Weekend Wrap Up: Running And Spinning And Christmas Tree Oh My!

Go Go Go! It's how I have felt the past two weeks. I keep attacking my To Do list, yet it keeps growing. Has anyone else had that? Every time I think I am all caught up - seven more things get added to the list.

Now don't get me wrong they aren't all horrible adult-like tasks, it's just continuous!

I am looking forward to finally getting a chance to veg out this upcoming weekend.

But for now it is time to share all the fun stuff I did last weekend. ;)

Are ya ready? Get your cup of coffee and dig in...

I woke up Friday night on the high from Thursday. No not that kind of high. It was a running high. On Thursday night I hit 1,000 miles run in 2014! Woo!! :)


So Friday brought a happy heart and tired legs. Luckily my friend and Tedy's Team running mate Page was up for some slower miles. We had a great time catching up on our weekly Friday Five. We had missed it the week prior as she was in Cayman for a half with some of the other Tedy's Team crew. Yes I was super jealous!!


I was saddened to her her husband's uncle had passed away earlier in the week from a Stroke. It just reminded us again why we do what we do!!

After a quick clean-up, it was off to lead my final Weight Watchers meeting of the week. This is such an amazing and motivating group. The group works with adults with down syndrome so five of the participants have Down Syndrome. I learn something new from this group every week and always walk away with a smile on my face. :)

Now one would think hey it is weekend time... nope! Paperwork paperwork paperwork was ahead of me. I caught up on all the unglamorous ;) part of work before moving on to the next thing.

Friday afternoon turned into an afternoon of errands before heading to the Cambridge Side Galleria Mall to pick up our bibs for Sunday's Cambridge 5k Yulefest 5k.


With Boston Marathon training officially kicking off Saturday, it was time to restart the Friday night tradition of movie and Zensah compression everything. We opted to watch National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. One of my all-time favorites.

Saturday would be the first of many Tedy's Team runs this winter. It was great being reconnected with teammates and meeting new ones. I was pretty happy to see the schedule call for 6 miles since my legs were still kind of tired.


Following a quick breakfast and blog session, it was time to head back in town for my friend Beth's Flywheel Fundraiser. Beth is running the Boston Marathon for Dana Farber.


I was excited to have my friend and fellow WW Leader Susan join me for her first ever Flywheel class.


I didn;t know what to expect having run six miles earlier in the day, but I still ended up 3rd overall on the Torq board. Woo!


We opted to celebrate with some well-deserved beers. :)

On the way back to the train, we caught part of a protest happening near the Boston Public Library. It looked as if the group was making their way down Boylston Street. The cops were redirecting traffic block by block as the protestors made their way towards somewhere. Cuhlearly I was paying attention to what was going on. :P

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After making our way around the protestors, it was smooth sailing back home.

While the wife was at her nerd game night, I should've been uber productive. But instead I walked 2.5 miles on the treadmill then snuggled with the pups. Oops! :P I just needed a little zen time to recharge the body.

Plus I had to lay out my final race outfit of the year. Sunday would mark Race #52 of 52 for 2014.



As always it was a great time with my Slumbrew Happy Soles at the Yulefest 5k. You can read all about it here.


This shot even made it on to the Cambridge Chronicle's website. Yay high-fives! ;)

We wanted to stay and party with the Happy Soles all morning, but the wife had a hockey game. So we bid farewell, grabbed lunch and headed home to get her stuff.


My wife is my #1 supporter and at almost all of my races so it was time to pay it back and head to one of her games. It was cold in the arena so I made sure to keep myself moving the whole time. It was a rough loss, but she did great on tired legs. She had also run the 5k earlier that morning (40:12).

Since we hadn't done enough on Sunday, we made the decision to go straight from the game to buy a Christmas tree. The wife leaves on Monday to spend Christmas with her family in Chicago so we needed a tree sooner rather than later.

We headed to the Arlington Boys & Girls Club to pick a tree. We buy our tree there for special reasons. I grew up swimming at that Boys & Girls Club so I love being able to pay it forward to the kids there now by having our tree $$ go to fund their programming.


So while spending $50 for a tree hurt, I knew it was going to a good cause.

Plus isn't it a beaut? ;)

By the time we were home and the tree was put up, I was ready to crash. More blog work needed to be done, but it would have to wait until Monday. My eyes were refusing to stay open any longer!


I dragged my butt to the treadmill to squeeze in a 1.5 mile walk just so I could hit my activity goal on my Activelink. Molly came along for moral support.

It was a wicked fun weekend with lots of activity, laughs and love.

And hey I even managed to escape the weekend with Weight Watchers Points still left over! Yay for not being in the negative for the second-straight weekend. :)


Do you also feel like your To Do list is never-ending?

Face It Friday: Feelin' It 12/12/14

I've been at this weight loss game since birth. I was born over 10 lbs. Yes destined to be a Weight Watchers member from day one. It's been over 5 years since I walked into my first WW meeting and almost 3 since I moved to the other side of the scale as a Leader.

So why hasn't it gotten any easier?

Oh I know!

Because for me this whole weight loss and healthy living journey is more emotional/mental than physical. It is more than eating the right foods and portioning out my snacks. It is about dealing with the WHY I turn to food when happy/sad/angry/bored/you name it! And that is why for me this will be a life-long journey to take control of those inner demons.

But I continue to win as long as I keep trying.

After a little gain last week, I was determined to right the ship this week. I went into my week wicked motivated by my amazing Weight Watchers members. I let that motivation and inspiration pour over and be ever present in the front of my mind.


And for maybe the second time this year, I came out of the week in the positive. That is right folks. You read it here. I had points left over.

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Now that the shock is wearing off. I can tell you it was an proud feeling. I merely wanted to prove to myself that it could be done.


There were some realizations this week:

^ Cut alcohol down to 3 drinks this week and only on one specified day (following the Santa Hustle half marathon) That was tough. So I replaced with a nightly hot cocoa from the Keurig (2PPV). Now quite the same, but still a way for me to sit back, reflect and end the evening.

^ Earned 90+ Activity Points for the first time in almost two months. PLUS I hit 1,000 miles for 2014 last night (12/11)!! <<Raise the roof>>


^ Weighed, measured, tracked and OWNED a 17-point snack attack that occurred Monday Night. Accepting what happened allowed me to more easily get right back on track the next morning instead of letting the guilt hang over me. Which would've led to further bad choices.

^ Shared my slip-ups with my members and readers allowing me to again release the guilt.

^ Did my weekly walk with my friend and fellow WW Leader Susan. Now this is a weekly occurrence but on Tuesday it was downpouring so instead of canceling we came up with a plan B. We walked the floors of Macy's (leaving our CCs behind) for almost an hour. So we got our weekly check-in, which I so desperately rely on now!

^ Asking myself "How am I feeling right now?" before I eat something. Most of the time for me my choices are driven by emotions rather than actual hunger. This pause to check in with myself and my emotions can catch a slip before it happens.

^ I do make a difference in my members lives. I received a sweet gift from a member on Wednesday and it totally touched my heart and has left a huge smile on my face all week long.


^ Overall feeling better, more in control and happier. I felt so blah the past couple months and I am happy to report slowly, but surely that is starting to turn around. :)


Tomorrow marks the beginning of Boston Marathon training with Tedy's Team (donate here). I wanted to go into the training feeling good about myself and my weight ... as I did for the Half Ironman back in September. I am proud to report that I am. I still have work to do. 1.2 to lose to be back in Lifetime range and 3.2 to go to be back at goal. But I am closer than I was back in June and have more resolve now.

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I cannot believe I am beginning training for my 7th marathon. When did that happen? I never thought I would run 1/4 of a mile let alone set out to CHOOSE to run 26.2... for fun!! :P


Do you stop to check in with your emotions before making a food choice?

#TransformationTuesday: Charity Athletes Shaping Lives Through Miles

One can transform their own life through weight loss and fitness journeys. One can transform the lives of others through charity donations and charity work.

But it takes a special kind of person to combine the two endeavors...

Enter Charity Athletes.

Charity Athletes are people who commit to raising a certain amount of money for a charity, while undertaking a physical challenge: running a race, competing in a bike race, playing in a hockey tournament, fighting in a boxing bout or any other number of events.

I am a proud charity runner! I completed the 2013 Boston Marathon, 2014 Boston Marathon, 2014 Rock 'n' Roll Nashville Marathon and the 2014 Falmouth Road Race as a member of Tedy's Team and the American Heart Association. Oh and I am going back for more in the 2015 Boston Marathon! Bring it on baby.

My goal is to hit a combined $21,000 raised since September 2012. As of today (12/9/14), I have raised $19,429.20. I am just $1,570.80 away! Woo! :) (Click here to donate)


I joined Tedy's Team in honor of my Stroke Heroes - my grandparents and my wife's Father - all Stroke Survivors.


My Gramma and I this summer

While training for the 2013 Boston Marathon, my grandpa passed away quickly. It was unexpected and emotionally tough, but I dedicated every single step and mile to his memory.


Through Tedy's Team, I have met some absolutely amazing and inspiring people. The team is made up of Stroke advocates as well as Survivors. The long training runs allow for the group to get close and the resolve to #FightStroke gets deeper with each Stroke story shared.

So when some runners came out against charity runners being in the Boston Marathon, I got a tad wicked angry. But that is not what this post is about. I bring that up because it allowed my teammate Megan  to remind me of these amazing words from her pasta dinner speech this past April.


Amen sister! ;)

Charity athletes not only train for the race/event itself, but add fundraising on top of it all. Committing to raising any amount of money is no small feat and can be daunting. I know I get a little pang of anxiety when I sign my commitment form for Tedy’s Team because if I don’t hit the fundraising goal the difference goes on my credit card. Eek!

So charity athletes get creative when fundraising and it really can be time consuming... more so than the training itself.


But enough about my love of being a charity athlete, it's time for you to share your #TransformationTuesday Charity Athlete story!


Please comment below with your experience about being a charity athlete: share the charity, the event and how it impacted your life. Also feel free to share a link to your fundraising site if available! :)

Ohh ZOOMA Women's Race Series FLASH Sale

Who doesn't love a good race discount? Well you are in luck!!

Use code DANI15 for 10% off registration to ANY ZOOMA Women's Race in the country!!


You will find me - for the third-straight year - at the ZOOMA Cape Cod Women's Half on September 26, 2015.


How can I pass up finishing the race with my toes in the sand and some wine?




Cities Available:

Amelia Island, Florida - January 17 (5k, 12k or Half) Austin, TX - March 28 (5k, 10k or Half) Annapolis, MD - May 30 (10k or Half) Napa Valley, CA - June 20 (10k or Half) Chicago, IL - August 2 (10k or Half) Cape Cod, MA - September 26 (10k or Half)


Which ZOOMA race will you register for?

Face It Friday: Rut Needs To Be Snapped 12/5/14

What is happening? A phrase I have uttered to myself countless mornings recently.

I was cruising this summer. After the unhappy and ego crushing weight gain of the late winter (24 lbs to be exact), I kicked it in to high gear over the summer and shed 20 of the 24 lbs. Feeling good and within 2.4 lbs of goal, I competed in and completed my first Half Ironman.


Then the rails went off. It wasn't as if I threw Weight Watchers out the window. It was just the focus from the Summer and having the race to train for was gone.

Obviously I race a lot and am still active, but the activity level dipped from the Summer and I have been fighting to regain that drive ever since.

So in October and November I felt stuck. It was turning into more of a mental battle of wants/desires and pure laziness. I know when I am off plan it is only because I am feeling lazy. Which really grinds my gears.

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See skipped weigh-ins! Never a good sign. I know I am feeling "off" when that happens since normally I face the scale no matter what.

Every Friday I would wake up with renewed energy and a fresh feeling of the new week ahead.

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But inevitably I would let the weekend indulge creep into the week. Again nothing too wild and crazy, but a little more lax with the portions than I wanted.

Additionally, I could see the frequent trips to the grocery store dwindling which led to more snacking and ordering out. Neither of which needed to happen.

But I am not here to post excuses, but to work through WHY this little cycle has been happening. Why THIS year.

See that is the problem. This marks my third year of being at goal and a Lifetime member and the first real time I have struggled. The first real time I have put on more than say 5 lbs.

As the inner demons in my brain continue to battle about whether I am worth this struggle and this fight, the topic to the meeting this week shut them down for a brief time. Ahh inner peace... if even for a week.

The topic this week is about creating a Losing List. Here is my losing list from last year. Hearing why my members started their weight loss and healthy living journeys started to chip away at the "rut" feeling that had been weighing me down.

Additionally, it was hearing myself share the story out loud of buying my first belt after never wearing one because I would only wear stretchy pants so I could avoid buying the size 20 pants - that something clicked. I could feel the excitement I felt that day. The feeling of pride that still bursts every time I wear the dress with that darn belt.

It reminded me that life is hard, but we can choose our hard. Being overweight was hard. Losing weight was hard. Maintaining weight loss is hard. But which hard is worth it to me? It is definitely Door #3!

So when I tell my members that them letting me be a part of their journey changes my life on a weekly basis, I am NOT lying. Thank you members and friends and readers for picking me up when I am down ... even if you don't realize it!

OH and while cleaning last Friday night, we found my original weight record book. Ohhhhh talk about motivation!



Today marks almost one-consecutive month of tracking (12/7 will be one month) and I am getting my groove back.

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I am going to continue to fight to get back to goal, but my personal goal has always been 15X.

Now the tracking piece is in place, I need to still work on that activity. While I did earn 84 APs this week - which is still outstanding - it is not to the level I was this summer. So I need to brainstorm how to find my workout groove again. Thankfully marathon training officially starts 12/13 and I am hoping that that will spark whatever light I need.


How do you work through a weight loss or fitness rut?

Momentum Jewelry Giveaway

And the winner is...

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Congrats Bonnie! Thank you to all who participated!

If you are still looking to purchase a piece of Momentum Jewelry: we have a special code INSPIREFIT good for 20% off website orders, but it expires Nov 30th so act quickly!! :)


Inspiration ... motivation ... accountability can come in all shapes and sizes. You can find it in a sunrise or looking in your kids' eyes. Where we find our dedication for our healthy lifestyles will be different for everyone... but let me offer up a pretty fashion forward option! :)


Momentum offers hand-crafted, workout-friendly jewelry for fitness-focused individuals. Featuring our innovative MOTIVATE WRAP™ bracelet (patent pending).



Momentum Jewelry is a small women-owned business which produces all of their products in the USA. Momentum offers foot notes, wrap bracelets, suede cuffs, necklaces, headbands and earrings. These ladies are blending the fitness and fashion worlds seamlessly. In exchange for this review/giveaway, I was given complimentary product. But as we know all thoughts are my own - ain't nobody got time for lyin'! With endless possibilities of sayings for the wrap bracelets I felt overwhelmed, but knew I wanted to go with a custom saying. But what custom saying would push me though a workout or pick me up during a tough emotional moment.




Soo what do we think I went with?


Yeah I'm kind of obvious. :P But this blog - this little slice of the internet - has changed my life in more ways than you can imagine. Thinking about sharing my life, workouts and adventures with all of you gives me a huge pick-me-up when feeling own and out. So I knew it was the perfect choice. The above wrap is the oval motivational wrap with custom saying and teal wrap - value $25. A Motivational wrap without custom saying is $20. But with my newfound arm candy my feet were feeling pretty lonely. ;) Momentum Jewelry offers a single foot note ($10) or a pair ($17).




I went with the Beast Mode pairing.


Sweet, right? In addition to great products filled with passion and love, Momentum believes in the importance of instilling a healthy lifestyle at an early age. So "5% of our profits are donated to the national effort, Action for Healthy Kids. Founded in 2002, Action for Healthy Kids works with schools to fight the national epidemic of childhood obesity by teaching kids to live healthy, active lives. Learn more at www.actionforhealthykids.org" Pretty awesome!! Now I know you would love to hear me wax poetically about how awesome Momentum Jewelry is, but it's time to get to the giveaway!! Here’s how to enter:

Giveaway will run from Monday November 10 (11:00am ET) to Monday November 17 (Noon ET)!

Winner will be announced on Monday!

REMINDER: Momentum Jewelry Giveaway Ends Monday (11/17)

My Momentum Jewelry giveaway launched on Monday! You can see the original post here.


But since I love you all so much :) I am adding additional entry options! So click below and increase YOUR chances to win!


(If you DO plan to do the blog post entry, please leave it on the original post)

Here’s how to enter:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway will run from Monday November 10 (11:00am ET) to Monday November 17 (Noon ET)!

Winner will be announced on Monday!