"What Motivates You?"

Motivation ... the topic of this week at a Weight Watchers meeting near you! Throughout my journey, I've had any different motivators and still do today. Like I said with anchors, there is no one motivator that can work in EVERY situation (in my opinion).

I was sitting in my Weight Watchers meeting this morning when my Leader asked "What brought you in to Weight Watchers?"

You know the day I walked into WW seems like a lifetime ago with how much has changed in that time.

But, I can remember the day like it was yesterday...

I was SOOO miserable in my own body. I had no idea how my wife (girlfriend at the time) saw in me. I didn't see any of it in myself.

I walked through the doors of the church (the meeting was held in their big hall area) just before 6pm on Monday, November 2, 2009. (How about that for details? ;))

I remember meeting the wicked nice receptionist Sharon, who I still keep in touch with now, and seeing the big words in front of me:

Goal Weight

Wah? How could I have any idea what I would want to be at the end of this journey?

But, I knew. I wanted to be healthy. So I picked the absolute highest spot of the BMI for my height and made 164 my Goal Weight.


For two years, I used that thought to push me through the good times and the bad, the gains and the losses, the challenges and the easy days...

Someday I WILL be healthy I would tell myself. Someday!

And it worked. I did it. On November 8, 2011 (almost 2 years to the day from joining, I hit it: GOAL.

For the first time that I could remember, I was in the healthy weight range. Wow! What a feeling.

The dream that motivated me for so long was finally a reality.


But along the way additional motivators always came along for different situations:

*To head to the gym - desire to FINALLY fit into Lululemon clothing

*To go out for a training run - looking at my hanger full of race medals on my wall

*To avoid a certain fast food craving - remembering the last time I ate it and how it didn't taste good/wasn't worth the PointsPlus

*To stay on plan during a rough week - setting challenges on Twitter (#7daychip, #plankaday, etc)

After hitting Lifetime, goals change and here are some thoughts I had on that subject back in March.


What pushes you to keep going on this journey of weight loss?


I think we all figured out that my April was NOT up to par. I would be on plan for like 3 or 4 days then go off the wagon - so to speak - for three or four days. There was no rhyme or reason to what I was doing. I let my will power take a vacation to some warm tropical location, while I ran around like someone who has their issues with food under control. THANKFULLY you all kept me more on track than I would've been. I thank you for being there while I fought to get back on track ... and failed.

Overall in April, I had a BLAST. Lots of time with good friends, good beers and good food ... but, I ended up gaining just under 2 lbs.

NOT what I had planned.

But, this is the time to buckle down and figure out how to be on plan, while being social.

I am using the month of May as a time to get "BACK TO ME" - time to focus on my needs, my health and for now, the number on the scale.

I seem to work better when having a goal or challenge in mind - I think back to how I kicked BUTT in December because of my Dynamic December challenge.


So here is what I am looking to accomplish during #MarvelousMay:

1) #plankaday - This has been life changing for me. I am not one for crunches, especially with my back injury, so this is a great way to get some core work in without sitting and doing a bunch of crunches - I don't want to do - on the floor.

This program was started by Dr. Sherry Pagoto (@drsherrypagoto) and is open to interpretation. For me, I started with doing a 60 second forearm plank every day for a week. The next week I upped it by 5 seconds and did 65 second forearms planks every day for a week. I did 5 second increments until I could hold a forearm plank for 4 minutes - yes! I can hold a plank for 4 minutes. Ahhh, I never thought that was possible.

Once, I hit that goal I switched up my planks. Last week, I did one 2 minute forearm plank and a 1 minute side plank on both sides every day. I like to keep my core guessing each day what I will do. :)

I am going to continue to do my #plankaday every day. I am enjoying the versatility and loving the #plankaday community.

2) #back2basics - I think this is a great challenge and timely for me as I am trying to get back into the swing after flip flopping back and forth in April. I also like this challenge (started by Colleen - @tryn2bfit) because it again leaves the choice of what you focus on up to the individual. I think that is a great way to keep people's attention and driven when they are working on something extremely personal.

For me, I will be focusing on hitting all 6 of the Weight Watchers Healthy Guidelines. Every day of the month I will be sure to have my required amounts of liquids (water), fruits/veggies, vitamins, dairy, healthy oils & exercise. I am pumped.

3) #30daychip - I owe a lot of success to the man that created the #7daychip/#30daychip program: Brad Gansberg (@bradgansberg). He has been a great motivator and has gotten me back on track more times than I can count.

This is yet another great challenge that you set for yourself. I have done a few different #7daychip topics, which you can see here.

The basic premise is to do something healthy for seven consecutive days ... or if you are feeling like you want a real challenge you can go for 30 or 100 days.

For this, #30daychip (which would be my second) I am looking to track my food every day. That means: log it into Weight Watchers eTools, write it up as a food log post on my blog and Facebook/Tweet it out.

4) #100ozchallenge – This is actually the first challenge that I started on my own! I have had at times upwards of 50 people participating. Woo! I feel wicked cool. Okay, that wasn’t cool. Dammit!

Anyway, this is a pretty simple challenge: drink at least 100oz water a day. That’s it. Keep yourself hydrated during the winter months. I just saw on twitter today that “Dehydration can cause ageing & can slow down metabolism as much as 3%” – I am here to not let that happen! Stay hydrated!!


So today is Day One, I am refocusing and getting back to my Number One Priority: ME!

What will you be doing to make May the best month of 2012 thus far and rock your own #MarvelousMe challenge?

I'm Honored...

I was completely honored when Dr. Sherry Pagoto, creator of my favorite twitter challenge - plankaday, asked me to be part of her "Real Life Biggest Losers" series. Wow!

I still don't see myself as someone deserving of such a cool title, but I was eager to chat with her so I could share my journey with others. Because if I help one person with something I have gone through and shared then I have completed my mission.

She entitled the piece "From Weight Watchers client to employee" and I love it. I really have come so far through this journey ... which will never end.

I am along for the ride and loving it.

So in case you missed the link on Facebook or Twitter, here it is again:

Check it out


1000 Seconds of Planks

I really cannot believe how awesome this week has been! I am feeling truly blessed... Well the amazing week was capped off with this blog's Facebook page hitting 1,000 likes! Wow! What a cool thing to have happen. Well I had made the pledge that when it hit 1,000 likes that I would plank for 1,000 seconds ... and today it finally happened!

Thanks to my videographer (and wife) here is my first ever video post. I hope you enjoy :)


Truth Tuesday - 0.4 lb Loss

Hello All! Well after a two week hiatus from the scale I am back and going to remain coming back each week. I have realized I am not the type of person that can handle once a month weigh-ins. Have we figured out I am slightly OCD and very "right brained"? ;) Anywho... I got back to business this week after slacking the week before after hitting Lifetime. I had a bit of a good old food meltdown on Thursday, which kicked my smaller booty into gear! So Thursday through Monday I was ON, I mean each day I: hit all 6 of my Weight Watchers Healthy Guidelines, worked out min 30 min, hit my DPT of 26, hit 100oz of water, did my #plankaday and tracked/blogged/Tweeted/Facebook my Food Log. And can I tell you all something? I felt amazing! I felt like I had just started WW all over again. That fun feeling in the beginning where you are all bright eyed and bushy tailed and eager. I felt satisfied, accomplished and just overall in control. Now I know I am not keeping this up forever since we know I love those 49 weekly points, I mean 49 wine points, too much not to use them. But it was a little check I needed to do.

(Note: The best part of this week was that I didn't beat myself up over what happened on Thursday. I woke up the next morning and instead of beating myself up, I came up with a game plan of how to get myself back on track and stuck to it. The old me would've called myself every name under the sun and said if I messed up this day why not just say "To Hell" with the rest of the week. New me? NOPE! I said it is a NEW DAY and I moved on. I give myself a *Bravo* for that!)

And boy did it help! I lost 0.4 lbs (which doesn't seem like a lot to some people), but I am in the maintenance time of my life so that little loss was what I needed to be back to my goal weight exactly. When I hit Lifetime I was 0.4 lbs above it. I mean that is nothing, plus for WW standards I just need to remain within 153-157 lbs.

For my psyche, it just ended a streak of three-consecutive gains, which I don't think I had ever experienced before.


Today: Loss 0.4

Starting Weight: 217.4

Today’s Weight: 155.0

Total Lost: 62.4


The implosion on Thursday was exactly what I needed to snap my slacker self back to reality. I was slowly slipping back to old habits that had brought me to Weight Watchers in the first place and I didn't like it.

So now I am happy to be back on the upswing, each week, each day, each meal will not be perfect, but I will work to be the best I can be. :)

I have found a WW meeting of my own to attend (Tuesday 10am in Malden) and could not be happier. It is so nice to take your WW receptionist hat off for an hour and get back to why you joined in the first place - to be a member and to feel involved in the meeting.

I cannot put in to words how much happier I am now that I have my own meeting to attend and I am falling back into a nice pattern. My Tuesday has now become my favorite day of the week ... and also my "Super WW" day. How you may ask? Well, here is the rundown:

6am Spinning with my girl Jess - aka Last Chance Workout

7am Weigh-in on Home Scale

8am Weigh-in officially at WW Boston Store with Alverson

8:15am Grab my much needed Dunkin Iced Coffee ;)

10am Attend my now weekly WW meeting with Heather

Noon-3:45 Me time - blog/run errands/chill with the pups/unwind

4pm Head to work

5-8pm Work the 6pm WW meeting and open hours

How about that for a powerful/motivating/positive day?


After chatting/emailing with my Territory Manager (Elaine) today and sitting with my WW coach (who will help me with the training to be a Leader), I just know I made the right decision this year. I feel so happy to call Weight Watchers my home. Helping, teaching, listening, cheering, consoling and motivating people in such an important and personal journey is an honor to me!

I thank you all for helping me see that! You have all given me the strength to make the Leap with your support and encouragement...

#7daychip - Number Nine

I like that I am now collecting #7daychips the way I collect race medals ;) For this chip, I made the following commitment:

1) To hit the 5 Weight Watchers Food Healthy Guidelines each day

2) To complete at least one plank per day (#plankaday)

3) To drink at least 100oz of water per day (#100ozchallenge)

4) To write down/track everything I ate each day - even if I didn't figure out the PP value, I at least had to fess up to what I ate my writing it down, blogging it & Facebook/Tweeting it.

Truth Tuesday - LIFETIME

After I weighed in last week, all I could think about was hitting Lifetime today. I knew I had to be focused and stay on plan. I did that ... until Friday. Friday night I had plans to go out with friends and did my prep work. I looked at the restaurant's menu (Wagamama) and did the best I could to decipher the points since they don't have their nutrition facts on the site. I picked a good sesame chicken salad and some edamame. I figured it would be filling and yummy. I felt confident when I left the house on Friday and then... ... the entire plan went out the window!

The wife and I got to the restaurant early so we had a couple beers then I checked in to the bar on Foursquare and they offered us a half-priced appetizer. Yup! I fell for it hook line and sinker! So we split an app ... then since I had a couple beers what were a few more. Needless to say that night was not one of my finest eating moments.

Not sure this happens to other people, but once I have a bad night  - the whole next day turns in to a disaster.

So Friday and Saturday were horrible. All I kept thinking was I was putting myself in the wrong direction from Lifetime. So Sunday morning I got back on track and hit the gym for an awesome Spin class with Linds and Jen. Sunday night I still went a tad over points because my wife brought this garlic ciabatta bread in to the house to have with our spaghetti squash. But, overall I called Sunday a win in my book since I worked out and got all my healthy checks in.

Monday was right on point - I worked out, hit all WW Healthy Guidelines and stuck to 26 pts.

So that brings us to this morning. I got on the scale before heading to Spin and did NOT like what I saw. I saw a number that would put me out of reach of Lifetime. I made sure to give 150% during Spin and thankfully my friend Jess (the instructor) delivered with an awesome class. I got home and did my usual home weigh-in before the actual WW weigh-in. Well I saw a better number after Spin, but still not one that I liked.

But, you all know when I weigh in so there was no way I could skip out. I just had to face the music. My wife came with me for moral support and to act as photog if I hit Lifetime. I stepped on the scale and ... I took a deep breathe and prayed to see a number between 153-157 ...

I gained 0.6 lbs. That's it. Phew! That put me at 155.4 lbs - just 0.4 lbs over my goal weight - and in perfect position for LIFETIME!!


Today: Gain 0.6

Starting Weight: 217.4

Today’s Weight: 155.4

Total Lost: 62.0












OMG! OMG! I did it. I honest and truly made it to the moment I dreamed about on November 2, 2009. The moment I thought would never be in my realm of possibility on that first night of Weight Watchers. But, you know what? I did do it. I stuck with it.












I love this smile and am happy it hasn't left my face yet today...

I told my Territory Manager Elaine that I wanted to create my own "Biggest Loser Finale" type moment when I hit Lifetime status. Thankfully she approved and that is how the above happened. :) I am wicked happy that I decided to go this route and bring my own confetti to the weigh-in.

Lifetime means more to me than hitting Goal. I proved to myself that I could maintain a weight within my goal weight for six weeks - even with a 1,000 mile move, career change and basically a complete change in my life.



































This morning really made me think back to this journey and how I don't even recognize the person I was when I first stepped in to my Weight Watchers meeting on November 2, 2009. I was a sad - lonely - unhappy - and scared person. I was able to put on quite a front to the outside world, but inside was a whole different person.

But now? Now I see the good. I see the happiness in life. I am proud of the person I have become. I am happy with the person I am now. I have shown myself - and others - that I can accomplish anything I put my mind to. I am stronger than I thought I was. I am a fighter. I am a success story.













Today, I am living in the moment and enjoying all of my accomplishments. But, what will come tomorrow? Tomorrow I will continue to keep my eye on the new prize ... maintaining! Now that I have reached this milestone, I vow not to return to old habits. For me, this time - the weight loss will stick. There is no going back.

Thankfully, I have one incredible support system - in person, through social media and within my new Weight Watchers work family - that will continue to motivate and push me towards success.

I may falter. I may fall off the healthy lifestyle/Weight Watchers wagon at times ... but thankfully every one of you will be there to pick me back up and put me back on track. And for that, I thank you all. You have all touched my journey in a positive light and for that I am eternally grateful.

I am reminding myself today - and every day - that I am human. I am not perfect. But, picking myself up and never looking back, will allow me to keep succeeding.


So today, I relish in my accomplishment. I will allow myself to flood in the compliments and love being thrown at me from all directions. I am bottling it all up to keep with me on the dark days. I am saying to myself...

Non-Scale Victories

When I started my weight loss journey in November 2009, I honestly thought the only thing that mattered would be the number on the scale. Wow...

... Was I wrong.

In the beginning, sure. I focused just on what the scale was saying and that is how I judged my mood for the week. Being completely honest, I had a breakdown when I had my first gain. It was only 1.2 lbs, but up til that point I had lost each week. It was at that point, I had to re-evaluate my priorities.

I was doing Weight Watchers to create a healthier lifestyle for myself. I didn't want to be the unhappy person I was inside anymore. I was working through the program for more than dropping the pounds.

As the scale fluctuated with life (especially in 2010 when I was much more lax with my tracking/commitment/etc) and I got frustrated with that, I looked to other things that were still plusses and positives to look for to help me continue on.

I think I can actually remember the Non-Scale Victories (NSV) more than the weight milestones.

Some of my favorite non-scale victories in the last two-plus years:

1) Getting outside of my comfort zone and trying classes at the gym that I wouldn't normally have tried on my own: Spinning, Zumba, Hip Hop, Yoga, Pilates, etc.

2) Being able to buy pants in a decreasing order! I started wearing a size 18 and I just bought a pair of size 8 pants two weeks ago. I remember how excited I was when I got back into a size 12 - that felt amazing - so you can only imagine how the size 10 then size 8 pants experience felt.

3) I was able to wear a dress in Hawaii without having to squeeze into a pair of Spanx! I hadn't worn a dress without Spanx in years...

4) Being able to fit into clothes at the Lululemon Athletica clothing. It was a goal of mine for so long so the first time it actually happened ... I cried! And now I'm not even the biggest size in the store anymore. :)

5) Sitting on a plane or train and not spilling over into the seat next to mine.  I can sit in those seats now and have room to spare.

6) I don't hide from the camera like I used to. Prior to WW, I would hide behind other people in photos - turn to the side - or hide behind my friends so only my head would show. If I was sitting on a couch, I would make sure to strategically place a pillow in my lap to cover my stomach.

7) Learning to complete and enjoy filling the WW Healthy Guidelines on a daily basis. Now my body craves fruits and veggies...

8) I am more confident in my running. I have worked hard and it is paying off. I am posting times and splits I never through imaginable. I signed up for another marathon (first was in September 2006) and I never thought I would do that again.

9) CONFIDENCE! I was never a very confident person unless at work. I always felt a sense of myself and confidence when in "work mode," but outside of work, I was much more timid and shy. But now, I know I am stronger and worth more than I used to give myself credit for.

...and one of the biggest NSV of them all?

10) I like myself now. I don't love everything about myself since I think there is always room for improvement. But, my old feelings of wanting to "hurt myself" or the "this world would be better without me" thoughts, have completely gone away. (More on this topic next week)


So please, when you see a standstill on the scale, don't give up. Think of how this journey has impacted the rest of your life. Think of how positively your changes have not only affected you, but the people around you.











What is your favorite NSV?

My Journey Is My Journey

I am 100% proud of what I have accomplished thus far in my weight loss journey. I thank Weight Watchers for giving me the kick in the butt I really needed. Okay I guess I need to thank my friends for taking that dreadful picture of me on Halloween 2009 that gave me the kick in the butt I needed to make a change. I could never have imagined I would have achieved as much success as I have in the last two-plus years. I have reached my weight goal, lost 63 lbs, rekindled my love of running, found a love in Spinning, tried foods I would've never thought to try, liked foods I have never thought I would like, shared my story with the world through social media, started this blog (or my little slice of the web), been featured in a magazine, started to really like the person I am and yet ...

I have always thought I could do - or be - more.

How could I not compare myself to the others around me?

Well I may have lost 63 lbs with Weight Watchers, but what about the man that lost over 300 lbs. He should be working and representing Weight Watchers over me. I haven't had as much success as him - or have I?

Why did TimeOut Chicago want to share my story when the guy on the cover lost over 200 lbs and is a Vegan. Over 200 lbs, amazing? Giving up steak? Commendable. What did I do? I lost jsut over 60 lbs and didn't give up a single food I liked. Heck yeah I still drink beer and eat french fries.

Who am I to be writing a blog? What information do I have to impart on the world? Do people really want to read what is going through my mind on any given day? Why choose my blog when there are such better writers out there.

Why must I always compare my life - my journey - my accomplishments to those around me? Why? Because that is what society does. It seems as if it is second nature in this day and age to immediately compare what you have done to someone else.


This topic is something I think about often, but was brought back to the forefront when a woman came in to Weight Watchers to weigh-in and lost 1.5 lbs. A-freakin-mazing. But she was upset. Why? The woman before her lost 5 lbs that week and she wished she had lost that much. But the truth? She didn't need to lose 5 lbs that week. She was much closer to her goal and didn't have as much to lose. It was just the fact that she wanted that big of a loss.

I turned to her and said - each person's journey is their own.

We need to remember this ... I need to remember this.


Everyone is unique. Every person is on their own journey in life. We need to stop looking to others to judge our accomplishments and to celebrate what we do. Every. Single. Thing.

Okay, I need to stop looking to others to rate whether my accomplishment is really all that great.

I should really be proud of the weight that I have lost. Hey 63 lbs is nothing to scoff at. Do I wish I could say I lost 100 lbs? Sure. But, I never had 100 lbs to lose. So it isn't an attainable, realistic goal in my life.

I have improved my 5k time from 38:21 to 25:27. What a difference, right? I have cut 13 minutes off my 5k time in a seven year span. But, would I like to run a 5k in 21 minutes? Of course, but that may not be something in my DNA. It may not be in my grasps.

I am 100% a perfect person to work for Weight Watchers. I love to share my journey (as we can see) with others and want to listen/help/aid/cheer and just be part of others who are doing the same thing. It doesn't matter if you need to lose 5 lbs or 100 lbs. I am the person is taking the steps to be part of a healthy lifestyle - that is the real journey!

I need to try to top myself and stop trying to top someone else's accomplishments.


I am making a pact today to continue to celebrate my journey ... but to STOP saying they aren't enough. That I cannot share what I have accomplished because it isn't as great as someone else's best.

I will be happy with the best I do ... but where to start?

My next big milestone is hitting Lifetime with Weight Watchers. I am hoping it will happen on February 21st. If it does, I am vowing to shout it from the rooftops. But to start, I will throw some confetti in the air and give myself as much as a Biggest Loser Finale moment as I can get! Get ready ... I will be sharing that moment! :)