Three Things Thursday: Gone For A Run Virtual 10k, Hill Repeats & #30DaysOfPositivity Check-in

Oh hey hey folks!! How is it Thursday already? I mean seriously. It was Monday morning and I was getting an awesome massage after a big training weekend, I blink my eyes and BAM it's Thursday! I mean I am not complaining it's just what happens when you are having one of those weeks. I mean I'm swamped so I'll take and I am counting down to a relaxing weekend.

But first?

Three Things Thursday! Enjoy! ;)


1) Gone For A Run Virtual 10k


Time to log off, shut down, and GO RUN --- after you finish reading this post of course!

You know I love me some virtual races! They are super easy to take part in. Just sign up (registration is $30), receive your race packet in the mail, and complete the 6.2 miles on the course of your choice during the race window (April 24-26), and receive a Finisher's medal!


Race packet includes a race shirt (either a Women's Athletic Tank Top or a Men's Lifestyle Tee), Finisher medal, real race bib and a car magnet. In order to receive your race packet in time for the race, register by April 14th. Note: Your race medal will ship separately but will arrive before race day.

For even more fun, post your race recap on Gone For A Run's Facebook page to be eligible to win great raffle prizes.

Raffle prizes include the following Gone For A Run items, all featuring original Log Off Shut Down Go Run artwork: 1) BibFOLIO Plus: All-In-One Race Bib and Medal Display 2) Hooked On Medals Medal Hanger 3) Medal Hook 4) Beach Towel 5) Decorative Throw Pillow

Are you in? Register HERE.


2) Hill Repeats

I did my hill repeats today in a tank top and shorts. You read that right folks. I, Dani, in Boston did hill repeats in a tank top and shorts.


Like there was this orb in the sky - I think you all know what it is called, but I don't want to put it down because I don't want to scare it away. ;)

The hill repeats were tough today, but not as tough as the set last week. Now that could mean I am getting stronger OR it was just a lucky day. Let's go with the former, shall we?

Now the hill in my neighborhood isn't the right distance for hill repeats so I double the number on the schedule to make it work. So today I did 14 trips up/down the hill in my neighborhood.

My poor neighbors had to watch my pasty white legs go up and down that hill over and over again. I think some of the people who drove by me were actually blinded by the paleness. I swear I saw one guy put his sunglasses on at one point.

I did an easy warm-up and cool down run to bookend the hill repeats. After yesterday's run was cut short due to dizziness it felt good to have a strong performance today.

Plus I put some of the moves Golden from Altra Running taught us during the Runner's World half Festival in October. I kept a proud posture - meaning chest pushes out and shoulders back - and I kept my arms tight to my side and pumped them back and forth without letting the elbow go past the side of my body. It really helped!! Thanks Golden! :)


3) #30DaysOfPositivity Challenge

Today will mark Day 10 of the #30DaysOfPositivity Challenge and I am really glad I started this. Now it is still a bit of a struggle to come up with 3 positives each night BUT I like ending my day on a happy note. It is also making me really stop and take a little me time, which seems so rare these days.

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It has also been great seeing other folks get on board and take some "ME" time. Seeing the hashtag on Twitter and Instagram is super inspiring!! So if you haven't joined in yet - feel free to do so. YOU are worth the time it takes to come up with 3 positives a day! I promise you it will lift your spirits up!

Are you in?


Happy Friday Eve Everyone!! :)