I cleared the balance beam (thankfully there was an inflatable safety mat underneath) and twisted fences, I knew I was in the home stretch.

We twisted and turned through the Marshfield Fair grounds (which is really just a big open space that they made twisty and turny) and headed towards the Nose Bleed Nets you could hear the announcer shouting out Finisher names and times.

Once I made it to the top of the Nose Bleed Net, I heard him exclaim "And 15-year old" so-so finishes in blah blah blah. And since I have no filter I yelled "You've gotta be f*ckin' kidding me! 15 year old." Thankfully the gentleman next to me felt the blow to the ego like I did and we hustled our butts back down the cargo.

Thankfully, I had talked to someone that ran the course before and their big advice on the horizontal cargo net...

2013-06-15 07.59.39

... was to roll across it rather than trying to walk/crawl across. So that's what I did. Well, as best I could. The people behind me knew the same trick so we all tried to do it, but apparently the people in front of us didn't get the memo so it led to us getting trapped in the middle of the net.

Sooo before the people in front of us could get on the next cargo, we just kept screaming: "ROOOOLLLL!!! It will hurt, but you will get across faster."

Finally, it was time to tackle the final 3 obstacles:

1) 3 large walls that lacked any sort of rope or footing help. You basically had to run up it, grab on to the top and pull yourself over.

2013-06-15 10.12.40

Well that wasn't happening for me. Thankfully there was a volunteer at the top of Wall 1, who would grab your hand as you ran up the wall to help you grab the top - SUCCESS! On Wall 2, I asked a fellow runner if he would stop at the top so I could grab his hand - SUCCESS! Then Wall 3 (pictured above) had a LARGE mud puddle in front of it, which was throwing off my running start. So a volunteer suggested I run from the side (where guy is standing on the left). Same gentleman waited at the top for me to help. After 3 failed attempts, I told the guy to go on and I dejectedly walked around Wall 3. It was the only obstacle on the day I failed to complete.

2) mud pit - who doesn't love climbing through mud on rocks. I don't know how people were doing that part in shorts. I could feel my knees bruising through my pants and couldn't imagine having shorts on.

3) The climb to the Inflatable slide ...

... and then the glorious free fall!!

Here is a short video of me in action:

[embedplusvideo height="281" width="450" standard="http://www.youtube.com/v/W5bKNFW70Is?fs=1" vars="ytid=W5bKNFW70Is&width=450&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=" id="ep2712" /]

I DID IT!! I caused a RUCKUS! :)

I was beaming besides a slight pain in my ankle after I awkwardly landed on it during the final wall obstacle.

2013-06-15 09.57.34

What a rush of excitement, pride, strength and overall awesomeness!

Instead of medals, they gave out sweet pint glasses...

2013-06-15 11.54.57

... but you know I would've rather a medal! Maybe next year? ;)

We headed to the wash station so I could hose myself off after changing in the Women's Changing Tent and heading home.

2013-06-15 10.08.22

But before we left, we donated my shoes to Barrel Aid.

Ruckus Sports is excited to partner with Barrel Aid to provide shoes to children and teens in need. Barrel Aid will collect your muddy shoes post-event, clean them and ship them to Mission-Haiti’s schools in the mountains around Ti-Rivier, Haiti with all of the remaining shoes going to children and teens in need in the Dakota area. Barrel Aid supplies clean shoes, fresh water, food, schooling and hope for over 1,600 children in Southern Haiti where no other groups are serving and the need is extremely urgent.

2013-06-15 10.14.21

I decided to skip the post-race beer (sorry I think it was Coors Light) and head out.

The grounds were bumping with people partying/celebrating their run being over and people arriving for the later waves.

Racewire did the timing and before we left the parking lot I had a text with my official time.

2013-06-15 10.30.20


Racewire used live results so you could refresh the website to see the results change as the heats went on. I was pretty darn impressed with my numbers.

2013-06-15 16.24.36

Excuse me I ended up in top 4.4% of my age - say wha???

Overall, Ruckus Boston was an amazing experience. Once I started, the nerves went away. The field was truly made up of all ages, sizes and athletic abilities. It was amazing to see so many teams of friends coming out to get active together. Plus, people's costumes were phenomenal.

If I do this race next year, I will be sure to have a team full of friends with me ... with some badass costumes of course! :)


Have you done an obstacle course race before? Did you compete alone or with a team?

Dani Dishes 6-17-13

In the latest Dani Dishes blog, I talk about a Case of the Blahs and knowing that emotions are okay!! I also had my weekend brightened by 1 awesome physical achievement and 1 huge Non-Scale Victory!! Product of the Week: Better 'n' Peanut Butter

Running The Freedom Trail & Giveaway!

Annddddd the winner IS:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Thank you to everyone that participated and big thanks to our Sponsor!!!


For kids that grew up in the Boston area, the historic Freedom Trail was a given field trip multiple times throughout school. For those that don't know, the Freedom Trail:

The Trail takes the visitor to 16 historical sites in the course of two or three hours and covers two and a half centuries of America's most significant past. A red brick or painted line connects the sites on the Trail and serves as a guide.

Sometimes history can be boring ... I don't think I am alone in that. Soooo once you elevated to the age of 21, some people would do a Freedom Trail Pub Crawl ... similar results, right? ;) Well, a few weeks back I noticed that you could actually run the Freedom Trail. Aptly titled: Freedom Trail Run.

Freedom Trail Run is the active way to tour Boston's historic Freedom Trail! Our unique running tour will show you the sites in an up-close and detailed way that's unlike any other tour!

With a description like that, I had to give it a try! :) The Freedom Trail Run is offered on Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings at 8:30am ... ALL YEAR ROUND! You heard that right folks. It is a great experience for tourists AND locals alike. The whole experience takes about 2 hours and in the end you run just about 3 miles.

We meet on Boston Common (at the corner of Park & Tremont St.) and run a 5K course that passes some of America's most important historical landmarks. We don't just "run-by" the sites, we stop and explore them! And since we stop so often (16 times), even beginners can participate!

The organizer, Eddie, who also runs the amazing Cambridge 5k series, offered me a chance to check out the Freedom Trail Run for free ... and even bring a friend along. :) I asked Becki from Fighting For Wellness, a fellow Boston healthy-living blogger, to join me and thankfully she said yes. This was going to be the first time we would really get to hang out - outside of social media - so I was excited. We met the group just before 8:30am on one corner of Boston Common (Park St & Tremont St). The group has four guides: Eddie, Shelly, Ginger and Sean!

2013-06-08 08.27.57

Eddie gave the group the overview of what to expect during the morning and a little history about Boston. And I must admit I grew up and have lived here most of my life and I learned things within the first 5 minutes of him talking!

2013-06-08 08.28.14

1-2-3 FREEDOM and we were off...

2013-06-08 08.34.33

The first stop was just about 0.2 miles from where we started so it was a good test of what we would expect along the run. Short runs in between the 16 historical stops.

Our Group




(Photo Courtesy Freedom Trail Run)


2013-06-08 08.37.09


2013-06-08 08.35.54

Isn't the State House beautiful? From there, we headed to the first of three burying grounds. Oohhh...

2013-06-08 08.41.21


2013-06-08 08.46.36


Paul Revere has 2 headstones


2013-06-08 08.46.42


2013-06-08 09.00.20

How funky is the last headstone? No one knows who it's for, but it has a funky design and has withstood years of Boston weather. When we stopped at the Old South Church...

2013-06-08 09.03.58

...we turned to our right and found the place where Benjamin Franklin was born. (Again, I forgot that from school!)

2013-06-08 09.02.22

Obviously, the street has changed since he was born, but Boston had to claim some ties to being his hometown and the above was created.

2013-06-08 09.05.19


Did you know that there was just one spring that gave the city of Boston its water? Since it was the only source of clean water, it drew people to it to live ... and hello downtown Boston!


We stopped at the memorial for the Boston Massacre and the old State House:


2013-06-08 09.08.22


2013-06-08 09.08.16


Before heading to the North End to see some great Paul Revere spots.


2013-06-08 09.17.30


Paul Revere's House


2013-06-08 09.22.14


2013-06-08 09.22.57


2013-06-08 09.22.45


We are #BostonStrong!


After visiting the final burying ground of the tour, we were able to see the thinnest house on the East Coast. This little house is just 10.5 feet wide. Can you believe that?


2013-06-08 09.32.23


So far this had been the most fun I'd had on the Freedom Trail ... and we weren't even done yet.


2013-06-08 09.32.30


The next stretch of the run was the longest straight running section, which was about 1/2 a mile. We were heading from the North End to Charlestown.


2013-06-08 09.40.43


As we neared the Bunker Hill monument, we came to the largest hill of the morning. The group did a race up the hill. Before the "race" began, it was announced that 2 guides had never lost. *Challenge accepted* Thankfully our group had a high school cross country kid in it (YES!), so Anthony was able to defeat the guides and take reign as fastest up the hill. :P


And as we hit the top there it was ... the Bunker Hill Monument!


2013-06-08 09.45.30


All of a sudden, it was time to head to the final stop ... the U.S.S. Constitution!


2013-06-08 09.53.57


Wow! That time flew by.


We ran to a nearby convenience store to collect our t-shirts and free drink! Of course, I had to refuel with #myafter of Chocolate Milk! :)


2013-06-08 10.00.38


2013-06-08 10.01.03-1


2013-06-08 10.03.03-1


In total, it was a 3-mile run. I stopped the Garmin whenever we stopped at a location so you can see in total it was about 30-or so minutes of running.


2013-06-08 10.00.02


After everyone in the group had their awesome shirt and drink, we headed over to the Ferry to head back to the Faneuil Hall/Start area.


2013-06-08 10.10.09


As we toured back to where we started, we got some beautiful views of the city!


2013-06-08 10.12.37




Photo Courtesy of Freedom Trail Run


The entire Freedom Trail Run was 2 hours start to finish. Thank you Eddie for being right on time.


The group included people of all ages and athletic abilities. There were even a set of girls there on a bachelorette weekend. It was a mix of locals and tourists.


The Freedom Trail Run is $40 a person and includes the guided tour, a t-shirt, your drink of choice from the convenience store and the ferry ride back to the Start/Faneuil Hall area.


But what is that? You want to try the Freedom Trail Run for free?


Well ... OKAY!! :)


Eddie is giving me the task of giving away a tour to one lucky winner and a guest of their choice (this can be used anytime this year so you can be an out of towner and win!!!).

Here’s how to enter the giveaway: Giveaway is open from June 11 (Tuesday) to 10am June 14 (Friday)!

The winner will be announced on Friday!

Weekly Workout Wind Up (6/6-12/13)

During this week, I realized workouts are harder for me when I don't have a training plan written down. So I am taking time this weekend to write down a Sprint Triathlon training plan mixed with half marathon training plan mixed with marathon training plan. :P You can see towards the end of the round-up I am really working on two or three mini workouts a day to get ready for the triathlon.


Thursday, June 6: Day 19 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred

June 6

Friday, June 7: Day 20 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred

June 7

Saturday, June 8: Freedom Trail Run (3 Miles) and Day 21 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred

June 8-2

June 8

Sunday, June 9: Walk/Stairmaster/Elliptical with Lindsey

June 9

Monday, June 10: Day 22 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred, 5k Run and 50-Minute Spin

June 10

June 10-2

June 10-3

Tuesday, June 11: Day 23 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred, 4-Mile Run and 45-Min Stairmaster

June 11

June 11-2

June 11-3

Wednesday, June 12: Day 24 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred and 3.19-Mile Run

June 12

June 12-2

Due to health reasons there was no swimming this week ... it will return next week!

Weekly Workout Wind Up (5/30-6/5/13)

With my trip to NYC this past week, I definitely added variety to my workout ... and enjoyed some GLORIOUS runs through Central Park, Queens, Manhattan and Brooklyn!! AMAZING! :) I made a pact on Facebook to finish the last 12 days of Jillian Michaels' 30-Day Shred consecutively. Yes, I had some back setbacks - but I am feeling better now.

I also need to get back outside on the bike and figure out where I can swim outside here in the Boston area.


Thursday, May 30: Walk Between Weight Watcher Meetings Around Boston

May 30

Friday, May 31: Day 17 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred

May 31

Saturday, June 1: #WWFitParty (hip hop, West Africa Dance & workout) and 5-Mile Run With Friends Around NYC

June 1

Photo Courtesy Of BitchCakesNY

Sunday, June 2: 10-Mile Run With Friends Through Central Park To Queens

June 2

Monday, June 3: Rest Day


Tuesday, June 4: 3-Mile Run with Sarah

June 4

Wednesday, June 5: Day 18 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred and 4-Mile Run

June 5

June 5-2


Until next week ... where there should be some more variety!!