Dani Dishes 6-2-14
/On this episode of Dani Dishes, it's time to celebrate the blog turning 3 and my Weight Watchers Success Story hits the web! :) Story here!
Leaving my comfort zone… one mile at a time.
Leaving my comfort zone ... one mile at a time.
On this episode of Dani Dishes, it's time to celebrate the blog turning 3 and my Weight Watchers Success Story hits the web! :) Story here!
For those that may be new to the little slice of the internet I like to call Weight Off My Shoulders, here is a big fact to know about me... I.
Wow! Feels good to get that off my chest.
Thankfully I married a lovely girl who can cook, BUT there are times when she is NOT home and I must fend for myself.
It can get ugly. I actually cut myself cutting cucumbers the other day. Yup. Blood everywhere.
So clearly I need options that are pretty safe.
Apparently flapJacked heard my plea and invented Protein Pancakes!
If you can't read what it says on the package, let me clue you in: "Just Add Water"
Oh come again you may ask.
Yes, all you have to do is add mix and water.
Okay, even I can handle that amount of work.
Soooo let's see how it went.
1) Whisk 1 cup of mix with 1 cup of water until well blended.
1a) Let sit 3-5 minutes.
2) Heat griddle.
(Note: I am freakin' OWNING this pancake adventure thus far!)
3) Pour batter into 6-8 four inch pancakes.
Confession: I let the wife pour the pancake batter on the griddle. Look she made them the perfect size!!! #WorthIt
4) Cook.
Since we were working on the brinner theme (breakfast for dinner), I opted to add some turkey bacon on the griddle after the pancakes were done.
And verdict was????
Freakin' delicious!
We made these after I came in from an evening run so they were a perfect way to refuel. Yes I added a glass of low fat chocolate milk. But drank it too quickly for the pic. ;)
I went simple and made the buttermilk flavor, but flapJacked also offers Banana Hazelnut and Cinnamon Apple.
Besides being tasty, the whole process took about 15 minutes. So something I can make in a pinch for breakfast, lunch, brunch, dinner or brinner. ;)
For those counting Weight Watchers points, 2 pancakes (or 1/2 a cup of mix) is 5 PPV or 4 pancakes (1 cup of mix) is 10 PPV. Totally workable into your plan, especially as a way to refuel during a busy weekend.
I am excited to try out the other flavors in the next few weeks. PLUS, the website offers a ton of recipe ideas using all three flavors. Ummm there is something about chocolate chip pancakes on there and I am salivating on my laptop!
If you are thinking about trying flapJacked pancakes, use code WEIGHTOFFMYSHOULDERS for 20% off your order through May 31!!
Have you tried flapJacked pancakes?
(Disclosure: I received the product free as part of this review, but all thoughts are my own!)
On this episode of Dani Dishes, post-race blues - they are a real thing - and it's okay to take a week off to clear the mind & body! Also registration is open for the Strides Against Stroke virtual 5k HERE...
Oh this meme makes me happy every time I see it! AND it makes me miss the 90s/early 2000s. Those were the days. Now where are my overalls?
Okay getting sidetracked!
I have been launching some exciting things this week and realizing they are all over the place on the blog and throughout social media. Thanks to Three Things Thursday I can put them all in one place for you!
Let's do it!
1) May is National Stroke Awareness Month! In honor of this, I am hosting a virtual 5k - Strides Against Stroke - to benefit Tedy's Team and the American Stroke Association. With your $25 donation (through Paypal) you gain entry to the 5k (which you can run or walk or skip), a printable race bib and a Finsher's Medal (which I will mail to you)!
A virtual 5k takes place wherever you are, inside or outside, treadmill or elliptical between May 11-18. Once you complete the 5k, you would email me your time and picture (love those sweaty selfies).
It's as simple as that.
To register or for more information, click here.
2) Weight Off My Spring Dietbet is LIVE!
For those that don't know what dietbet is: read here.
Basically you put in $20, attempt to shed 4% of your body weight in 28 days (less now since it started April 28), and if you succeed you split the pot.
Right now we have 217 players and a pot of $4,340!
So do you want to put your money where your mouth is?
Then click here to sign up!
3) GIVEAWAY TIME!! I realized earlier in the week that I hadn't hosted a giveaway in about a month. You all need free awesome stuff!
Thanks to The Universe Knows I am giving away three great prizes: a mug, a hoodie and a journal.
Head over to the post to check out more info and to enter! Winner chosen May 8 at 7am ET!
Have a Happy Thursday!
On this episode of Dani Dishes, I am sharing my initial thoughts and reactions to April 21's Boston Marathon. Warning: there will be tears!
Being a member of Tedy's Team is an honor. One that I am reminded of every day. It becomes even more evident at the pasta party prior to the Boston Marathon, which happened last night. Hearing the stories of teammates - 5 who are Stroke Survivors that will be running on Monday. I run in honor of my Stroke Heroes - my grandparents - and for all others who have been affected by Stroke.
So when I surpassed the $5000 goal for the Boston Marathon I started to think what was next. I then realized (yes late to the game) that many of my teammates would be taking on the Nashville half or full marathon five days after Boston. The fundraising goal for that was $4500.
As I sat pondering the extra challenge, I made my final push for Boston by offering mile sponsorships. The generous donations came rolling in (which still leaves me speechless)!
Finally yesterday I made a decision. If I could hit the $8000 mark, I would make the announcement: 2 marathons in 5 days to Fight Stroke.
And then this happened...
So I am doing it. I am going to push my body and mind to a new limit in honor of my grandparents and those that can't run.
Since the mile sponsorship was well-received for Boston, we are taking it to Nashville too. Here are the details:
1) Head over to my donation page (here) and donate – $20 per mile
2) Comment on this blog post with which mile you would like to sponsor
3) Feel good about helping to Fight Stroke
Thank you all for your continued support as we head to Boston tomorrow and Nashville Saturday!!
EDIT: After the medical incidents at the Boston Marathon on April 21, I will be dropping to the half marathon in Nashville.
New fundraising update:
1 Holly Rhoades Johnson 2 Gramma 3 AK Stout 4 Joe Zorola 5 Mom & Dad 6 Jerilyn Goldberg 7 Dacia Root and Erick Larin 8 Carlee Padot McClurg 9 Chris Shuttlesworth 10 Katrina Pilkington 11 Jamie Falzone 12 Carissa Bealert 13 Cecilia Jones 13.1 My Stroke Heroes
Do you live in Boston? Do you read this blog? Ummm that is an awkward question since you are currently reading this sentence, but hey I have to ask anyway. Right?
Are you running the BAA 5k or Boston Marathon?
If you answered YES to any of those questions, well good for you.
That's it. I was just wondering.
Ahhh just kidding! ;)
It's meetup/tweetup time folks!!
I floated the idea out on the interwebs a few months back and folks seemed like they wanted to get on board. So here it is:
The Back Bay Social club is located right across the street from the expo so it is a GREAT location!
Will I see you there?
PS Special thanks to Linzie from See Sharp Run for coming up with the sweet hashtag!!
It's time for YOU the reader to let me know your thoughts!! That's right folks ... it is SURVEY TIME!! Woo!!
I know you take time out of your day to read my posts and I REALLY appreciate it.
So I am asking for just another minute or two for some feedback.
I love Weight Off My Shoulders - my little slice of the internet - and want to make sure it is the best that it can be.
It is as much for me as it is for you the readers so I want your needs answered as well.
Without further adieu, the survey!!
(Please note: the survey is 10 questions)
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.
Thank you all 1000 times over for taking time to complete this! :)
I'm high-fiving you right now if you didn't notice... hello?? You! Yes you I was high-fiving you and you totally dissed me.
Okay okay! Let's redo.
On this episode of Dani Dishes, it's time for an update from my "I'm struggling" post link below ... it's been one week and time to check in!! Blog (3/26)
Monday night is Spin night. I attend the 7:30pm class at the BSC (Boston Sports Club) near my house (Wellington Circle location) with my friends Lindsey and Beth. I look forward to it each week. The instructor Kim is amazing and has become a friend. Plus, she plays Willow Smith's Whip My Hair Back And Forth whenever I request it. I love that song and make sure to wear the hair in a ponytail rather than a bun for those classes.
Yesterday was Monday, which means last night was Monday night ... and Spin.
I counted down the hours til Spin all day long.
I clipped into the bike at 7:30pm and was ready to rock. Class started and the legs felt dead. You know you have those days, right?
Well it got into my head. As we are pushing through some jumps on a hill (thanks Kim! :P), I sat down from a jump, cranked the resistance up, put my head down and just pushed my legs as steady as I could.
The mind was wondering so I needed to work through what was happening.
As the legs felt heavy, this question popped into my head:
You may be wondering: was it the royal it or something specific?
In that moment in time, it was that little Half Ironman in September I signed up for - The Pumpkinman Half Ironman on September 7.
If I was having trouble focusing and pushing through a Spin class, how could I expect myself to get through that athletic feat.
It sets off a domino effect of questions:
*Why did you sign up for it?
*Why did you think you were strong enough to even consider attempting it?
*How could you waste so much hard earned money?
*Why does it feel like your friends have such an easier time with the training than you?
*If you are having a hard time waking up for runs now, how will you feel when the workouts double?
*Do you really expect to complete the feat?
*Just... why?
So this inner turmoil/debate is happening in my head during Spin class, the sweat from the intense intervals is mixing with tears. Was I seriously crying in Spin class? Why yes yes I was.
Cool kid award can be sent right here!
Now I wish this inner turmoil could just go away! Clearly me writing about it is my way to try and work through it. Since hey it rears its ugly head every time I sign up for my next big fitness goal.
But I own the fact that I am working on this and that it won't go away over night. It has been around for as long as I can remember.
That bugger named
When this little voice creeps in I just wanna yell: you're wrong!
It is a liar. I know I am nervous and anxious about tackling something so outside my comfort zone, but here's the thing - my comfort zone keeps expanding! I HAVE to keep looking outward or I will get stuck and complacent.
It's like the "old me" mindset is battling the "new me" mindset.
My $$$ is on the latter.
But in the meantime, I have to recognize the voice, allow the self doubt, but not let it take down my spirit or my drive.
There must be something in my subconscious that knows I will tackle any hurdle since I hit the "submit" button on the entry. :P
It is the same little voice that:
*pushed me through the door at Weight Watchers in November 2009
*understand I was worth happiness
*told me I needed to start this little slice of the internet
*I needed to share my story
*I could poke through the balloon that was my original comfort zone and keep expanding it
*moved my hand to sign up for 4 marathons (almost 5), half marathons, Dopey Challenge and my first triathlon
The little voice is there and getting louder. I just need to recognize that it is a process and I will have times where the little voice freaks out and the tears flow in the middle of a Spin class.
But in the end, the little voice won't lead me astray. It will lead me to the Finish Line ... and beyond!
My name is Dani and I am blogging out of the Boston Area. I started this blog in May of 2011 after suffering a back injury and subsequent back surgery in December 2011-January 2011. This space was to serve as a way for me to release the inner feelings I was carrying around and maybe help some other people going through similar situations: eating disorders, depression, weight loss and more.