Mmmm Popchips Tortilla Chips...

I loooove Popchips, especially the BBQ flavor. They are super delicious and just 3 PP for a serving. A win-win in my book. :) Well I heard rumors that Popchips was coming out with their own version of the classic tortilla chips.

To say my interest was piqued is an understatment.

Then I got the word that I would be able to try them before they hit the shelves in Boston (insert loud squeal from me) ... thanks Popchips Boston!!! :)

So one morning I woke up to one of the best deliveries EVER ... a box of samples!!


Ooohh I love a good triangle...

Oohhh I spy a chip clip! Score!

There are four flavors available: Chili Limon, Salsa, Ranch and Nacho Cheese.

All looking pretty yummy...

I tried the Ranch flavor first. Okay people, these are now my latest addiction. They tasted like a Cool Ranch Doritos and I was saadd when the bag was empty.

The Nacho Cheese (not pictured because I ate them too quickly ;)) were great and very similar taste to a Baked Doritos. I love chips that don't leave too much residue on my fingers.

I am not a Chili Limon person so I had the wife try them and she was definitely satisfied.

The final bag to be tested - but certainly not last - was Salsa ... these packed a punch in my opinion. I found them on the spicier side, while the wife thought they were just right. Either way we both liked them.

But I love that they are definitely a perfect blend of tortilla and pop chip. They basically take like a raised tortilla. So they made me feel like I was getting more than just a chip. It was just that little extra that I want in a chip.

Now, I must wait and wait until they are available in the Boston area ... oh wait, here comes - BRING IT!! :)