Three Things Thursday: Discount Codes, #RunningMakesMeFEEL & Sparkly Soul + Athleta!

Happy Thirsty Thursday!!! Oh wait... wrong post!! ;) Haha. Oh I slay me.

Well with a weigh-in tomorrow morning and a night of personal coaching calls for Weight Watchers I will not be taking part in an adult Thirsty Thursday. So pass me the Dunks and water! :)

Let's get to the fun...


1) Here a few discount codes for some of the races I love the most!

Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series


Max Performance Triathlon Series

Save $12 on registration for the two triathlons that I will be participating in!!

Escape the Cape Triathlon on June 13


Distance: 1/3 Mile Swim, 10 Mile Bike, 3.1 Mile Run

Use code: WOMSESCAPE15 (expires May 2)

Title IX Women Only Sprint Triathlon on September 13


Distance: 1/4 Mile Swim, 10 Mile Bike, 3.1 Mile Run Use code: WOMST915 (expires June 1)

ZOOMA Women’s Race Series (Cape Cod)


Race has a Half Marathon and 10k option and takes place September 26.

Use my discount code DANI15 for 10% off.


2) Have you taken part in the #RunningMakesMeFEEL campaign yet?

Newton Running is partnering with Timex to ask runners nationwide to express how running makes them feel by spelling out words with their run routes, launching a first-ever initiative on this scale.

Inspired by Newton’s new feel Campaign and an emerging trend among runners, The Run It, FEEL It, Spell It Challenge will encourage runners to track their run routes using GPS devices.


I finally tested out my new Timex watch yesterday! Can you tell what #RunningMakesMeFEEL? ;)

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Runners will then submit GPS map screen grabs – and the words therein – through Twitter and Instagram using the hashtags #RunningMakesMeFeel and #promo to win prizes including:

  • A daily give-away of Newton and Timex swag
  • A weekly prize of a pair of Newtons and a Timex GPS watch
  • A grand prize of Newtons for life and a new Timex IRONMAN One GPS+

The Run It, FEEL It, Spell It Challenge runs through May 1. The challenge is open to all runners and running enthusiasts in the U.S. To learn more about The Run It, FEEL It, Spell It Challenge visit Newton Running. Join the conversation on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.


3) Have you heard about the latest partnership?? Sparkly Soul will now be sold at Athleta stores and online (12 specific colors)! Woo! Two of my favorite brands partnering together.


To celebrate this sparkly union, Sparkly Soul is celebrating with 12 days of giveaways - #12DaysOfAthleta - and today is Day 2! Head over to twitter, follow Sparkly Soul, use hashtag #SparklyAthleta and get in on the fun.


Have a happy Friday Eve! ;0)

Tedy's Team Group Run: 12-Miler & "THAT" sign (4/4/15)

On Friday I started the weekend off with the best weigh-in I've had as an adult. I am happy to be down 66 pounds with Weight Watchers and over 80 from the highest recorded weight I have.


I needed this perspective as I went into the final long run of the training cycle for the marathon. I had such a horrendous race at Boston last year - from a running perspective. If you never heard what happened, feel free to catch up here.

This year has been different and I hope it results in a different outcome on race day... which is a mere two weeks away!

On Saturday I woke up with plenty of time to enjoy breakfast, change my entire planned outfit and head in town.


The forecast called for rain all morning so I tried out my new jacket from New Balance. BUT the forecast also said low 40s which meant I could test out the potential bottom part of my marathon outfit. Well the skirt and shorts at least. I've never worn shorts in a marathon so it will take some getting used to as I do not run with a fuel belt and generally shove my fuel in my shorts while I run. Classy, right? So this would be the test as I was bringing 2 KIND bars to use as fuel and my phone.

It was drizzling and overcast as I made my way in town to stretch and prep for the run. It would be my last team group run before the big day as next week I have my cousin's bridal shower on Saturday. Woo hoo!

While I was one of the first out the door thanks to my Garmin crapping the bed I was one of the last to leave. Womp womp! It took my Garmin forever to locate satellites which left me grumpy for the start of my run. I have a Garmin 310xt which is just over a year old.

After praying to the satellite gods, the Garmin finally picked up satellite and I was off.

The legs felt heavy as I made my way down Beacon St to Comm Ave where I would catch Heartbreak Hill. I was told to take the 12-miler "easy" and was hoping my legs would do the work for me. My brain wasn't in the mood to keep an eye on pace. I would be in a group run, but running alone. So I knew my mind would be occupied with 10,000 other thoughts I can ignore during the week when busy but come flooding out during a quiet run.

Mile 1: 9:31 Mile 2: 9:23 Mile 3: 9:24

Good work body! The legs were feeling really heavy at the start of the run and I second guessed my decision to hold off on the Zensah compression sleeves.

As I made my way up Heartbreak (the opposite way you run it during the marathon), I had a pick-me-up in my mood as I saw a ton of runners coming at me. It is always fun to see other folks out on the course preparing for the big day. Especially since most of the ones I see are parts of charity teams so they have team gear on so I can see who and why they are taking on this awesome feat.

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I even had the chance to say HI to some friends.

Heartbreak Hill is a series of hills covering a 3-mile stretch, but even running it backwards I could tell when the biggest of the hills was ahead of me. Let me tell you it is a lot easier to run down that bad boy than up it. ;)

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Hello there downhill. :P

Mile 4: 9:28 Mile 5: 8:50 Mile 6: 8:51

The Tedy's Team coach was waiting at the halfway mark with some much-needed water and Gatorade. It was good to catch up with John as he could tell I was having a tough week mentally. It was the time of the month the week before and I was feeling light-headed and woozy during some of my workouts. He let me know that it is okay and that yes it could be a result of my period. Which is what I was hoping to hear as I felt fine once it went away.

Also who knew when I started running or this blog that I would share so much about my period or attempting to pee while riding the bike during the Half Ironman. I mean things I never thought I would share is now normal. Or maybe you guys don't need this info, but I feel comfortable enough to share it. Either way - you are welcome!

Anywho he calmed me down and reassured me to trust in the training and that all would be okay. We made a plan to keep this week's mileage around 30 then down to 20-25 the week of the marathon. I never hit more than 50 miles in a week so I don't need a huge taper time like some of the other marathon folks.

After a quick KIND bar break - which by the way were holding up great in my shorts (I hide them in the front on my quads) and were proving to be a great choice for me fuel-wise.

I bid John adieu and started the trek back home. I was going to Maine after the run to see my BFF and her family so I was a little excited and I think it showed in the pace.

PLUS the big shiny orb in the sky - I think you call it a sun - made an appearance during the run and I was soaking it all in. Wicked happy I opted to wear my Sparkle Athletic visor!


Mile 7: 8:59 Mile 8: 8:32

I stopped at the spot outside of BC, where Heartbreak Hill officially ends, to film another quick video. Just a little different weather wise than the one Page and I had filmed the week prior during the 20-miler.

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It was nice to stop and take a moment to reflect back on the journey AND have some final words with Heartbreak before the big day. Yes I talked out loud to a road. That weird? ;)

Mile 9: 8:29

As I made my way back down Beacon to Kenmore. I tried to check in with my body. I know the pain in my hamstring that has been there since May won't be going away by race day. So I am just watching it to make sure it doesn't get any worse. I have been doing a lot of exercises nightly to try and strengthen the area around the hamstring as well as work on my core.

Now my core work was said to be a "joke" by a blog reader, but I can only do the best I can. My journey is different than everyone else's so I focus on that. My time or reps might be less than others and I may have to do modified push-ups, but I am doing it and making myself stronger. One day at a time.

But I digress... I have found that work helpful for me and I am feeling strong.

While having a mental debate with myself it was nice to pull up to see Margaret at the final water stop of the day.


Our weekly selfie taken care of it, it was nice to chat before finishing out the run.

Mile 10: 8:29

Now I obviously couldn't tell if you could see my singlet through the back of my New Balance jacket so I totally had Margaret take a pic of me running away so I could tell.


Verdict? Oh yeah!

With the niece on the brain, I headed back to Kenmore. Running the route week after week can seem tedious, but it really helps with the mental side of the marathon. You can feel the crowd every time I run down Beacon or Comm Ave. I immediately can go back to how I was feeling at that spot in 2013 or 2014.

And for now it is making sure I don't recreate what happened last year this year.

Mile 11: 8:25

But as I came towards Kenmore, I moved myself to the right side of the street to capture "that" sign as you head into the home stretch of the race. Kenmore marks just 1 more mile of the marathon.


Gorgeous enough for a selfie...



Now I am hoping to feel as good as I did in that moment in that same spot on race day!

I finished up the run by snapping a few more pics of the kick ass New Balance marathon campaign. Seriously loving it...



... before ending my long run where I always do - Dunks! :)

Mile 12: 8:21

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Soooo I definitely ended faster than I wanted to, but I was feeling good the whole way. The legs started waking up a few miles in (as you can also tell with the pace) and overall the body and fueling were strong. There was some lingering left hamstring pain, but I think it was from extra hill work earlier in the week.

I made sure to continue to foam roll 2-3 times a day to keep the body loose and I have been living in compression shorts, pants, socks or sleeves! I find is so helpful for blood circulation and recovery time.


Since that was my final group run on the course, I would like to thank the Tedy's Team water stop crew as well as those of other charities and stores.


So many were out there week in and week out in the horrendous weather. I always say it is worse for volunteers since at least the runners are moving to stay warm.


There will be just one final "long run" - 8-10 on Sunday - before the Big Show. I will set out to enjoy the day, the experience, the reason why I run Boston and let the time/pace go as it will. I have done the work now I just need to see what weather Boston wants to bring! :P

Thank you all again for following along on this journey. Somehow this is marathon #7 - Boston #3 with Tedy's Team - and I just keep signing up for more! ;)

Face It Friday: A Loss, A Food Find & A Limited Time 50% Off Offer From Weight Watchers

Another Weight Watchers week in the books. Now I have been having some luck on the scale recently when the numbers (Points Plus Values) proved it should've gone otherwise. I have been in the negative the past couple of weeks and I am not happy with that. Tracking is crucial because I can look back and see where I was wasting points. The past couple of weeks they have been on weekend splurges and snacky type food. Not how I want to be fueling/spending my Points right now.

I also know that I have been slipping back into some old emotional eating habits.

I recognize the trend and will work to change it. This past week however was another doozy. It was that time of the month for me and I was craving all sorts of things and giving in to temptation. I should've been stronger, but I was feeling emotionally, mentally and physically drained. :( It is definitely not a proud week for me, BUT I am proud of myself for owning all of the decisions and tracking them.

So how bad was it?

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Tune of -153. Yup. It was tough. BUT I am proud of my Activity Point level.

I have been using 29 as my Daily Points Target and have been going over that pretty much every day in the past couple of weeks. I think I hit 29 just once in that time. Now that says to me either 1) I am making poor choices each day or 2) I need more fuel than I think while training for the marathon.

Now last week I was expecting a gain and somehow walked away with a 0.4 lb loss. Thanks scale!

So this week I was once again expecting a gain so I set my alarm message as: "You are note defined by a number!" It was a help when I woke up to weigh-in on Friday.


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I somehow lost another 0.4 lbs. Yes this is now my lowest weight since like the early 90s - aka 6th grade. I am really in shock.

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I do not want to keep this trend of being so far in the negative to continue. I am going to work on making smarter choices during the week to choose more filling, lower Point value foods (Hey Power Foods) and to stop buying the snacky options that are tempting me while at home. I will be setting my space up for success.

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I am still proud of the progress I have made since returning from Disney World, this year and during marathon training.

But there is room for improvement especially with a little less activity in my future over the next two weeks as I taper down for the marathon (April 20).


Food Find Of The Week: Bamboo Lane Crunchy Rice Rollers!


Thanks to a member of the Tuesday WW meeting I reception for bringing these in for us. 1 is 1 PPV. 2 is 2 PPV. 3 is 4 PPV. These have been a great snack in between WW meetings or a quick snack while on the move. I have been keeping them in my backpack and in my car as a just in case!


Have you heard the news?

Weight Watchers has a great deal going on - 50% off when you purchase a Meetings Subscription plan between 4/3-11!

Learn more & get started here!!


Will I see you in a meeting room soon? I lead at:

^ Medford Center (674 Fellsway in Medford) at 5:30pm on Mondays

^ Boston Center (101 Summer St in Boston) at 8:00am on Thursdays


How do you use your food tracker as feedback?

Weekend Wrap-Up Plus Final Day of Sparkly Soul Discount Code!

Why must weekends pass so quickly and the weekdays drag on and on? I know I am starting your Monday off with the hard-hitting questions! ;) But once again I had a fabulous weekend that ended too soon.

I was ready for a fresh start on Friday after a very emotionally driven week. I was all over the place with my food choices and just not in the game.

As always my #FaceItFriday weigh-in gave me the chance to bid adios to the prior week and it's baggage and say hello to a new slate.

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And it even greeted me with a shocking loss. Thanks scale gods.

For those that don't know that is my lowest weight since 6th grade. Yes you read that right - since junior high/1993(ish).

In total I have shed 65.8 lbs with Weight Watchers (started November 2009) and 83 overall from my highest.


2004 vs. 2015

After a surprising weigh-in, I had some amazing Personal Coaching calls with my WW members before having a kick ass mail day! Both my Sparkly Soul and Sparkle Athletic orders arrived at the same time. :)


Yes I totally had a Treat Yo Self moment when feeling down in the dumps the week prior. Retail Therapy FTW? ;)

With a 20-miler on tap for Saturday, I took it easy Friday night with a little shakeout run on the treadmill then followed it up with a nice evening in bed (Zensah compression, boboli pizza and a little vino)!


Perfect Friday night, right?

Now if you haven't done a long run before, I can tell you it takes up pretty much the entire day between the run itself, follow-up brunch and then recovery time. ;) Or that might just be my plan. :P

We had a great 20-mile run on the Boston Marathon course despite it snowing the entire time and a delicious lunch at Bertucci's after. Once I got home it was time to face the dreaded ice bath. Thankfully I talked my wife into sitting with me to distract me!



Yes it was painful 6 minutes! I know only 6 minutes, but it felt like 60. And the wine didn't help as much as I wanted it to... but it was still a delicious addition.

With no real desire to do anything much the rest of the day, the wife and I used the rest of the day to catch up on some Netflix and blogging.


Oh and puppy snuggles!!

It was awesome to sleep in until 7:30am on Sunday. Boy I remember the days in college when you would sleep in until like 11 or 12 then do a hungover brunch.

Now I sleep in until 7:30 and head to a Spin class. What happened to me? Oh lifestyle changes. #WorthIt

On Sunday I tested out a new Boston Spin Studio - Velo City - which is just off Boylston St on Fairfield.

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Love that they offer complimentary Spin shoes!

Velo City had a great vibe and Matt (the instructor) had one sweet playlist with awesome remixes.

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I was worried about tackling a 60-min Spin class the day after the 20-miler, but my legs felt amazing after!

If you are in the area, definitely check them out!!

The rest of Sunday was spent catching up on work, getting in a recovery 5k and soaking up the sun and "warmer" weather!!

It felt great coming into Monday feeling refreshed and recharged! It didn't hurt that I had a 60-min massage on tap for Monday morning as well.


Now to help you help me! ;) Today (3/30) is the FINAL DAY of my Sparkly Soul discount code.


Use code DANIRUNSBOSTON to receive 10% off your order AND have 10% of your order come back to my 2015 Boston Marathon fundraising efforts for Tedy's Team!! #FightStroke

Code expires tonight (3/30) at 11:5pm PT!!


How did you recharge this weekend?

How do you IGNITE your Passion? Let PUMA help!

Who IGNITES your Passion?What IGNITES your Passion? When do you IGNITE your Passion? Why do you IGNITE your Passion? Where do you IGNITE your Passion?

My answers to the above questions could go on for days, but I only have a limited window on this blog to grab your attention to share what I am really passionate about. Hey! I know you have Twitter and Facebook  to get back to. I understand.

So today I will keep it easy and straightforward. I'll answer the most important of these potential questions...

... the how!

How do you IGNITE your Passion?

Since embarking on my final weight loss journey (the one that actually stuck) in 2009, I have vowed to motivate and inspire those around me to live healthy/balanced lives and to push the boundaries of their comfort zones.

Can I sum up my Passion in a single word or image? Probably not. Buuuttt I can come super close with this snapshot from the 2013 Boston Marathon - my 3rd marathon and first Boston.


I was frightened. This was the Super Bowl of marathons. But I was there with Tedy's Team in honor of my Stroke Heroes - my grandparents and my Father-In-Law - to help raise awareness and to fight Stroke.

Taking on the endeavor of the marathon and fundraising pushed me so far out of my comfort zone by body lost sight of it. THAT experience taught me more than I would expect.

It fueled my desire to push my body physically, mentally and emotionally. I wanted to rise to the occasion and learn the stories of other Stroke survivors/caretakers.

And now? Now I am gearing up for my 3rd Boston Marathon (t-minus 3 weeks) with Tedy's Team. The fire in my soul burning bright as the training miles pack on and the fundraising adds up (almost $23k in 3 years).

This passion and journey has grown bigger and brighter than I could've imagined...

Yet it was all ignited with a single decision!

And now PUMA wants to help YOU ignite your Passion through their new IGNITE line!


I was super excited to test out all of the pieces I received. I slipped into the PR Pure Fitted S/S tee first.


Thank tanks offered a mesh insert for improved air circulation and flat-lock seams for less friction and higher comfort.


CoolCELL highly functional materials draw sweat away from your skin while anatomically placed air-flow features offer you superior temperature regulation. And this sweaty/smelly girl appreciates that and the Cleansport NXT finish to ensure odor control. I mean who feels me on that??? I cannot be alone!

I paired the thank with the Essential 3/4 tights, which are made with highly functional materials to draw sweat away from the skin and help keep you dry and comfortable during exercise.


I really appreciated the Power Mesh internal waistband for additional tummy support and comfort, and waistband pocket for secure storage. Adios uncomfortable muffin top while working out.

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While the outfit made me feel sleek and ready to crush a PR... I felt like I needed some color. Ya know?

So welcome the Ignite Women's Running Shoe to the party!


Let's just check out the color description first: deep blue-team italia navy-FLUO PEACH. Umm yeah! Delicious. Can a shoe color be delicious? Well I'm making it a thing.


The Ignite Shoe offers:

  • Energy Return - Full length IGNITED foam midsole’s PU blend offers high rebound cushioning
  • Step in Comfort - Ignite foam provides instant comfort where you need it most
  • Long-Lasting Performance - Foreverfoam is used in the heel to disperse impact and provide extra durability

The Ignites main focus -

Maximum energy in for maximum energy out so you can stop running and start IGNITING


So how will PUMA start helping you IGNITE your Passion?

This post is sponsored by FitFluential on behalf of PUMA.