Why I'm Heading To NYC?

Today is the day! I am off to NYC.

I think many of you have figured out why by now, but if you haven't ...

... Weight Watchers is sending me to NYC for a special Live Life Active Event that will be broadcast on Weight Watchers' Facebook page.


You can click here to RSVP to the event!!

So what will I be doing?

Well, I will have the honor of finally meeting my Twitter/Facebook/fellow WW Leader/running friend Melanie and we will be demo-ing some easy exercises.

What kind?

Well, I am hearing there will be lots of dancing - Bollywood, Zumba, etc.

Yup, I'll be dancing on the web.

A fun time for anyone that tunes in. ;)

Additionally, we will be modeling the latest workout fashions!! :)

So if you are free from 10am-Noon ET on Saturday, please log in to the Weight Watchers Facebook page and check out the live Live Life Active Event!!

If you are someone IN NYC, please come out to the Weight Watchers Center on 14 W 23rd Street (2nd Floor)!! I will be there with Melanie speaking from 2:40-3:30.

I would love to meet some blog readers and fellow Weight Watchers members!!

Do I really know what to expect this weekend?

Not at all.

But, I am ready for the ride... :)

Weekly Workout Wind Up (5/23-29/13)

This was a tough week. The back started acting up on Tuesday so I had to take some downtime near the end of this wrap up... Better to listen to the body than push through and hurt yourself more! I had to take a couple days off from Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred, but I will be sure to do all 30 days in the end!


Thursday, May 23: Day 13 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred and 5k Run

may 23-1

may 23-2

Friday, May 24: Day 14 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred and 2-Mile Run

may 24

may 24-2

Saturday, May 25: 3-Mile Run and Day 15 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred

may 25

may 25-2

Sunday, May 26: Boston's Run To Remember Half Marathon and Cambridge 5k Freedom Run 

may 26-1

may 26-2

Monday, May 27: 4-Mile Walk and 35-Minute Elliptical Session with Linds

may 27

Tuesday, May 28: Day 16 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred

may 28

Wednesday, May 29: Rest Day

Cambridge 5k Freedom Run - 5/26/13 - 24:57 (8:02 min/mile)

As we left Boston's Run To Remember, the wife & I had a game plan that we had figured out the day before. The route from Race #1 to Race #2 should've taken about 7-8 minutes. Plenty of time since we got to the car at 9:21. Welllll I then apparently forgot the route for the Run To Remember and our original game plan was completely ruined.

Thankfully I can think quickly on my feet ... okay usually not at all, but somehow I was going to get us from Storrow Drive to the Galleria Mall (where the start was) if it was the last thing I did. :O)

Apparently all of my Weight Watchers At Work meetings in Cambridge paid off because I was actually able to navigate us there in about 15-17 minutes.


We nabbed a spot on the street and quickly made it over to the Start area to meet up with Team Slumbrew, grab our beer wristbands and hit up the bathroom.

Yes, I made it through the whole Half Marathon, the post-race chaos and ride to Race #2 without going the bathroom. Thank you tiny bladder for coming through when I needed you most. :P

We made it to the Start Line with 5 minutes to spare and in enough time to take part in the 1-2-3 FREEDOM chant! :)

Such a powerful Start

The wife even got to wave one of the USA flags used in the previous day's #onerun to kick off the race.

As soon as I crossed the Start Line, I hit my Garmin and was wondering what the heck I was thinking. :P

How would my legs make it through another 3.1 miles?

But, I know they physically could as I have run farther distances in a day, but not all at the normal 5k or half speed.

So I just told myself to put one foot in front of the other and enjoy the amazing costumes at the race.

This race was also not about time, but about completing this challenge of back-to-back races and enjoy the day with my fellow Slumbassadors. :)

Eddie (race director) had told me the course was pretty flat - actually they said pancake flat - which I was with them until about Mile 2.5 where a gradual incline started forming.

Oh come on! I had made it this far.

Then I just dug deep and tried to catch up to my teammate Mark, who was JUST ahead of me on the right hand side.

I just kept telling my legs that we were that much closer to the beer.

As we rounded the final turn (which is also deceiving because they move the Finish Line back from where the Start Line was), I saw fellow Slumbrew teammate Eric cheering us on and he said "Dani, run it out."

So I did ... and as a result - this awesome photo was born! ;)

Photo Courtesy Cambridge 5k

Mark looks amazing and I look like well, I was finishing up my second race of the morning. :P

I came across the Finish Line and the wife was there to help me make it to water.

I somehow managed to run a 24:57 (8:02 min/mile) - which I will gladly take!!

The entire Slumbrew team rocked the race!

Aren't we one amazing group? ;)

I love catching up with my fellow Slumbassadors - we hadn't seen each other really since the last race and a quick Slumbrew launch party for Lobstah Killah!

It's amazing the people beer and running can bring into your life. :)

I finally got to meet fellow Fitfluential Ambassador, Kristen ... it fun meeting Social Media friends in real life!

Thanks for the pic Kristen

And after everything she went through in Race #1, Kim battled through and completed the Freedom Run 5k as well.

A couple of people asked us if we had won the Run To Remember and that is why we had medals. Of course my immediate response was "Oh no, they give them to everyone."

Ugh, next time I am going to say I won! I mean they don't know. ;)

I even got to see a handful of my Weight Watchers members and was so proud of all of them!

So overall, it was one amazing day where I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and had one amazing time!

Thank you to my wife for putting up with my crazy antics of running back-to-back races and getting up at 5:30 on a Sunday.

I also want to thank Caitlin and Jeff from Slumbrew for allowing me to be the Team Captain.

It is an honor for me!!


Did you race over Memorial Day Weekend? Would you ever do back-to-back races?

Boston's Run To Remember - 5/26/13 - 1:53:00 (8:38 min/mile)

This was an emotion race. No if ands o buts about it. Last year I ran the Boston's Run To Remember 5-Miler.

The medal alone would've made me sign back up. BUT, it was the cause - money going to fallen police officers - and the overall awesomeoness of the race that had me signing back up.

But for 2013, I upped it from the 5-miler to the Half Marathon option.

I just wanted to see more of this amazing town. :)

So after signing up just when registration opened, I was set for my Memorial Day weekend race.

That is until Ed from Cambridge 5k contacted me letting me know he was starting a new Memorial Day 5k - Freedom Run - on May 26. Ahhh same day as the Run To Remember.

As Captain of Team Slumbrew, I would HAVE to be at the Freedom Run. I nervously asked Eddie what time his race would be at. He answered: 10am.

Okay okay. I could make that work. Run To Remember Half at 7am and Cambridge 5k Freedom Run at 10am.

I was just crazy enough to try and pull it off.

Thankfully my wife was on board to be the driver and my friend Kim was also signed up for the back-to-back races. Well, the support was there so I was in.

On Sunday (May 26), the alarm went off at 5:30 and it was high 30s/low 40s and drizzling. What AWESOME weather to go run 16.2 total miles in.

How amazing are the socks?

I am obsessed with those socks!! :)

We hit the road just after 6, hit some traffic coming off the exit for the race, but I was able to meet Kim at our designated meeting spot at 6:30 just as planned.

The Run To Remember had banned spectators and backpacks at the Finish Line after what happened at the marathon so we had to go through a security stop on our way to the Start Line. Thankfully I was bag free so I scooted through quickly.

Unfortunately, there were few port-a-potties so I had to hold it - a risk in itself. :P

But, I brought a disposable water bottle so I could at least take my ENERGYBits before we started. Phew!

At 7am, they started the pre-race ceremony for the victims of the Marathon bombing especially Officer Sean Collier, who the race was partially dedicated to.

With extra pre-race speakers, I was getting worried with timing to get from Race #1 to Race #2, but I tried to block that out byt really being in the moment.

Kim had been shooting for a 1:50-1:55 finish time and I was sticking with her this race so that was my plan to. :)

The bullhorn sounded and we were off.  We started from the Seaport and headed to the Financial District of Boston.

Running towards the Old State House

Once past the State House, we  made our way past Mass General Hospital and out to Memorial Drive (where a good portion of the race is in an out and back portion).

After running over the Longfellow Bridge, we hit Memorial Drive just as we hit Mile 3.

Then the scene appeared.

All along Memorial Drive and in front of MIT, there were police car after police car from all over Massachusetts. In front of the cars, stood police officers from all over the State. Cheering on the runners, probably dealing through their own emotions from Marathon Monday and many were crying.

As I saw a couple police officers wipe tears from their eyes, I started clapping and crying myself. I was immediately drawn back to that exact moment on Marathon Monday when everything changed.

At that moment in the race, I realized this race would be more than a race. This would be MY closure for what happened on Marathon Monday. This race would be more than miles or time.

We continued down Memorial Drive, running along the Charles River, past the gas station where Officer Sean Collier was killed on that fateful Thursday night in April and back towards the Longfellow Bridge.

I love the out and back in a race because I am inspired by the elite runners most likely lapping me in front of me and then once I make the turn, I love seeing all the smiling faces of the people behind me enjoying running as much as me.

I'm not the best in-race photog! :P

Plus, this time around, I actually knew a bunch of people running so it was great to spot a familiar face in the crowd.

As we passed Mile 8, I could see Kim's face change from a smile to one of pain. Damn hamstring.

Something was going on with her. She wanted to stop. She wanted me to keep going with her. But, I told her we started this thing together - we would be finishing it together no matter what.

So off we went, walking when she needed to, jogging slowly or running fast to just get it over.

While back on the Longfellow Bridge, Kim exclaimed how she couldn't believe we weren't even at Mile 10 yet. Hey, at that rate, we could've walked the rest of the way and still finished under 2 hours - like she had wanted. I also let her know we were at 9.88 miles so basically at 10. :0)

But, I told her no matter what we would get across that Finish Line.

And Kim did it. She gritted down and was a rock star! The tears were rolling down her face. She said she couldn't make it. She just wanted to sit on that bridge and stop.

But did she? NO!

She just kept moving one leg in front of the other.

There was no stopping her.

I offered as much encouragement as I could. I didn't know if it was helping or not, but I just tried to let her know I was there for her. I was even singing New Kids On The Block ... badly! The people around us DEFINITELY didn't appreciate it. :P

But, I didn't care. I was going to do anything I had to to get Kim across the Finish Line.

Then before I knew it, we were passed Mile 11. We were back on Arlington St. We were near Boylston Street (Finish Line of the Marathon). Boston Commons was on my left and before I knew it - there it was.

On my right, was the exact stoop I sat on with Robin, Steph and Eric as I waited to be reunited with my family on Marathon Monday. That stoop where I ate all the food Robin had with her and just sat there in shock in my space blanket.

I was transported back to that moment and I started crying. I was trying to release all the feelings that were still pent up inside me.

So we had Kim crying from her leg and me crying from the Marathon memories.

Again, I'm sure the crowd was like what is wrong with these girls. :P

We hit Mile 11.5 and I knew Kim would need provisions after we finished so I texted the wife to bring her an ice pack and some ibuprofen. Thank you technology!

We passed Mile 12 and were in the home stretch. Kim was bearing down and we were turning onto the final stretch of the race.

We had the Finish Line in our sights and Kim kept saying "I can't do it!" Oh hell no, I was in full cheerleader mode at this point. I was trying to get the crowd to clap. I was telling her she ate miles for breakfast (thanks Alan ;)) I was doing anything I could to just get her to cross the line - even if she had to crawl.

But she didn't, we ran over that Finish Line together hand in hand.

And the Run To Remember photogs caught on post Finish hug on camera ... and I am so glad they did!!

We finished in 1:53:00 (8:38 min/mile pace) and I couldn't be prouder.

But, since we didn't kick off right at 7 - we had to haul booty to get to the next race.

I texted the wife as soon as we had our awesome medals and Kim's bag in hand.

We made it to the car at 9:20am and headed towards the Freedom Run in Cambridge.

While swapping out bibs, I did take a moment to take a pic of my sweet medal.

Isn't it pretty?

I told Kim that next year we will run the Run To Remember Half again and it will be her redemption run!


Will you join Kim & I at the Boston's Run To Remember next year? Have you had a race that became about more than the race itself?

I'm an X-1 Audio Team Member!

I owe this amazing opportunity to being a member of Team REFUEL with Got Chocolate Milk!! In March, I received an offer to test out a pair of X-1 Audio headphones.

Of course, I couldn't pass that up! :)

So I worked with Dana from X-1 Audio to get a free pair of the women's sweatproof headphones ... hello check out all the colors here!

I opted for the blue pair (of course) and patiently waited to receive them in the mail.

So what makes X-1 so special? I didn't know so to the website I went and found:

Inspired by the Bell X-1, the first aircraft to break the sound barrier, the team at X-1 set out to perfect a line of products that break down the barriers of sound, allowing athletes to harness the power of music regardless of sport or climate. Whether you’re a triathlete, swimmer, runner, kayaker, snowboarder, climber, weightlifter, or a gym goer, X-1 offers audio solutions that can withstand everything from trekking through the mud to running in the rain to diving 12 feet underwater.

Well that all seems pretty cool.

I have tested out a LOT of headphones so I was ready to give these a try.


Especially since these were designed ESPECIALLY for women.

You don't train in the same clothes or shoes as male athletes - why should you settle for headphones made for men? X-1 For Women headphones were built specifically for female athletes. They were designed to fit smaller ears and are integrated with features that keep you safe, without sacrificing the performance you demand. The X-1 For Women line is the result of female athletes designing features and functions for the needs of female athletes, from smaller, ultra-light earbuds to ambient noise allowance that keeps you aware of your surroundings. You are strong and powerful - and now you can have a sports audio system that works as hard as you do.

After the first run, I was hooked. I love that the X-1 Audio headphones:

*offer multiple 5 different ear tip sizes to get just the right fit

*are reflective for safety - the tangle free cord illuminates with light for extra visibility and safety while working out or running in low light

*designed to withstand heavy perspiration, they can be used in all types of weather and they can be rinsed after use

*have a clip that attaches to the top of your jacket, shirt or tank to lower the annoyance factor (one of my pet peeves is flappy headphone cords)


At the beginning of May, I was approached by Dana to apply to be a member of the X-1 Audio Team. I love their brand, product and message so I went for it ...

... and I was accepted!

WOO! :)

Thanks Dana for the amazing opportunity.

So what was my first purchase after being accepted?

A set of headphones for swimming of course!

Headphones for swimming?

I KNOW! I was shocked at first, but had to give it a try.

There were so many options, but I opted for these ...


Interval 4G w/ Blue Apple iPod Shuffle

I gave them a whirl on Tuesday (May 21) for the first time in a quick 30-min swim.

It was wicked cool to be listening to music, while in the pool. It is so easy to get bored during a swim workout, but I don't think I will from here on out.

The iPod goes inside the plastic case which secures to your goggles. So it looks like this:

2013-05-21 15.45.46

2013-05-21 15.45.38

2013-05-21 15.43.51

I thought the whole thing would be too bulky on the back of my head, but I didn't notice it at all. It didn't impact my stroke or my breathing in the least.

2013-05-21 15.40.48

As you can see, I need some new goggles, but that is my own thing and nothing to do with the device. :P

The headphones fit nicely under my swim cap.

2013-05-21 15.41.19

2013-05-21 15.41.34

I do need a silicone swim cap so that the water doesn't seep in which again happened with my swim cap that is about 6 years old.

Yes I need to do some upgrading. ;)

I cannot wait to hit the pool - for longer next time - and rock out to the Wicked Soundtrack again. (Yup, definitely listend to Wicked/Adele/Pink combo the other day!)


Have you tried X-1 Audio headphones? Do you like listening to music while swimming?

Weekly Workout Wind Up (5/16-22/13)

I have had one amazing week workout wise. I am loving adding variety to my workout and starting to really add strength training into the regime. I know that I am starting on the ground floor, but at least I am starting! I was in a car accident in 2006 that left my left shoulder pretty weak. BUT I am done allowing that to hold me back. I am also done letting my fear of the weights floor at the gym stop me from starting to lift. Thank you Jillian Michaels DVD for allowing me to break out of my comfort zone in the safety of my own home gym. :)  

Thursday, May 16: Day 6 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred and 4-Mile Run

may 16

may 16-2

Friday, May 17: Day 7 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred and Walking Around Boston

may 17

Saturday, May 18: Walking Along The Beach/Ogunquit Beach and Day 8 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred

may 18

may 18-2

Sunday, May 19: 12-Mile Run, 45-Minute Walk With Friends and Day 9 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred

may 19

may 19-2

Monday, May 20: Day 10 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred and 5-Mile Run

may 20

may 20-2

Tuesday, May 21: 3.15-Mile Run, Day 11 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred (Day 1 of Level 2) and 30-Minute Swim

may 21

may 21-2

may 21-3

Wednesday, May 22: Day 12 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred and 5k Run

 may 22

may 22-2


I can’t wait to add more swimming to the mix next week… :) :)

Have You Met Roxie?

Soooo remember that time I signed up for a triathlon? Oh you don't because I haven't mentioned it on here... ;)

Well, in case you need to jog your memory you can check out the fateful day here.

Don't worry I will wait here until you are all caught up.




Well you are a fast reader.


... after completing the Boston Marathon on April 15 and taking some time off (okay not really as much as I should have, but there was some time off) it was time to come up with a triathlon training plan.

And that's where we hit the snag of ... oh you need a bike to complete a triathlon!

Say whaa??

So before coming up with an actual training plan, step one became: buy a bike. :)

Thankfully I have amazing friends and social media folk to steer me in the right direction. I had a long list of shops to check out.

Since I never shop alone (and my parents were kicking in some money as a belated christmas present), my dad and I headed out to a local bike shop - Ace Wheelworks - on Friday May 3 to start this whole process.

It brought back flashbacks of when he and I went to buy me a car as my college graduation present. <<shiver>>

I walked into the store like a blank slate! I was definitely going with the suggestions from the guy at the store. I trust the experts.

He steered me towards the Specialized Women's Road Bikes. They looked great. :P

Well he wanted me to try a Specialized Dolce Compact, but they didn't have one ready for me to ride.

My dad had to get to a dinner thing so we set up an appointment to go back to Ace Wheelworks the following day after 3pm to road test the bike.

We went back on Saturday, May 4 and had a different person helping us. But she quickly won be over with her knowledge of the bikes and especially how a woman would feel on the bikes.

It was weird to be back on a bike. I don't think I had ridden a bike since maybe high school? But, just like they say it, it was like riding a bike. The mechanics came back to me as soon as I got on there. Yes, I was still a little nervous, but it was great to feel the wind in my face.

I love that bike shops have you take the bike for a ride to find the right fit ... just like I do with running sneakers!

I test road 3 different styles ranging in three different price ranges and even tried a Trek Bike as well...


Dolce Elite Compact Equipped

... but felt most comfortable on the Specialized Dolce Sport Compact. They only had the red option in stock and I was hoping for the charcoal and teal. The woman made a call to Wheelworks other location and they had one in stock! SCORE!

may 4 actual

Isn't it pretty?

I wasn't ready to pull the plug on the sale yet, so we set up another appointment the next day to test ride the charcoal/teal Dolce Sport Compact. Woo!

After the bike shop, the wife and I headed to KMart for some shopping and I found THE bike I would use for my triathlon.

may 4



On Sunday morning (May 5), we headed to Quincy so I could run the Half of Quincy then it was time to get back to the task at hand.

My dad, wife and I headed over to Farina's in Watertown to see what they had to offer. Their featured brands are Cannondale and Giant. The guy had me try a Giant. I took it around the blocks a couple times, but it was over my price point (cheapest option they had in stock) and just didn't feel right.

We finished up right on time to head back to Ace Wheelworks to see if it was in fact the bike of my dreams.


How could it not be?

I took the bike for a test ride and as soon as I pushed off I knew it was right. :) We were a match made in Heaven.

Boy are bikes expensive!! I know I could have taken more time to look at used models, but friends kept stressing to get the right feel and I am such a bike novice I wanted to trust the experts.

My crew and I pow-wowed and it was a consensus that this bike and I were made for each other ... and it was under the price point. I had been hoping to spend less than $1k on this bike since it is my first bike.

may 5

The Happy Couple

I went with the basics for Day One by just adding a water bottle holder. I can go back within the first month of purchase to pick up other essentials - like a bike lock, pedals with clips, another water bottle holder, etc.

I signed on the dotted line and the bike was mine.

There was just one little issue...

We rolled up in my Jetta. Yeah no real room for a bike in there with the three people.

So I had to make a date to pick the bike up on Tuesday (May 7).

Once the bike was selected, it felt like ages before I could pick her up.

With work schedules and weather, I've gotten out on the bike twice so far:

may 10

A quick 8 mile ride with my dad (May 10)

may 15

A solo trip around the Mystic River before a downpour (May 15)

It was crazy for me to see how much farther you get on a bike in the same amount of time I run. Yes, I know that should be obvious, but still. My first ride was a 2-to-1 ratio of bike miles to run miles. I hear the correct ratio should be 4-bike miles to 1-run mile. Eek! I have to work on my pace.

This week I am heading back to Ace Wheelworks to pick up a lock and an odometer to record my mileage/pace so I can start riding this baby around the city. :)

Oh and how could I forget!

Remember to call her Roxie ... she likes to be referred to by name! ;)

*** Do you have a bike? Did you name it? Are you hooked?

Weekly Workout Wind Up (5/9-15/13)

You will soon find out that this week I started Jillian Michaels 30-day shred ... I am wicked excited for the incorporation of strength training into my regime!!  

Thursday, May 9: Walking around 4 Weight Watchers Meetings


Friday, May 10: 4-mile Run and 8-mile Bike Ride

may 10-1

may 10

Saturday, May 11: Family Walk and Day 1 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred

may 11

may 11-2

Sunday, May 12: MOMs Run 5k and Day 2 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred

may 12

may 12-2

Monday, May 13: 5k Run with Heather, Day 3 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred and Family Walk

 may 13

may 13-2

may 13-3

Tuesday, May 14: Day 4 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred and Rest Day

may 14

Wednesday, May 15: Day 5 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred and 30-min Bike Ride

may 15

may 15-2


I can't wait to add swimming to the mix next week... :) :)

What's Beautiful? A New Under Armour Campaign

Growing up I never thought I was beautiful... Based solely on the outer appearance of course. Since I always assumed that is what people referred to when they asked if someone was beautiful or not.

Since the majority of my life has been spent overweight, I always had a "nice" personality or a "pretty" face, but never really heard that I was beautiful. Except of course from parents - which is mandatory for them I believe.

But, when I embarked on my weight loss, healthy living and fitness journey in 2009, I realized that I was beautiful.

Why did it take me so long?

I finally allowed myself to change my definition of beauty.


So Why Am I Beautiful?

*For finally deciding that I was worth fighting for

*For starting to look in the mirror and admiring the person I am becoming

*For checking my comfort zone at the door and trying things I never thought possible

*For sharing my journey (ups-and-downs) with the world through social media

*For trying to inspire others to take charge of their lives


What am I trying to get at?

That we are all beautiful and we need to embrace and share the beauty with the world!

Shout it from the rooftops.


Under Armour has recently launched an empowering endeavour called: The What's Beautiful campaign.

I have the honor of being one of many Fitfluential Ambassadors selected to be part and promote the campaign.


So what exactly is Under Armour's What's Beautiful 3.0 Campaign all about?

Together we're redefining the female athlete by setting epic goals and pushing past where we've ever been and where we thought we could go. Join us. Set your own personal goal. Then document your journey by posting videos and photos that tell your story from start to victory.

We'll continuously post challenges for you. But that's just the beginning. Show us your journey. Show us what makes your story the one that stands out from the rest. If you meet your goal, set a new one. Make it even bigger. Prove to everyone, and yourself, that you have more than what it takes.

How inspiring is that? 

But wait there's more!!

More than just finding a group of like-minded women, who are in your corner?

Why yes there is.

Every week Under Armour will be giving away sweet swag bags to those women who are kicking some serious A$$ during the 8-week challenge.

And the ultimate prize?

Three lucky ladies will be flown to COSTA RICA to attend a four-day yoga and surf retreat.

Saaayyy wwhhhaaa?!?!?

I'm in.

Are you?


I have set three goals (all the be accomplished throughout 2013): complete my first triathlon August 4 (Boston Triathlon), run 1000 miles in 2013 and complete the Dopey Challenge (Jan 9-12, 2014).

Since none of those will be accomplished within the 8-week challenge, I am also working on doing and trying more outside of my comfort zone.


Here's how you join me:

1) Create a profile.

2) Follow me! ;)

3) Define YOUR goals. They can be for the 8-week challenge or what you are starting to work for. Your choice.

4) Use the hashtags #whatsbeautiful and #iwill in all social media references.

So what's beautiful to you?


**This post is sponsored by Under Armour through Fitfluential**

MOM's Run 5k - 5/12/13 - 23:31 (7:35 min/mile)

I love super local races ... especially ones for a good cause. The MOMS Run 5k in Somerville, MA fills both those criteria. :)

Three friends and I ran this race last year and had such a great time it was a no-brainer to sign up again for 2013.

The race really won be over last year with 1) great beer and 2) an AMAZING post-race spread of food.

Good food + good beer = good race. :P

This year, the wife and I were joined by my BFF Sarah, her husband Brandon and their daughter Joanna.

Can you tell how excited Brandon was to run his first 5k? :P

There was rain on the forecast for the day and it was spitting on and off while we mulled around pre-race. The race itself began at 10am, but we knew the rain was really supposed to end at 1pm - but were hoping it may end early just for us. ;)

Tori & Joanna

As we stood around chatting and stretching, a couple blog readers (Sally and Jenny) came over to say hi! YAY! I love meeting people that enjoy reading my blog ...

With about 15-20 minutes to go before we lined up for the race, it was time to take my ENERGYbits and get #PoweredByBits.

And as the walkers kicked off the first wave of the race, the rain began to fall harder. Oh YAY ... not!

I didn't mind the rain so much, but it was causing the temp to drop - which was frustrating.

Finally, the walkers had gone as well as the wheelchair so it was time for the runners to hit the pavement.

Sarah and I were aiming for low 7 min/mile pace, but even at the Start my legs were feeling as heavy as lead. I wasn't totally sure why - maybe leftover soreness from last week's half or the previous day's workout (Day 1 of Jillian Michaels' 30-day shred).

But, right off the bat I knew I wasn't going to reach my goal of a sub 23 min half.

I told Sarah to run off without me, but being the good friend that she is she stuck by me.

Plus, it was going to be on the last races we would run together as she is moving to Maine next month. Sad I know!

The race started on a gradual hill - AWESOME, my favorite - and thankfully did offer a downhill at some point. Since you know, what goes up - must come down ... at some point!

We hit Mile One in about a 7:38 pace (if memory serves me correctly).

I was upset. What was going on. I wanted to will my body to go faster, but it wouldn't.

But, I powered on.

And then came another hill. Really Somerville? This course was hillier than I remembered for sure.

I believe Mile Two (with hill) was about a 7:45-ish minute mile.

Okay, going in the wrong direction.

But once we hit Mile Two, there was a glorious glorious downhill.

It was time to make up some serious time and try to save the race.

AAannddd then about 1/2 a mile from the Finish came a pain in my left hamstring that I had never felt before. OOUUCCHH!!

But, I wasn't about to stop. For a second, I thought I wasn't going to finish - then I remembered I finish what I start.

So Sarah motivated me through the last 1/2 mile.

Thank goodness for Sarah's positivity at the end.

Plus, I saw my friend George ahead and I had to try and catch up to him and finish as close to him as possible. It's fun being competitive with friends - as long as it is friendly competition. Like George and I have. It is motivating to have a friend with a similar pace that runs as many races as I do. :)

We finished in 23:31 minutes ... a 7:35 min/mile pace.

No PR BUT a course PR as in 2012 I finished the race in 24:06.


So I was wicked mad when we finished then I remembered how I finished my first-ever 5k in March 2005 in 38:21. Yeah this race was about 15 minutes faster. I will TAKE THAT!

Sarah and I met up with George and grabbed a celebratory Harpoon!

Brandon (Sarah's husband) rocked his first 5k run and finished in 30:19 ... while pushing Joanna in the stroller up the hills. I was wicked impressed and proud!

As Sarah and Brandon got in line for food, I hung with a sleeping Joanna. AND got 2 extra free beers from a guy who had a gluten allergy and he said I deserved them on Mother's Day!

Well, no need to tell him I wasn't a mom so I gladly thanked him and took the beers. ;)

As the rain picked back up, we moved our group inside to eat some of the delicious food provided from local Davis Square establishments.

I even got to see a friend from college and fellow AOII sister, Nadia, who I hadn't seen in ages.

She has embarked on her own weight loss and fitness journey so it was great to connect.

I saw a handful of my Weight Watchers members walking and running in the race as well!

After Joanna made sure the Mile markers were safely returned to the Finish line...

... it was time to part ways and head to home.

But, first Joanna decided that my beer needed a side of Mother's Day flower (that the race handed to all Moms).

Even with the rain, it was a great morning. I was annoyed with my race results, but reminded myself that running is about the friends, family, experience and beer!

Thank you to all the race organizers (especially my friend Paul), volunteers and Somerville cops for all you did to make a great race experience for all...